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Im not sure what martial art to do? I want to learn to fight, something you can really kick *** with & i don't want it to be pissing around either. i was interested in maybe karate or muay thai? im not interested in mma or wrestling crap.

2007-03-31 07:51:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

3 answers

If you want to just know how to kick butt, i'd take muay thai as it takes less time to be proficient than karate, that doesn't mean that it's easy though! it's seemengly simplistic approach is not that simple, and it takes time and effort to master it. There is no doubt that it's an effective martial art, as you can see it's influence on some big names like UFC, Pride and k-1. Karate can be just as effective, but you have to look for a good dojo. Two styles of karate that I would consider are kyokushen, and shidokan. Kyokushen karatekas are known for their toughness, and this is a very effective martial art. Shidokan has kyokushen based, as well as muay thai and ground grappling.

Bear in mind that a martial artist must respect fellow practicioners and non-practicioners as well.

2007-04-02 09:41:30 · answer #1 · answered by Frank the tank 7 · 1 0

I studied many martial arts, traditional and modern. To learn to fight I would take Muay Tai. Of all the people I fought or sparred with, I usually (95%) got a whooping from a person who knows Muay Tai.

2007-04-01 18:21:28 · answer #2 · answered by Alan L 3 · 0 0

YOU should take TKD.

2007-04-04 14:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by sapboi 4 · 0 0

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