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Some people seem to fear the green movement, as though it means a fundamental change in their lives, but is that the case? Must we completely change our lives, or is it just a case of making minor changes to have a major impact?

Does going green have to be an inconvenience?

2007-03-31 07:49:08 · 6 answers · asked by Luis 6 in Environment

6 answers

I think we'll live about the same just with more renewable biodegradable non-toxic materials and chemicals, cleaner power, more efficient environmentally friendly buildings, planes, trains, ships, trucks, cars, lighting, heating, cooling, more wilderness preserved, species protected, anti-sprawl zoning, the kind of stuff that we can change without doing anything different in our day to day lives, it just minimizes the negative impact of our lifestyles on the environment while we still live freely doing as we please, as things continually get more and more environmentally friendly eventually we'll be able to live anyway we want without damaging the natural world at all.

2007-03-31 08:03:42 · answer #1 · answered by Stan S 1 · 1 0

The state of the ecosystem has been a warm subject rely via fact the 70'S.back then the main factor replaced into international COOLING,Now the main factor is international warming.with out entering into the POLITICAL argument of this.The information are that such that people DO substitute the ecosystem.the stairs that i'm taking? I wish the politicians could pay attention.we don't desire nuclear means.it isn't the respond.for a similar reason it wasn't the respond interior the 70's.neither is endured use of the previous equipment of the interior combustion engine. there's a technologies that presently exists,wherein the sunlight alongside with the mixture of gravity can produce electrical energy,which produces NO pollution.examine out Spain's new means plant.via utilising a mix of this kind of means plant jointly with a DESALINIZATION vegetation.additionally I easily have been attempting to get fascinated events to speculate in construction an area ELEVATOR,that should theoretically be the link between a means plant in area and earth(to grant the earth with sufficient potential/with out polluting the earth),additionally offering the subsequent step in shifting marketplace OFF international.even nevertheless I run into no longer something yet objection(which has added confident me that people will do no longer something/at a time whilst the worlds ingredients easily are available to handle the undertaking/via magnitude of income).If this type maintains the earth gets extra suitable,yet I concern on the rate of our civilization.

2016-11-25 02:28:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem with the green movement is it has becaome a 2 billion dollar a year fund raiser for a problem that isn't a problem and of which we have no control over anyways.

That's my beef anyways....

Quite simply...there is nothing to be affraid of, take of the helmet go outside, enjoy the sun and the flowers and the beach and live your life...the earth was much hotter during the medival age and much colder during the victorian age....it's a natural cycle..the earth needs it, the earth wants it...it spurs change and innovation among all species and mother nature likes that.

2007-03-31 07:56:04 · answer #3 · answered by Justin H 4 · 0 2

Not necessarily. Just this week my high school environmental science students had a checklist of ways to reduce our carbon footprints. I asked them to note which actions they already do, which they would be willing to do, and which they would not do. Afterwards they remarked that the recommendations were mostly little things that cost no money and took no extra time; that it was just a matter of knowing, noticing, and making simple changes in behaviors.

2007-03-31 07:55:23 · answer #4 · answered by ecolink 7 · 1 0

It does mean changing our lives, but not drastically. It's just a matter of changing our habits for the best. Think of it like quitting smoking, but a little easier.

2007-03-31 07:52:54 · answer #5 · answered by pedros2008 3 · 0 0


2016-09-11 09:15:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0