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I mean you know the hard to find ones, like cleaning windows with newspaper, using baking soda in your sneakers to keep the smell out, etc.

I am looking for cleaning and preserving techniques like this. I am sure if we discuss we all will learn something new :)

2007-03-31 08:26:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment

5 answers

oxy clean or hydrogen persoxide are great for carpets and fabrics....use enough and it will come out..it's never failed me.

there are some prety neat gizmos and items on the market now, if you stay up till 3am sometimes like I do you can see commercials for them.

personally though I travel a lot so I hired a personal assistant/maid to come over once or twice a week...by far this as proven to provide the best results...place is cleaner than when I moved in. A coworker swears by something he calls a wife...but I think that option is much more expensive....

2007-03-31 08:53:18 · answer #1 · answered by Justin H 4 · 0 0

Vinegar is by far, one of the best items to keep in your home and it's not expensive like similar chemical products on the market.

I use vinegar to clean up any messes on the carpet made by my cat.

I run vinegar through my automatic drip coffee maker and my steam iron to clean them of hard water deposits.

I clean my toaster with vinegar because it removes the finger prints and streaks. It would work well with other stainless steel appliance too.

When my house smells funny or I have unexpected company and I don't have time clean, I set a pan of vinegar and water to boil on the stove and it freshens the smell of the house.

I use vinegar to wipe down the walls in my bath and shower. Vinegar removes the soap and hard water residue.

2007-03-31 09:27:11 · answer #2 · answered by Christy 5 · 0 0

Used to buy a bunch of bottles of cleaning stuff but like to keep organized so everything fits in one drawer. Dishwasher liquid is great for lots of food and pet stains. Simple Green is my everything else bottle. Keep a bottle of Ammonia on hand for cleaning jewelry. Olive oil removes adhesives.

2007-03-31 10:18:33 · answer #3 · answered by kriend 7 · 0 0


I run a cleaning service here in Tucson. I offer cleaning tips at my blog http://www.yourfreshstart.us/news.php The blog has only tips and no adds. It is used only for new content is about cleaning tips and my life as a cleaning professional.

2007-04-01 14:00:49 · answer #4 · answered by geeurbie 1 · 0 0

Pine-Sol! :)

You can use it for a multitude of cleaning, freshening, and bacterial removing needs! It even removes paint! Really! :)

Visit: http://www.pinesol.com/

I am NOT affiliated with this link or company and am NOT compensated in any way for posting this link, and in fact this link is NOT an affiliate link or SPAM. Thank you! :)

2007-03-31 08:37:34 · answer #5 · answered by Life after 45 6 · 0 0