Let's take a look and see what else Leviticus says shall we?
Apparently Four legged birds are an abomination (11:20)
Pigs are abominations too (11:7-8) Stay away from the bacon then folks!
Better not wear cloth made with two kinds of fibers, that's an abomination too (19:19)
Apparently handicapped people are abominations too (21:16-23) Nice guy your god huh?
Don't eat anything with blood, don't round the corners of your head, mar the corners of your beard, make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, or print any marks on you. 19:26-28
Bats are unclean birds (psst, they're not, they're mammals, you'd think a book that you yourselves say is "inspired by god himself" would be a bit more accurate. But no.) (11:13)
Rabbits chew thier cud (they don't of course, anyone who takes a basic biology course knows that much) (11:5)
I could go on and on but I won't. Suffice to say that following the "laws" set forth by Leviticus is the most asinine thing I've ever heard.
18 answers
asked by
Yoda Green
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
So, before you pass judgement on someone based on an outdated book of bronze-age jewish mythology, better make sure the book isn't complete and utter crap first. And your 'wholly babble' does NOT cut it.
15:46:28 ·
update #1
Ah yes, romans. Such a lovely book to quote from...
Honestly are ANY of you legally competent enough to drive a car? I wonder sometimes...
15:54:07 ·
update #2
did you actually say that the bible is truth?!?
Are you honestly that stupid?
I just listed 8 outright lies in the bible and you still try and pull that kind of crap?
Incredible, just incredible.
16:02:42 ·
update #3
Four legged birds? *giggle*
2007-03-30 15:51:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
#1) Paul says all things in the Scriptures are for our instruction.They were shadows of things to come.
Lev.11:20 is talking about insects.
Pigs were so filthy and full of 2 things,Tricinosis thatcauses tapeworms and they ate a root that is fatal for humans but not to the swine.No refrigeration and pork spoils quickly.That's the reason for the dividing of the hoof.Beef good pork bad.No one ever made pork jerky only beef,buffalo,deer ,elk etc.There's a reason for that,get it?
He's talking about flying creatures that aren't insects,give it a rest.
Rabbits re chew their food Einstein,they pouch it ,chew it re-pouch it and chew it again,same -same Mr. Stickler.
Leviticus 17:11 says the life of the soul is in the blood.No blood ,no life.There's a lesson there.How many diseases have been caused by blood born bacterias.
Paganisim and Judaism don't mix just like wool and cotton.Try washing it and watch the cotton shrink and pull away from the wool.It's the same lesson Jesus taught about old and new wine skins.
Handicapped people were cured by Jesus by the score.The lesson is not that they aren't loved but that the Temple of God is perfect and Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for sin.When a handicapped person goes to heaven they are made perfect.
But please ,do go on ,Copernicus.
You read it the way you wish it to be ,not the way it was intended.Oh,by the way ,Paul the Apostle has something to say about Homosexuals in Romans chapter 1 read carefully.Personally ,I could care less.Jesus says anyone who hurts a child(and you know what He means) better never face Him.It would be better to jump into the sea.
2007-03-30 23:12:20
answer #2
answered by AngelsFan 6
as someone who is particularly disinterested in this topic after four long years of forced theology classes I am doing this for your personal edification so thank me later.
The Catholic Church believes that God gave a different message to the people of that time than the one that he gives to humanity today. The New Testament and Old Testament are different because they are meant for different times. Many of the old values of the old testament still hold true like the ten commandments but the old testament was meant for people who lived in the dark ages. Leviticus and Numbers lay out laws for the Isrealite people in their society. Basically it tells them stuff like dont eat pork, no tatoos, if youre having your period go out of town so the blood doesnt cause infections and uncleanliness in the town. They didnt have tampons back then, they couldnt cook pork hot enough to kill the diseases in meat (like 500 degrees), and tatoos would get infected. Also bats crap everywhere and suck blood sometimes. God gave these words to prophets which are human and communicate imperfectly and God wasn't handing out science lessons so they call bats birds, whatever. That didnt matter to a nomad people who constantly fought for existence. You should also remember that this is all translated from ancient arabic so it doesnt all change to english perfectly. When Jesus came humanity was more civilized and "ready" for a more advanced message calling for more love and peace and stuff. People had no time to be nice or carry the handicapped in a nomad society i guess. Later Jesus says care for the sick and the poor and he cures the crippled. So basically you can still interpretively use much of the old testament but unless youre a religous scholar you're better off sticking to the new testament.
