Revelation 1:8 states:
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "the one who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty."
Alpha is the fist letter of the Greek alphabet. Omega is the last letter.
God is revealing the truth that He (or She) is eternal. He has been here from before the beginning (the alpha) and will be here after the end (the omega).
God is also with us for every step along the way.
With love in Christ.
2007-04-03 06:49:23
answer #1
answered by imacatholic2 7
It is strange to ask a question that has variables that are not defined. What I am saying is that one must first discover the nature of God (what He/Her/It is made of) to ask what created God. The good news is that we actually do know what created/creates everything that is, from a scientific perspective anyway. The universe according to the latest research is not constructed out of anything tangible but is made out of energy, which in turn is created using nothing more than information (thoughts). So, this being a proven scientific fact and not just a theory would suggest that ideas, and not some invisible daddy, is what is responsible for all creation. This does not mean that science has proof that there is no God; it only means that science has proof that God is not what the religious organizations have been teaching He is all these years. A thought is created by other thoughts, so originally God was created out of nothing.....a thought can literally be formed out of nothing you see, but once it becomes a part of creation, it can never be undone....originally there was only one portion of information, and from this came all other thoughts, so since we are also constructed out of information, you could say that God created everything, and that we are part of god (sons or daughters) and that he created everything, and that he created himself.
2007-04-04 02:03:03
answer #2
answered by Anton Lucchese 2
God is the only thing that has no beginning or end. How can we comprehend this.....? We can't because since we have been born into a world and universe where everything has a beginning and end, our minds can't comprehend that there's one all powerful being that has neither beginning or end. But God says "I am the alpha and omega" meaning, He doesn't have a beginning or end, He IS the beginning and end. It's really cool. The way I think of it is this. When God created everything He made a place that has time, what is time? It's a degeneration of something that's been begun. Time isn't just a measure of how many times our earth goes around the sun (although that is what it is for us) time is how it relates to the laws of the universe. What is the Second Law of Thermodynamics: "The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium" So through physics we see that even our universe has an end because everything is degenerating, even our sun is slowly dying out, we probably won't see the end of it, but every thing in the universe is in a place of slow decay. Whether or not you believe the creationist point of view of entropy (that there can't be a spontaneous decrease) or if you believe in the evolutionary point of view that there CAN be a spontaneous decrease in entropy this leveling it all out. Both sides agree we get our energy from the Sun which is in a slow and gradual death (or "burning out"). But this is way too complex for me.....
I believe that real time is this: the measure of when all things cease to exist, and in that sense we are in a system that has time, and limits, and laws binding us to stay in our place (such as gravity that keeps us at earth because earth’s pull on us is much greater than our pull on earth.) Man, i don't want to get into the complicated. But that's how I think of it.... We exist in an environment created with an end while God exists in no environment, He just IS, and while we live in a place where everything has a life and death, we can't comprehend the fact God lives forever. Amazing side note:once our souls are created they last forever, so while everything physical that we see may not last forever, there is also a spiritual realm that we belong to: God, angels, demons, spirits, etc. All really confusing subjects that are difficult to talk about because we are limited by time, we can't prove anything because our time is too short, 65-80 years isn't long enough to see the sun burn out. And I believe God created everything by His word, He spoke it into being in 6 days, and rested on the seventh to give us our perfect example of how we should be in relation to Him. And by faith I believe this, I believe this is fact, just fact that can't be proven which makes it an absolute truth unprovable rather than a scientifically proven fact.
Ok. now my head can explode!
2007-03-31 19:53:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We as humans think everything had to be created. Everything in our existance was created but that doesnt mean God was. God always has existed,"hard for us to understand".
2007-03-31 19:41:10
answer #4
answered by garstar 2
Your question is asking about God's Aseity (Self-Existence).
Most classical theists see God’s Aseity or Pure Existence as a key attribute. The early Church Fathers, as well as Augustine (354-430), Anselm (1033- 1109), and Aquinas, continually cite the Bible in support of this position. In defending God’s self-existence (aseity) classical theists such as Aquinas are fond of citing Exodus 3:14 where God identifies himself to Moses as “I Am that I Am.” This they understand to refer to God as Pure Being or Existence.
God is Pure Actuality, with no potentiality in his being whatsoever. Whatever has potentiality (potency) needs to be actualized or effected by another. And since God is the ultimate Cause, there is nothing beyond him to actualize any potential (i.e., ability) he may have. Nor can God actualize his own potential to exist, since this would mean he caused his own existence. But a self-caused being is impossible, since it cannot create itself. Something has to exist before it can do anything. Even God cannot lift himself into being by his own ontological bootstraps. Thus, God must be Pure Actuality in his Being.
Of course, God has the potential to create other things. But he cannot bring himself into being. He always was. And while God has the potential to do other things, he cannot be anything other than what he is. He has the power to create other things (active potency), but he does not have the power (passive potency) to exist in any other way than he does, namely, as an infinite, eternal, necessary, and simple Being.
God’s aseity means that he is Being; everything else merely has being. God is Pure Actuality; all other things have both actuality and potentiality. Thus, God cannot not exist. All creatures can be nonexistent. That is, they have the potentiality for nonexistence. Only God is a Necessary Being. All other beings are contingent.
2007-03-31 19:37:20
answer #5
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
Here's what I would like to know. If people can believe that "god always has been.", why can't they believe that the universe "always has been". There doesn't been to be a big bang. There doesn't need to be a start to the universe. Isn't it feasible to believe that the known universe has always existed?
I always hear the argument made that there always has to be a beginning and an end. But, then these same people say god has always existed. Why can't we say that about the universe? And, why can't people just except that we will never know exactly how "it all started?
2007-03-31 19:42:59
answer #6
answered by ? 5
In the Bible, God says that He is the "I Am", so he always existed, was not created. Now have a good evening.
2007-03-31 19:36:18
answer #7
answered by hillbilly 7
God has always been. This is hard for us to understand because we live inside of Time where all things have a beginning and end. God is a Spirit and dwells outside of Time. There is no beginning or ending for Him. By putting on human flesh God entered Time and made Himself vulnerable to death, and by His power as God He conquered death and and proved His authority over Time by resurrecting. The realm of God is outside of our space-time continuum and God is not bound by its laws (which He created anyway).
-Rev. Jim Cunningham
King James Bible Ministry
2007-03-31 19:40:26
answer #8
answered by kjv_gods_word 5
Don't grade my answer based on whether you believe in God.
The logic of God's existence is as follows:
Theologically speaking, if there is an all encompassing one true God, it would have created time.
Thus God exists outside of time.
Thus God does not require a coming into existence...
as existence comes in through God.
That is the logic anyway.
2007-03-31 19:35:47
answer #9
answered by paladin.macroberts 2
God is supernatural and eternal, he cannot have a beginning. Being supernatural, he does not need physical components or origins to exist. Everything in the natural world needs a beginning and a cause, but God being supernatural needs no beginning or cause. He can simply "be". And being eternal, nothing can precede him because you cannot have anything older than Infinite. Infinity plus 1 is the exact same number you began with.
2007-03-31 19:37:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous