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For instance, I am expecting a tax return check and my name isn't going to be correct on it. It's only like one letter that was mispelled in my first name.
Even though my social security is correct, is it possible to still cash my check with no problems? ORRR do I just have to wait six months, get the check, tell them there's a mistake, correct the mistake, send the forms BACK in, and then wait six more months for my return?

Can I just call them and tell them the mistake? Will I get in trouble if I fill out a NEW set of forms even though they have my old ones on record?

2007-03-31 19:02:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Taxes United States

On the original W-2 that was sent in the mail, my name was correct. I went online and did my taxes, and had the form printed out so that it could be mailed out. On the form that needed to be mailed out, my name was incorrect.

Is it okay that the original W-2 had my correct name but the one that was printed out didn't?

2007-04-02 08:14:14 · update #1

3 answers

If your name is spelled wrong on a W-2, don't worry about it, just go ahead and file.

If you filed your tax return online and spelled your name wrong there and it was rejected, you can make the correction and just resubmit it. If you've already filed by mail with your name misspelled, don't just send another form.

If your name is spelled wrong on the check, sign the back with the misspelling, then with the correct spelling, and you shouldn't have any trouble cashing it.

2007-03-31 19:34:35 · answer #1 · answered by Judy 7 · 1 0

Is your name correct on your w2's ? If so just fill out the top of the tax form and don't use the preprinted label. If not you have a bigger issue becuse your employer screwed up as well and you will need a corrected w2

2007-03-31 19:11:36 · answer #2 · answered by asccaracer 5 · 0 0

i had my name spelled wrong on a tax check once...they still cashed it with proper proof of my id....may have been a bit different because of it being a joint return, hubby's name and mine

2007-03-31 19:40:14 · answer #3 · answered by witchway915 3 · 0 0