They are mentally ill and it is not God's will! It is very sad when a mother kills her own children but it is a chemical imbalance in their brains and NOT, NOT, NOT! God's will. I do more than feel like crying I do cry when I hear and read about these terrible things! You could not be more right than saying that this is insane! It is insanity! Please do not think for one moment that any sane person who is a christian would kill their own child or any one else for that matter. Christians are not murders!
2007-03-30 06:08:03
answer #1
answered by Pamela V 7
We live in a society where drug abuse, alcoholism and violence are the norm. The television is a powerful tool to program violence into the mind. Psycho-medications are more powerful than ever and withdrawal from such can produce delusions and extreme violence. Heavy consumption of alcohol is socially acceptable and in some climates it is even encouraged. Alcohol destroys both brain and mind and the damage is often irreversible. I consider media violence to be a substance and that it belongs in the category of substance abuse because it can and often does cause a permanent change in the way a person thinks, acts and reacts. Andrea Yates was the victimize medical community that drugged her with powerful psycho-meds, and then ripped her off of them cold turkey. Such therapy is always a disaster. I do not believe that she ever got much support from her husband, who must be held equally liable with her doctor. I do not think that stress alone can be blamed for any of the incidents of a mother killing her child/children. Drugs, alcohol and media violence has to have some play in the disaster. As long as our society continues on this blitz of the mind with instant cures for stress and unhappiness, then child killings will continue.
2007-03-30 06:11:31
answer #2
answered by Preacher 6
It is tragic when it happens, because children should not fear their own parents. I remember reading a story about a mom who shot her three children and managed to kill one of them.
She tried to kill her children, because she thought they were in her way to a new relationship.
She had claimed to that somebody else had done it, but police were able to see through her lies and the fact that her surviving children would be in fear around her.
There are so many factors on why people kill. It could be from growing up in abusive households or a mental illness.
I know that mothers that kill must be missing a mother's instinct to protect her children. Babies are a gift from God. Why would anybody abuse that gift?
2007-03-30 06:07:53
answer #3
answered by ? 5
Matthew 24: 12 Then, also, many will beStumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another, 11 And many false prophets will arise and mislead many 12 and because of the increasing of lawlessness the Love ot the Greater Number will cool off But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. 14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
2007-03-30 06:05:35
answer #4
answered by Nancy 6
Well, there are probably lots of various reasons this happens, one certainly is mental illness,along with oppressive environmental conditions, but I think most cases are a result of a chemical imbalance that happens to some woman who give birth. It's called postpartum psychosis. There's more information in the website I included down below.
2007-03-30 06:35:01
answer #5
answered by Silverwing6700 2
I don't think that most people understand what it must be like to be a mother. I have never been one, but I can put myself in their place and imagine what hell it must have been for them to drive them to such a desperate end.
People think that mothers are not people. They are the nurturing ones, the caretakers who are never concerned about their own needs but only about loving, protecting and serving the child. What a sit up for a life of hell. Imagine yourself sick from birth, needing rest and someone to nurture and love you, being stuck with this screeming kid and no one to care about you. Add a couple of more kids to this.. and it is mystery to me why more women don't kill their children. Why is it that men and some women too just assume that a woman wants to be a mother and just loves taking care of children day in and day out. All we have to do is to look at one episode of Nanny 911 to see what hell being a mother is. If I were any one of those poor women, I would pack my bags and leave. Good bye, let the man who wanted to make them care for them. And everyone thinks that any woman who would leave her children is the worst possible human being. But if a man does this, well he is just a man. I think we expect far too much of a woman. I have great compassion for the poor woman who is at her wits end and just can't take it any more. And society places such a burden on a woman to be a 'good mother'. She is just a human being like the rest of us, she can not be all things to all people.
2007-03-30 06:30:17
answer #6
answered by tonks_op 7
Each person does have some good in them, and the reason is because God created us in His image or likeness. We aren't like all the other animals; God gave us souls, and because of that we know the difference between right and wrong.
But we also have another side to us—a dark side that has been caused by sin. Yes, we have good within us—but we also have evil. Instead of putting God at the center of our lives, we have put ourselves, and we serve self instead of God. To put it another way, our minds and hearts are a complex mixture of good and evil—and all too often evil dominates. Jesus said, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander" (Matthew 15:19).
This is why we each need Christ, for only He can forgive us, and only He can come into our lives by His Spirit and begin to change us. We cannot conquer sin on our own; we aren't strong enough. Only God can tame the human heart—and He will, as we yield ourselves to Christ. Have you opened your heart to Him?
What the community where the mother in the article lives has experienced is very sad, and I pray they may find God's peace and comfort. But most of all, I pray that we may each examine our own hearts and lives, and realize that no matter how good or bad we are, we all need Christ.
2007-03-30 06:23:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is a natural phenomenom, all nurturing mother animals have a few of these in their midst.
Theorys go that they don't subconciously accept it as theirs, and want to make room for their own, or that they don't feel they know how to look after it, and would rather put it out of it's misery.
2007-03-30 06:13:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The people who want a baby and can't have one..they are special cases..head cases..but special...think of your roll as a woman...I always felt I needed children to complete who I was suppose to be...just like some woman want a carreer...I wanted a family....What if you had this feeling sinmce you are a man..want to have kids and can matter try and try for can lead to some crazy feelings....So I believe its stress disorder for those woman. as for woman who kill their children.....I can only think they are sick.....I mean imagine a woman married to a man who is an abuser...and she knows she is not strong enough to leave him..she would rather kill her children than let her husband abuse them....Its sick right..but in her mind it makes more sense. This is a seriously commplicated question... There are woman who just don't love how can you truely love your child.....A drug user does not love how can she truely care for her child??? Its more like a burden and what do they do with a burden..if you can't hide it with more ignore it, hate it....kill it. Its so scary. I would really have to say All of our Goverments would be better off paying these types of people not to have children.
2007-03-30 06:02:14
answer #9
answered by ste.phunny 4
I think that sometimes the chemical chaos of pregnancy goes awry and the women is driven to this madness.
Sometimes I want to blame someone, like the husband, who sees the symptoms in their wife, yet does nothing about it. For example, take the case of the women in Texas who drive her entire brood into water, killing them all. She was obviously mentally unbalanced, yet her engineer husband did nothing to get her help. He now has remarried while his wife remains in a mental institution.
It is obvious to me that a woman who kills her offspring has some mental disorder.
2007-03-30 06:10:28
answer #10
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6