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What have they done to our beloved art?

2007-03-31 05:20:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

12 answers

KI on every technique, the Art into gymnastics ??

2007-03-31 15:23:59 · answer #1 · answered by gretsch16pc 6 · 0 0

Many people have turned the martial arts into business ventures. If you guarantee a black belt to people in a small amount of time, more customers. More money. People now want something fast and easy. They want the black belt as more of a status symbol than anything else.

This will first of all, produce sub par martial artists that get their @ss handed to them. So, they go back to the McDojo for more training to handle situations that a black belt, taught properly, would be able to handle. Now the owners get more money.

Secondly, now the art that was taught gets a major black eye. Mainly Tae Kwon Do. It is a very popular art, practiced by many people. Arguably one of the most popular ones to date. Now, when someone says they practice TKD, they get a tongue-in-check reaction. Almost like it isn't a real martial art anymore. The students that come from reputable dojangs really have their work cut out for them trying to convince others that it is real. Done properly, it can be very effective.

I'm not saying this doesn't happen in other arts. I'm sure it does. Not many Westerners know that to get a true and complete black belt, it can take roughly 5 years or so. But, people are more into instant gratification. Hence, McDojos. Unfortunately, we are the victims of our own wants. They just fill a need seen by opportunistic business owners.

How do we stop them? Don't patronize them. Do I think they will go away? Not a chance. They are here to stay as long as we are in a society of instant gratification. Do I think it is the Mc Dojo 's fault for what they are doing to the martial arts? No, we are.

2007-03-31 18:29:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

What they have done is fill a need that we have created for ourselves. It's sad but it's our own fault. We don't like to wait in our country. So they will give us what we want.

Little story;
A coworker of mine was practicing TKD at a Dojang close to his home. About a year into his training, he needed surgery on both knees. Knowing he would be out of TKD for a while, he went to his instructor. The response was very disheartening to hear: "You can leave if you want to. But you can't take your money when you go". My friend had signed a long term contract. Two years, and it was okay because that's how long it took to get his Black Belt. They all but guaranteed it. More than a contract, they used a finance company that did direct withdraws from his bank account. He went to the owner of the school, who said he would allow him three free months when he was able to continue (he was not going to be back before his contract expired). He took the offer, and as soon as he was able to, he returned to the school. During his first month back, he tested for his next belt. This was bad because he tested for his current rank right before his surgery. "You'll do fine" he was told when he said he didn't remember his testing requirements. And he passed. Without even remembering what he needed to know, he passed.

He left the school, and never went back to pick up the belt he was awarded that day. His school gave you the belt immediately, I guess. But the school has no problem signing up new students. Because there is a sucker born every minute. And as long as they are willing to pay for a limited education in martial arts, you will always have McDojos.

So remember: Friends don't let friends join McDojos.

2007-03-31 22:46:31 · answer #3 · answered by Gary W 3 · 1 0

Just another element in the mix of what people will argue about in the martial arts, no I'm not a fan and feel that I take the reputation of my Sensie with me even if it is just to other the other dojo's & sensies in my club. Funny as nobody has ever told me to do this - oh maybe I have a possible answer for you after all this waffle.

Pride - in the art, your style and yourself. The McDojos will fall by the wayside if we weather this storm together and celebrate our differences, stay out of the political arena, be patient, be smart, see you down the dojo

2007-04-01 15:40:12 · answer #4 · answered by northcarrlight 6 · 1 0

Hi there

Just one thing that my teacher always says is that Mcdojos are necessary and provide a valuable service to all serious martial artists! What they do is provide a home for the quick fix students and stop them from pestering the rest of us!

How many instructors have had the idiot from hell? You know the UFC fanatic that just wants to choke every poor sole on the planet! Or the show me the death touch student who wants to know how to make poisons and throw stars!

Send em all to the McDojo that's what i say. They can even go large if they like! lol

Money Ego and Politics! The worst combination for any martial artist.



2007-04-03 17:39:56 · answer #5 · answered by idai 5 · 0 0

I hate them too. It is very hard to keep students when they com to my TKD and MMA school. Once they start training and see that is really hard they quit. Some even go as far to say "but in the other school across town is easy and they get their black belt faster". That is why Mc.Dojos exist and we real martial art schools suffer.

I do use billing companys and all that but I never have contracts and students are allowed to leave whenever they want. Again, I believe you have to charge, we got to pay rent, insurance, etc but we also must have values and a quality class. like I told somebody a few years ago "I rather have no students and close my school than to lower my standards to make a few bucks.".

2007-04-01 00:30:05 · answer #6 · answered by bpshark74 3 · 0 0

Most students of McDojos are embarrassed when they visit other clubs and find that their black belt isn't worth squat, let alone all the money it cost them.

2007-04-01 10:18:42 · answer #7 · answered by robinwhale 4 · 2 0

They have absolutely no idea what they're doing. Nothing spells ignorance like a few pretty kicks and kata set to techno music.

2007-04-03 12:06:37 · answer #8 · answered by Evan S 4 · 0 0

They've Hored it up, and given feable minded idiots Card Blanc to teach other feable minded idiots to do the same.

2007-04-03 20:53:38 · answer #9 · answered by sapboi 4 · 0 0

Shufty staple pleasent

2007-03-31 12:32:59 · answer #10 · answered by Albinoballs 5 · 0 0

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