Hello. The reason only eight (8) souls survived the great flood along with the animals on board was due to man's sin, and satan was trying to totally ruin the bloodline so that there'd be NO righteous bloodline for Jesus Christ the Messiah to come through. The promise given to Abraham would have been ruined and consequently all those coming years down the line would have NO hope of a Savior, Messiah, and a Redeemer to rescue man from his sinful ungodly state. Satan didn't want the righteous line to come in, thereby thwarting God's plan of salvation from entering and bring man back into right standing with God and His son! For 120 years Noah preached the Flood was coming, but no one came. Yet when the rain began to fall and such there were many many clamoring to enter into the ark of safety... and literally there are fingernails on the ark of people wanting to get in. Likewise today... the gospel is being preached and those who won't accept it will find out the truth too late and miss heaven with God... for eternal punishment. Truth is true and objective, no matter what man's reasonings try to deny it. Get on board friend.
2007-03-31 02:17:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Bible says that there was only one righteous man found upon the earth, and that man was Noah. And being the head of the household, and raising his family correctly in the eyes of the Lord, they were the only ones that believed in and obeyed the Lord. So they were the only believers when the fountains of the deep broke open! The others had 120 years to repent and they chose to mock the believers (just like today). They perished, and the believers survived. This should give us an idea what is in store for all of us.
2007-03-31 02:14:50
answer #2
answered by michael m 5
Some estimates put the earth population at the time of the flood at upwards of 2 billion people. If you read Genesis 6 it states that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and took for themselves wife's. They produced hybrid offspring called geborh. These were giants compared to normal humans and cause all flesh to become corrupted in the sight of God. The only people found blameless in that generation was Noah and his three sons. So it was only Noah, his sons, and their wives that were boarded into the ark. Read it for yourself in Genesis 6.
2007-03-31 04:39:12
answer #3
answered by skiingstowe 6
If this is a genuine question I will answer it. God flooded the earth because He did not like the way mankind was behaving (Gen. 6:5-7,11-12). If you read Genesis 6, in verse 2, you will read "the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." The Sons of God are Angels. The daughters of men are human women. They decided to have children. The result was Giants (Gen. 6:4) or Nephilim. These giants became uncontrollable. If you read Gen. 6:13, you will read why God chose to do what He did. Gen. 6:8 states that Noah was the only one who found grace in God's eyes. This is the answer to your question.
2007-03-31 02:20:45
answer #4
answered by swilson_lewis 3
Most scholars (I agree) are of the opinion that the entire earth was not involved in the flood. It came upon "the world of the ungodly".
God brought on the flood to kill of the influx of hybrids that were concentrated in one geographical area. Angelic beings left their habitation and came to earth and were seducing and marrying human women. Children were being born of these unions, and they were called "geba", which means "giant". They were a people of large stature. This was Satans second attempt in this flesh age, to pollute the pure bloodline, where down the ages, womb to womb, would come the Christ. This is why these Angels wanted Noahs daughters to participate - so they could pollute that line.
Noah wouldn't have it, of course. Noah was a great preacher, and he preached against them. This is why you would read "they were giving and taking in marriage right up until they boarded the ark". thats who they were giving in marriage to - those Angels.
The flood wiped them out.
There is another flood coming. Prophecy says that you had better be on the spiritual ark of Christ in these end times, because this next flood is not water, but a flood of lies that will deceive the masses. And,
Angels will be returning once again to take women to wife. The covering you read of that should be on every womans head, is Christ, because of these Angels that will come with Satan when he arrives to set up his one world order. This is why the Bible states that just before the return of Christ, it will be just like in the days of Noah.
This lesson of Noahs flood is a rabbit hole that goes far deeper than most realize.
2007-03-31 02:08:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I live in a land far from the ocean that has geologic shorelines on the mountains, sea shells and fossils of sea fish in the rocks on the mountain tops. I don't know about the great flood from the bible but this place was under a great body of water at some time....
2007-03-31 02:01:13
answer #6
answered by chico2149 4
The Bible says,
"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. "
(Genesis 6:5-8)
2007-03-31 05:02:05
answer #7
answered by JoeBama 7
Some believed upon the word's of the Prophets and prepared. Others did not. It was a matter of choice. If you are prepared, you shall not fear..
2007-03-31 02:11:02
answer #8
answered by Kerry 7
noah's flood = religious BS !
lmao @ the really stupid people who believe in the religious BS!!!!!!!
Why do a very large % of humanity believe in religious BS???
Here's how you can believe in the Truth:
Create a private, personal, direct, divine Relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul from religion.
Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!
Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.
"religion is Spiritual fraud"; "religion is the Worse invention of humanity" - Jesus Christ, Buddha and any other being with Spiritual intelligence.
Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!
2007-03-31 01:55:11
answer #9
answered by drwooguy 3
because they believed that the flood was coming.
2007-03-31 01:53:11
answer #10
answered by papa G 6