we assume that this life is the only thing we have, so would'nt we want to make the world a better place knowig its all we have, as opposed to christians, who would be more concerned with the afterlife than atheists? considering they have no obligation to do so, all they have to do is 'accept jesus', thats is.
24 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
keep in mind that christians think this planet is just a tool that god will dispose of in the near future anyway.
13:23:13 ·
update #1
Honestly, it's really up to the person himself. I am an atheist (save the hate speech plese) and I am more concerned with things like the economy and health then the environment.
2007-03-31 13:11:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, this can pretty much be proven with simple observation. The Christian religion tends to teach dominion over the earth, which encourages a mindset of "we can use it however we want." Since the focus is on the afterlife rather than this life, there's no reason to be too concerned if you're a Christian. Add to that the fact that some extremist Christians believe that the world is going to end in their lifetime, and the fact that most information on the environment comes from the same evil scientists that are bent on "disproving" their sacred doctrines, and yes, there is very little religious reason for a Christian to be compelled to care about the environment. Certain Christian individuals might, but the religion itself doesn't do much to encourage it.
2007-03-31 20:22:09
answer #2
answered by Technopygmalion 3
I don't think being Christian or any other religion or non-religion has much to do with this. I'm not baptized to a certain religion and I'm not an Atheist but that doesn't mean I don't care about the well being of animals and other forms of life as well as the environmental state of this planet. I think it all comes down to the person's morals and if they've been taught respect and love for life.
2007-03-31 20:10:57
answer #3
answered by ☆Bombastic☆ 5
Well, scientists know that the earth will burn in 5 billion years when our sun becomes a red giant and also that mass extinctions due to asteroids are probable over earth's history so science can help predict what's going to happen and what they need to do in order to preserve the earth in the future...
But It generally doesn't help if you're religion tells you earth is 6,000 years old and all the species like dinosaurs and humans "co-mingled" in the Garden of Eden. And there's "the animals are yours" freedom and the fear that Tribulations will happen. So those don't necessarily help the environment at all.
Trust a scientist or engineer to fix problems. They like to use facts. The earth is a planet. The scientific method helps us understand what it actually is.
One can have any belief in still care about the environment, but not knowing the facts can be devastating in the long run.
2007-03-31 20:10:59
answer #4
answered by Dalarus 7
I would disagree with this question. As a Christian we are called to be good stewards of all that God has given us. Everything is created and owned by God. He just allows us to us it. Therefore we should leave it in better shape than we found it.
Now that doesn't mean that we are suppose to live a life of poverty. We are to use our resources wisely and to not be wasteful. We are to be obedient to God in everything. Look at Ephesians 2:8-10. Everything comes from God, our salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, but that faith even came from God, and we are to do the works that He (God) set out for us before the beginning of time.
The atheist only has his own rules by which to live and those rules cannot be as loving as God's love. God gave us a way to have eternal life. We are only asked to trust His son Jesus Christ. Then and only then to show that trust in Jesus, we are to be obedient to God's commands. Doing good works cannot give us eternal life because we can't be that good. So we can't earn our way to Heaven, that comes from God's love. Jesus said that we will be known by our fruits.
2007-03-31 20:21:48
answer #5
answered by Remember Back 3
Well you can't lump all Christians, or anyone for that matter, into neat categories. But.. a majority of fundamentalist Christians believe that the Earth is here for the pillaging and raping. They are the "chosen" and are allowed to exploit Gods resources. This thinking stems for the Right Wing (might is right) thinking of most Anglo-Saxon culture. The exploitation of land etc is a right of the mightiest. Its a fundamentalist Christians view pointed that has been integrated by right wings people who have hijacked the feeble minded.
2007-03-31 20:16:51
answer #6
answered by Satanic Panic 2
I was with you up to the last line. I get your point and yes I agree this world is more of a friend to those who do not believe in God its all you have. Those who accept Christ are accepting the atonement and it is what changes them but not necessarily to caring for the world but for your eternal salvation.
2007-03-31 20:16:17
answer #7
answered by djmantx 7
I'm an Atheist and i see that Christians care as much about Earth as we do. There are people in most religions that dont care but not all.
2007-03-31 20:11:48
answer #8
answered by Krayden 6
Being a Christian is not just saying, "I believe in Jesus," it's about trying to grow closer to Him, and be the kind of person He wants you to be. We're supposed to care about what we do on earth; He cares about what we do; He cared about what He did. If anything, it's my faith that makes me want to make the world a better place.
2007-03-31 20:16:30
answer #9
answered by corny 3
well we believe we are given stewardship over the earth. once listen to a park ranger give his testimony . he talked about how a christian group had a function at the park and how they left the park as clean as they found it. he found this different since he said that it us ally left a mess. even by envirmental groups. just got a 6 year old in the house how likes sponge bob where bob and Patrick just get in a fight. switch over to TBN and they have a song about recycling.
2007-03-31 20:33:24
answer #10
answered by rap1361 6