I just didnt want you to go away thinking God was a jerk from the Bible. You can get that from anywhere else in life but at least the Bible is pretty good philosophically. Personally I dont care whether homosexuality is a sin or not i just think its gross but I guess thats why im not gay then anyway.
2007-03-30 23:01:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You left out the New Testament Scriptures that say that say the same thing the Old Testament says as far as homosexuality is concerned. And by the way, I would suggest you come to a better understanding of the Word of God (for so it is) through scholarly study before calling God "crap." The Bible is the book you will face in judgment day.....perhaps you should get better acquainted with its TRUTHS than trying to understand it through your carnal limited tiny mind. God has wonderful principles and truths in the book of Leviticus all which relate to Christ and His work of redemption. And it is not about me judging (or any other Christian), it is about saying what God says --- HE is the judge.
2007-03-30 22:55:31
answer #4
answered by wd 5
Once again, the rantings of a moron. If stupidity were illegal, you'd need a lawyer with just enough juice to get Stevie Wonder a driver's license. Four- legged birds? You'd better read that again, moron. INSECTS. Once again- you stupid -*** morons can't even quote the Book right. You are a douchebag. Go the hell over to the mythology section. At least there it won't be as obvious what kind of dumbass you are.
2007-03-30 23:03:37
answer #5
answered by Storm King 2
Well, first of all, I am a christian and it is not my place to judge. I have friends who are gay and it does not change my feelings for them one bit, I love them the same. Just because of my personal belief because of my faith, has nothing to do with the way I think and treat them. They know my feelings and I know theirs. I don't beat them over the head with the bible, I just love them...the way Jesus would. Sin is sin and I have sins just as they do. God does not look at one as any greater than the other. So why are you so defensive about it and taken the time to research it? Do you think maybe there is a possibility that it could be a sin like the many others in the bible? I think you need to take a look at why you are bitter towards a "group" of people....why do you feel you need to explain or have their acceptance? God is love...not hate...it is not his will that anyone should die unsaved. I have to constantly ask forgiveness because I am a work in progress...just like anyone else. Don't judge christians...if you don't want to be judged yourself.
Ah, the old stooping to calling us names when you don't have a legit argument....now who's judging?
2007-03-30 22:54:50
answer #6
answered by swtserenity43 3
My oh my. I think someone struck a nerve. Don't take it personally unless you have something to hide.
The Bible is truth and God cannot lie. But you must first be willing to accept it as truth and you obviously do not. So anything I would or could say to you as a counter-point, would fall on deaf ears and blind eyes.
You believe what you believe and I will continue to believe God and His word. O.K.?
My very confused and irrating nemesis, please try to understand one very important thing. Try to focus as much of your mind as you can on what I am about to say.
If you stop to think of how much of the instructions in the Bible we use DAILY, perhaps you would see things in a different light.
Example: Do you teach your children it's okay to lie or tell the truth? Do you instill in them things that will help them later in life or just hope for the best as they grow older?
Example #2: Do you think it is okay for your spouse to have an affair or stay faithful to you?
Things as simple as this is the very essence of the Bible. Love thy neighbor as yourself. Chances are if you hate your neighbor, there is something in your life not quite right also.
2007-03-30 22:59:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We do not pass on judgment on others by saying that homosexuality is sin. We all fall short form the glory of God and sin is dealt by Jesus on the cross. The main thing is to accept Him as our Lord and Savior. The law of God is the same for everyone. So is His gift of everlasting life. : )
2007-03-30 23:00:07
answer #8
answered by SeeTheLight 7
There are historical explanations behind some of those rules. For example, cloth woven of two kinds of fibers was forbidden because mixing elements was considered to be a form of magic.
My point is that you should learn some of the background if you're going to make derisive comments.
2007-03-30 22:54:31
answer #9
answered by robert 3
Actually, I say homosexuality is a sin and quote the New Testament passages of Romans 1:26-28 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 as my source.
Since the Old Testament laws have been fulfilled, and we are now governed by the New Testament, all the Old Testament restriction you have listed are pointless.
2007-03-30 22:51:02
answer #10
answered by dewcoons 7
Romans 1:18-27
God's Wrath Against Mankind
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator–who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
2007-03-30 22:51:58
answer #11
answered by Christmas Light Guy 7