May I put it to you another way?
God gave us some rules to go by to keep our bodies, our minds and our souls safe and whole. We need each of these in order to get through this life. When you do something that is bad for your body, mind and/or soul, it is a "sin".
The problem is, legalists. They love the law and technical details so much they began to worship the law over the person. They used the law to benefit themselves, thinking that if they themselves followed every letter of it, they would get to Heaven and the rest of us poor "sinners" could rot for all they cared.
Then came Jesus. He came to tell us that it's not the letter of the law that God cares about, it's what is in your heart. If you read His sermons again, you will see that every one deals with that very thing. It's the center core of every teaching of His.
So I'll tell you the same thing that Jesus told the Pharisees ... it ain't about the law, it's about da love!
(okay, so I modernized it, sue me lol)
2007-03-30 15:17:42
answer #1
answered by arewethereyet 7
If it's impossible not to sin, and every sin is punished the same...and there is only one way out: Jesus...Then what is the point of having rules?
YOu can't claim this as an original idea.
2007-03-30 22:24:15
answer #2
answered by Bullfrog21 6
When God created the world it was perfect, sin did not exist. When Satan corrupted creation by introducing sin, God had to introduce guidelines. The sacrifice of Jesus was to free us from sin and its awful burden. Hell is a separation from God, not necessarily punishment. Any division from the divine love of God is hell and a refusal to accept God leads to eternal hell. Everyone sins, Christians included. The difference is that the penalty for sin has been paid and Christians accept this.
Romans7:15 For that which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.
Even Christians feel frustrated with their wrong actions and a seeming inability to always do what is right. Fortunately God has fixed this problem for everyone on Earth.
Romans6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The solution to sin: accepting Jesus and his gift of grace. A gift we know we do not deserve because as you say we are bad, but a gift given anyway out of love.
2007-03-30 22:21:23
answer #3
answered by future dr.t (IM) 5
Amazingly, you get the entire point of the Old Testament. The whole point of the Law is to show us religions don't work. Religions say you have to do something to get to heaven, do so many good works, or achieve a certain state, etc. The Law demonstrates that it's impossible to "do" anything to get to heaven, which is why we need Jesus.
However, just bc we won't follow all of the rules all the time doesn't mean they're not useful. They do help us avoid many problems. Many laws are there to protect us from others, other laws are given for health reasons. Many laws regarding bodily emissions were given to prevent the spread of disease and should still be followed, although we now have showers and doctors so most of them are unnecessary to follow to the letter.
God gave the Law bc it had benefits like preventing the spread of disease and stopping evil from corrupting their hearts. Now we follow Christ and His command to love others, if you do this, you're obeying all of the moral law in the Torah.
2007-03-30 22:27:07
answer #4
answered by STEPHEN J 4
Well, being born and living and breathing aren't sins.
They're actually encouraged by God to do.
Enjoying good friends, good conversation, and good food with a good glass of wine are encouraged too.
God wants us to live an abundant life.
We just have a really screwed up view of abundance.
God did not create us just to punish us, and He wasn't the one who screwed up. The law was created to show people that they need help, that God truly cares for them and wants to provide for them.
We were created good, but we got distorted and tainted along the way. For us to be brought back to our original natural state, we need Jesus.
Sin still matters, it should matter more to Christians because we know what the standard is. But we also know that sin has been defeated through the death of Jesus Christ, and that He is not limited to certain people, He even invited an enemy of the Jews (someone considered to be unclean) to drink from the living water. And believe me, if a Man born of a Jewish mother invites a Samaritan woman to believe in Him, it's open to everyone.
The only difference between the Samaritan woman and other people is she made her choice.
2007-03-30 22:23:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
We are born into sinful state because our parents were sinners. Our children will be sinners because we were.
As a Christian, I strive to break fewer and fewer rules. Am I perfect, no. Am i trying, yes. I think that's the point. There is no way to be perfect, this side of heaven. But we can strive to be a better person.
I think people confuse God's rules with the rules various churches have come up with.
Jesus said there are two laws: love God, Love your neighbor.
2007-03-30 22:10:32
answer #6
answered by Carol D 5
Sin is any action that separates us from God. God has given us guidelines so we can work toward a life that will keep us closer to Him. Since people are not perfect they fail. When we fail we can either continue as we are or we can change our direction, ask forgiveness, and return to God. Without the sacrifice Jesus made we would have to receive forgiveness through a series of rituals designed to re-enforce our change in direction.
Hell is not punishment as you present it. Hell is the ultimate separation of God. God gives us the right to decide for ourselves if we will choose Him or not. If we continually reject Him up until the point of death, God will honor our decisions and we will be separated from Him for eternity. Before that, however, we will stand before God and actually see the truth for ourselves. The torment of Hell is the knowledge of what we chose to reject.
2007-03-30 22:23:46
answer #7
answered by kaehya2003 4
Well actually being born we already inherited sin (i.e. the nature of sin). That came down from Adam and Eve, passed on from generation to generation. This sinful nature is what causes us to commit sins. People might argue about this, but just watch a baby grow up, you do not need to teach him/her to lie, one day he/she will just know how to.
The point about all the old testament rules being so strict and so many was to keep the children of Israel from sinning further. But in the new testament, the point is, if we have received Jesus Christ into our heart and He as the life-giving spirit is now living in our human spirit and we live by Him, then we would actually not sin. As soon as we live in our selves, then we still sin. He wants to permeate into our entire being, not just stay in our spirit. He wants to permeate into our soul (mind+emotion+willl) and eventually our body will be glorified too. At that stage, we will not be sinning anymore. It is much harder to reach there than saying it, but that's the essence.
Hope this helped. If you want to know the bible references, message me and I'll look them up.
2007-03-30 22:14:49
answer #8
answered by Lilliana 5
We do not go to hell because of our sins. God takes sins seriously. His laws are made to protect us. Jesus died for all of our sins, all of them. Includes all sins we have done, we do and we will. So sin has been dealt with Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross.
However, there is one sin God cannot forgive. It is denial of Him. That is why it is blasphemy if we mock the Holy Spirit. Because Holy Spirit is our guide and counselor...teacher of His will for us.
So we need to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. His rules are good. He saves good and bad. We fall short. God forgives when we ask forgiveness : )
2007-03-30 23:11:54
answer #9
answered by SeeTheLight 7
We are all sinners on earth, we all fall short of God's glory.
Breathing is not a sin because that first breath that God breathe into your spirit and the spirit redeemed as a new baby is fresh and clean.
God is understanding, but we aren't as understanding, therefore God sent his son to help save our souls. We are here to learn and build the spirit for future eternity, that's why God will forgave us, as long as we ask for forgiveness, because God knows that we all have the abilities to change, learn through experiences, for our spirits to gain growth.
Perhaps the rules are made to be broken, to keep us in like baby steps to guide us to transformation so we can be the best that God knows we can be. We learn from mistakes, therefore, all negatives can be positive as long as you learn sincerely.
God's son Jesus Christ death is not going to be in vain. God does not lie, His plans are set, and God's Wisdom out weighs ours.
That dude name Jesus is God in body form, or word in the old test, Jesus the word was always with God, they are one and three if you count the Holy Spirit on earth.
2007-03-30 22:12:44
answer #10
answered by inteleyes 7