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God told me that if I don't break it off with my boyfriend, he will never see any need to change or to reach out to believe in Jesus.

We fell deeply in love with each other but he doesn't believe in Jesus at all. He says that Christians are no better than anyone else. He was raised as a Catholic and they taught him that the Bible is not to be taken literally.

This has been the most difficult thing to do in my entire life. Even though I know for certainty that we should not have sexual relations, it is hard for me to understand that I should not have anything at all to do with him. I know that by talking to him he always has hope that I will come back to him.

I felt the Lord told me that if I don't cut it off ENTIRELY & altogether that my boyfriend will have no hunger at all to find out for himself that what I believe in is really real and that God will not be able to deal with him. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO ANY OF YOU GOD FEARING AND WISE CHRISTIANS? I am so confused and I hurt

2007-03-31 09:18:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am so confused and I hurt so bad not being able to speak to him at all. I felt the Lord told me that one day we would be together again but in HIS TIMING but I have to be completely obedient. PLEASE THIS IS KILLING ME! I NEED UNDERSTANDING!

2007-03-31 09:20:13 · update #1

I want to clarify that I never meant to give the impression that Catholics can't be Christians. It is this certain Catholic school that he attended that taught him that. He said that his Catholic Church embraced evolution. Plus his mother was EXTREMELY abusive to him (locking him out of the house, beating him)& hardened him against believing the Bible even further. He has so many qualities that I love but he has a life that is w/o convictions, his heart is very deceived. He & I both have said that we have never felt so much love for another person(I am in my thirties-divorced from a very physically abusive husband) But he wants no part of Christianity so it was a knowing and the still small voice, "if you really love him, you will let him go". After much much agonizing prayer, I felt that God told me that he knew how much I loved him & in his timing, he will put us back together. (still small voice) It was comforting. I know that he is headed for destruction b/c

2007-03-31 17:23:31 · update #2

he is into things that will never satisfy, such as gambling etc. He is so in the dark that he would pull me down-it is too much to get into here. I know there is a place in the bible where it says that God will turn someone over to a reprobate mind to do whatever they please but the consequences will finally catch up w/them and when they do, I am expecting that God will be able to get his attention. I know that God is in the miracle working business and it brings him glory to miraculously change men's hearts into believers, a life full of grace and peace. I have more peace now, knowing that God is in control and I do still pray for him and I believe God will turn him completely around! It has been 2 months since we have spoken and day by day, I am gradually gaining more peace through prayer, reading the word and being around Christian friends. But I miss him every day and I do have to fight off the temptation to call him every day. I am believing God to help me overcome completely!

2007-03-31 17:32:03 · update #3

I want to add that yes, I do believe that I am being tested to the max, more than I have ever been in my life. B/C I can honestly say that I know that I love him more than I have ever loved anyone. I feel a love and deep compassion for him that only God can give for you to love in that way. I came to know this man when I worked with him. He is the most kind & gentle person that I have ever known yet-beneath the surface he is so extremely scarred. I have never even considered dating someone that wasn't a Christian in my life. My first husband lied to me about being a Christian. I was only 16 when I married. I was raised in a home without a father and my mother was gone away from home more than half the time, working as a cook on a towboat. My first husband finally did come to get saved a few months before he died. I had just divorced him a few years before. He was counting on my prayers but he had to make the decision for himself to follow Christ. He waited so long his health was gone.

2007-03-31 17:56:20 · update #4

To answer the question, yes that was what I understood perfectly, you see I have witnessed to him for 3 years. I haven't hounded him but he would usually bring it up, I would have scriptures to back up my argument b/c he would be discrediting it. He believed every book except the bible. It is a spirit of antichrist, unbelief and deception that blinds a person from the truth. He would say something like, it is time for a new bible, maybe someone greater than Jesus will be born, wouldn't that be nice? That gave me an eery feeling that sent me into deep prayer &I finally had my eyes opened & was sensitive to the Holy Spirit to know that I was casting my pearls before swine as it says in God's word.-I am sure that someone jump on that. ha! I am praying that God will lift the blinders from his eyes & give him revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ & what he has done for him & that God would convict him of his sins & that the Father will draw him to Jesus & come to the saving knowledge w/Jesus

2007-04-01 01:21:51 · update #5

I am having a hard time deciding on the best answer, b/c two of the answers should go together. I feel that this is my last big test of having the strength to stand for what I truly believe in, the power to do things that God wants to work through me, is coming. I am still in preparation, but these are the last days and God is getting his people ready for the greatest harvest of souls that the world has EVER KNOWN! HALLELUJAH! We will be victorious in His name! My boyfriend will know Jesus as his savior, that is the most important thing, whether we ever get back together here on earth or not. SOULS, SOULS, SOULS are going to be won and snatched from the enemy's hands. We will be together forever to reign with the king!!!

2007-04-01 17:23:31 · update #6

23 answers

God has placed this issue as an opportunity for you to demonstrate your love for Him. Just as He did with Abraham. Are you going to follow the Spirit, or the flesh?

Is God more important to you than your boyfriend?

Let me tell you what will happen as a result of continuing the relationship. You will be unequally yoked, since your boyfriend doesn't believe the Bible.

Should your relationship blossom, and you get married, these issues will surface and cause you much grief. These issues include attending Church, Bible Study, and tithing.

After children come along, the issues get even more divisive. It is an established fact that those children who are raised to go to church by their mother, and not having the father go as well, causes the children to abandon the faith at a higher percentage than those children who were raised in the church with both parents attending.

Ultimately, I have seen marriages end in divorce, because of this unequal yoking f a believer with an unbeliever (or semi-believer).

