Here's part of an article published recently regarding marijuana and lung cancer. Interestingly, Dr. Tashkin set out to prove, once and for all, that marijuana causes lung cancer. The study not only did not prove his theory, it rather resoundingly disproved it, and his conclusion was that marijuana may act to prevent lung cancer.
Study Finds No Link Between Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer
SAN DIEGO—People who smoke marijuana—even heavy, long-term marijuana users—do not appear to be at increased risk of developing lung cancer, according to a study to be presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference on May 23rd.
Marijuana smoking also did not appear to increase the risk of head and neck cancers, such as cancer of the tongue, mouth, throat, or esophagus, the study found.
The findings were a surprise to the researchers. “We expected that we would find that a history of heavy marijuana use—more than 500-1,000 uses—would increase the risk of cancer from several years to decades after exposure to marijuana,” said the senior researcher, Donald Tashkin, M.D., Professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in Los Angeles.
Note to Notyour B: Cannabis contains MANY different cannabinols, and THC over time breaks down into a cannabinol. This is what is stored in the liver, and it cannot, at any time, get you high without smoking or otherwise ingesting additional cannabis. There is no such thing as a marijuana "flashback." As for your 30% THC content; that, too, is merely propaganda that DARE folks would love for you to believe. Yes, THC levels have increased through selective breeding for that trait, but the average is still well under 20%, as compared to 30 years ago when average was about 3-4% for what was considered "good" weed. Some figures from a study of THC content of cannabis siezed by law enforcement from 1974 through 1994 show that THC levels averaged less than 1% in 1974 and just over 4% in 1994. What the increased THC levels actually mean is that today a person needs to smoke far less to achieve the same effect. Pot smokers tend to smoke to effect, and better quality weed just means you smoke less than in years past.
2007-04-02 11:06:10
answer #1
answered by CS 6
I can't even begin to address all the idiotic answers on this page. Dealers do not "dust' weed that costs 10 a gram with any narcotics that cost 50 a gram, that makes no economic sense. This idea came from "friends" smoking dusted weed with their buddies and then blaming it on the dealers when in fact... the "friends" did it.
Weed has MANY less harmful toxins in it than cigarettes... check out the ingredients in cigs sometime. Weed has ONE ingredient.....WEED.
Onto the question, anything burned releases carcinogens... so yes, if you smoke 30 joints daily for many years it will probably greatly increase your chances of lung cancer. Then again, living in a city with a lot of cars and buses will too. It's a hard question whether smoking has ever "given" anyone lung cancer because there are plenty of smokers who die of old age and there are non-smokers who develop lung cancer and die in their 40's.
If you want to smoke it, I truly believe that is your right as a human being, regardless of law. If you are worried, grow your own with organic ferts and smoke from a vaporizer or water pipe. Be warned it will make you lazy and unambitious....NOT stupid though, I hate that accusation because I smoked 5X a day for about 15 yrs and can still beat any of you straight edges at a game of scrabble. ;)~
2007-03-31 17:09:54
answer #2
answered by mike h 3
Cannabis does contain a very powerful anti-oxidant called cannabinol. It is believed to be one of the most powerful natural anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants are protective against cancer, so this stuff is not completely without sense.
However, today's weed has been selected for its contents in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical that causes you to go high, and not for cannabinol, the good anti-oxidant. As a result, today's weed contains an average 30% THC/weight compared with 1% THC/weight 30 years ago. Most people will mix it with tobacco to be able to withstand it. So is it really so good anymore ?
Moreover, high concentrations of THC in the blood will not be metabolized but stored in the liver to be freed back in periods of fasting, which can be highly problematic when you dont expect it (ex.: when driving...:-( :-( :-( ). The regular consumption of high doses of THC will also cause underdevelopment of the left side of the brain and low production of serotonin... So use with moderation, for your own health.
CS: I got those numbers from hydroponic production cannabis, which is what is sold (mainly) where I live. That one is known for its ultra-high concentration of THC (around 30%) and has to be mixed before consumption... Anyway all people I know who use it mix it with tobacco, in a 1/3 cannabis 2/3 tobacco ratio. And yes sorry you were right THC is metabolized but not exactly to cannabinol, the main anti-oxidant, but rather as other (hydroxylated) cannabinoids. 'tetrahydro' means that two double-bonds were hydrogenated, and the reverse transfo. is unheard of in a biological system (and indeed in chemistry at all). Hydroxylated means that the 'OH' group is added to make it more water-soluble, and eventually excrete it.
2007-04-02 08:47:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The latest research has conclusively demonstrated once and for all that marijuana does NOT cause lung cancer. In point of fact, marijuana smokers experience a lower incidence of cancer than NON-SMOKERS.
2007-04-07 05:46:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Bob Marley died of like three kindsa cancer none of which were lung....I have many friends young and old who only smoke the green none of them have an lung issues. SO TOKE IT UP!
2007-03-31 13:07:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
cannabis contains more carcinogenic chemicals than tobacco.
your claims can be made so sound good, but due to the fact that the very very high majority of people who smoke cannabis use tobacco with it, it's easy to falsify statistics about these people.
2007-03-31 12:59:08
answer #6
answered by shoby_shoby2003 5
Lung cancer is an equal opportunity sickness. It can affect anybody. Don't help it along.
2007-03-31 13:20:24
answer #7
answered by TedEx 7
It's possible.. marijuana doesn't cause cancer, but it doesn't prevent it either
2007-03-31 12:59:23
answer #8
answered by ........ 5
Yes, for sure . Marijuana has more harmful toxins in it than tobacco plus all these drug dealers dust pot with other substances to make you even more addicted.
2007-03-31 13:45:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no they dont live long enough.
2007-03-31 13:13:18
answer #10
answered by doddkimberly 3