You would do well to obey now, suffer some hurt, and then get on with your life the way God intended. After all, doesn't He love you more and better than any guy here on earth can? Doesn't God have your best interests at heart?

Answer that, and you'll know what to do. But I am not about to tell you that you can do what you want, and not suffer any consequences.

2007-03-31 09:31:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Many of the problems you may be facing could be just the tip of the iceberg on what is really happening in your marriage. I dont mean to scare you but many problems when they either first show up or if they keep reoccurring could be just whats showing from a larger problem that either you or your spouse cannot even see. One of the only things you can do to help is to talk honestly and openly with each other in the marriage. If things become more serious more serious options need to be looked at as possibilities. I have a blog that has more information on some of what I've been writing about. If you feel like checking it out I would completly suggest it. Read here https://tr.im/Jroom

Love is a choice that is made everyday when you wake up and every night when you go to sleep. Some days you may not feel the original feeling but love isnt a feeling or an emotion. Its an action a verb. Falling out of love may just mean you need to spice things up a little or that you were never in love in the first place. Don't just get out of a marriage just because you don't think you like the person anymore.

2016-07-18 16:31:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I have a problem with a Catholic being taught that the Bible is NOT the literal word of God. That certainly has not been my experiance .

By the way , Catholics are Christians. Some argue that the Roman Catholic Church is the ONLY true Christian church.

Did God say that if you break off entirely the BF will find God and God will reunite you eventually ?

2007-03-31 09:28:04 · answer #3 · answered by mark 6 · 1 0

If you know the bible like it seems that you do the try to remember the verse in Chornithians where we are told to not be yoked with unbelievers. Then it also says that we are to be examples to those who don't know him. Don't give up on your boyfriend, keep praying. Maybe the reason that God is trying to seperate you is because God has a HUGE plan for you which can not be carried out with this man in your life. Which is better to do the will of God or what your flesh wants? Pray constantly when your heart aches the Lord is the only one who can take your pain away.
I will being praying that you listen to the Lord and for a quick recovery of your heart.
God bless,
a sister

2007-03-31 09:32:14 · answer #4 · answered by sexymamatwotwo 1 · 1 1

No this does not make sense to me. Always test a word from the Lord and bounce it off from a trusted Christian friend.

FYI the Catholic church allows for it's believers to believe the Bible literally if they prefer. I do. In fact we are one of the few churches that takes John chapter 6 literally.

If the Lord is telling you to break it off it must be something way different than his Catholic upbringing. Because God works mightily in the Catholic church.

2007-03-31 09:26:45 · answer #5 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 1 0

Maybe this will help a bit... First... The Roman Church is badly flaw'd... "they" don't teach Scripture, they teach Rome's Papal doctrines, See's and Liturgy's... your "friend" should "consider" a Spirit Filled, non-denominational Church. One that teaches Jesus Christ... not Peter, Paul and Mary (no pun intended)... P, P and M are fine but not as a "Deity" or a gateway icon to Heaven...put the rosary under-glass, blow out the candles and side-line all the religious gymnastics.... none of it was practiced or ordered by Jesus !
The Scripture is clear, however,...it tells us to "be not unevenly yoked"... that means don't "hitch up" with a non believer... I believe your "friend" is a believer, just very very poorly spiritually educated and just doesn't have a clue how to worship Jesus according to Scripture....Have Faith and find a good Pastor to teach him... The Holy Spirit will do the rest.... Blessings.

2007-03-31 09:39:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

God can deal with anyone. The key here is The Lord Loves Everyone, Sinners, Saints and yes Non-Believers. My Fiance was an Atheist when I met him 5 years ago. He finally agreed to go to Church with me, I wanted it to be his decision and not me nagging him to go. Four years ago this Christmas, he gave his Life to the Lord. You see he had never sought the Lord and unless one seeks him of his own free will, then he would have remained Lost in a World of Sin. Everyone can change but they have to want to. Not all of us are gonna believe and agree in everything, but the Lord has gave us Choice. It is up to Us, to choose our own Paths in Life.

2007-03-31 09:30:53 · answer #7 · answered by donna_honeycutt47 6 · 0 1

You are being hung by your fundamentalist Christian views. While, yes, it is important that your significant other has similar religious views, or at least moral views, for the sake of agreement. His interpretation of the Bible, (Despite being a lapsed-Catholic), is completely logical. No where in the Bible does it say to read Scriptures literally.

I don't quite understand how severing ties with your boyfriend will some how bring about his eventual conversion that you seek. It would make sense, that through his relationship with you, that he would become familiar with Evangelical Christianity, and in turn may see it as true. However, by himself, there is no motivation for him to convert to your religion.


2007-03-31 09:36:13 · answer #8 · answered by Kerplunk! 2 · 2 2

Well, a young lady I know was having problems with child protective services, because she had an addiction to alcohol. Even though she kept trying to dry out, she kept falling off the wagon. She told me that God had told her that if she didn't turn it around, He would "pull the rug out from under her" (her words.)
My answer was "If God is talking to you, Hun, you need to listen."
Sadly, shortly thereafter, she got drunk, with her kids in the car, and had a very bad accident, nearly killing her oldest child. Having no more choice, the court took custody rights from her. Today, her kids ae split up between three families, all legally adopted. There is no chance of her or them ever being a family again.
I could tell you happy ever after stories of people who DID listen, but this one got my attention.
I hope it gets yours.

2007-03-31 09:29:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Texting lets you control the tone and establish what kind of conversation you want to have. Learn here https://tr.im/AHfQR
This is probably the most important part. With texting, you can stop and think about what you want to say to your ex at each step of the way. Instead of reacting emotionally, you can take your time, figure out the right thing to say (I’ll give you most of it), and be strategic with your ex without saying something that you’ll regret.

2016-04-21 13:25:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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