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Are many Christians afraid of other religions and philosophies because theirs is on such shaky ground?

2007-03-30 04:48:56 · 33 answers · asked by Quantrill 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

I've said this before, I don't think there is much difference between the different religions. If you read all of their holy books you'll find they agree on the major points.

I am a Christian by the way but I have a lot of respect for Muslims and Jews and also Buddhists.

2007-03-30 04:51:43 · answer #1 · answered by Velouria 6 · 6 4

I'm not afraid of other religions, I've studied many of them. I've even practiced other religions. I think that an unexamined, unproven faith is a faith that will be shaky. That said, personally, I have found no other belief system other than Chistianity that gives me such peace, hope and encouragement. No other religion could help me as most are based on perfecting the self. My self is seriously flawed, so I need a religion, a faith, that can solve my problem of sin. Having Christ has solved that problem. I still sin more than I would like to admit, but it is paid for.

2007-03-30 05:41:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Some Christians fear other philosophies because they are ignorant about the philosophical underpinnings, logic, and historicity of their own faith. This has been facilitated in America by the anti-intellectualism that began after the great awakening. Their response is, "cuz the Bible tells me so." That is too bad.

I am a Christian and an intellectual. I have read the sacred writings of many faiths, I have learned much about Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. I have also read the Quran and many of the hadiths. Yes, I have even read the Satanist credo, and have imbibed much from secular philosophy. I have also read original Christian documents, histories from Josephus, and of course, the Bible. Because of my knowledge, I am not afraid of other belief systems. I question everything, and my own faith (which did not come from by parents, BTW) has become stronger because of my questioning. God isn't afraid of questions, although He doesn't always answer them.

If you have a little knowledge about Christianity but are afraid to question it, you might start with Josh McDowell's book, Evidence that Demands a Verdict. Another interesting book is the new book by Francis Collins, the head of the human genome project. His book is great if you are an evolutionist. I personally enjoyed the book, Total Truth, by Nancy Pearcey. She goes through all of the philosophical underpinnings of western thought and gives thought provoking insights.

Basically, you have to start somewhere, and it isn't intellectually honest to just say you are an agnostic, unless you have rigorously defended that stance with the philosophical notion that nothing can be truly known.

I think you will find that Catholicism remained fairly untouched by the anti-intellectual movement, and you will find that most Catholics have a very intellectually satisfying faith. I hope that Protestants get over their emotionalism and simple-mindedness and develop a robust intellectual faith. Christianity deserves better. (BTW, I am protestant) Hope that answers you a little bit

2007-03-30 05:10:15 · answer #3 · answered by greengo 7 · 1 1

You weren't kidding -- yes, that's a very loaded question for a Friday afternoon!

I can only answer for myself. Before I studied the Bible at the virtual feet of a man who has numerous advanced degrees and has published at least 5 books on theology, I was confused about many things. Confusion and misunderstanding will nearly always breed fear. But once my deepest questions were answered, any doubt or fear I had went away. And now, all I'm left with is a nearly insatiable hunger to learn more.

Perhaps a Christian who fears other religions and philosophies doesn't find strength in their own beliefs and so feels vulnerable. But again, once that strength is found, the vulnerability goes away.

A loaded but honest statement, at least from my own perspective: I see no shaky ground with Messianic Judaism / Christianity. But you and I agree to disagree.

2007-03-30 05:03:07 · answer #4 · answered by Suzanne: YPA 7 · 5 0

Its springtime here in Valley Forge, PA;
anyway, I am Christian, and first, I am not afraid of other religions, and can't imagine why you would suggest that;
WARNING: Loaded but honest answer:
I don't see why you would believe that Christianity is on "shakey ground".
The USA alone is over 81% Christian, and thats just the church-goers, of which I am not one. I am non-denominational.
This is according to CNN, which you can choose to believe or not.
This Country is one of the free Christian Nations of the world; it will remain such until Antichrist comes to set up his own governmental and religious systems.
However, since the Biblical manuscripts say that the 7yr total period of Antichrist has been shortened to a five-month period, thats gonna be a very short amount of time that the Christian beliefs and persons will appear to be on "shakey ground".
After that, the world will be 100% Christian.

2007-03-30 04:59:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Christianity has been alive and kicking for 2000+ years and only getting stronger. I see no reason to fear other religions . . .any religion for that matter. The only way Christianity would ever be on shaky ground is if there's an earthquake.

2007-03-30 07:39:04 · answer #6 · answered by Evan S 4 · 0 1

Christians are opposed to believing other faiths. They are convinced their spiritual reality is real and no one else's is. They all smugly say anyone can get to heaven if he believes on Jesus. Oh, please. They are stubborn about believing in it and in changing other people's minds - as in 'spreading the word.' According to Christians nobody who does not believe what they believe will get to heaven. In the next life. With angels with wings and saints who performed miracles. By the way, I'm much more inclined to the 'fluffy' pagan beliefs. They are based on natural truths, not a bunch of words in a book somebody is passing off as written by god himself. (was that before , or after God got his online degree?) Call me crazy, but please, don't call me Christian. I simply can't uphold all the murdering they have done in the name of God. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to get that.
I really don't think they are afraid. They are convinced. They 'cling' to these myths as truths. Oh well.
I also don't think Christianity is on shaky ground. Everywhere I look another huge Christian Church complex is going up. They are filling a huge stadium in Houston, for pete's sake. Banks must be banking on all those loans. I don't understand why Christians need so many of these huge places of worship when their money could be put to better use feeding hungry children in their own town. Wouldn't it serve God better to help the children who need it? Let's face it, they are selfish, even with Heaven. The Christian leaders have been taking money from the old and the poor for centuries. In all that time, there have been a lot of ministries and trips to the holy land and many other places to 'spread the word.' But by far, they have spent more on themselves than the hungry people of the world. Meanwhile, the Pope lives in his palace in his own Vatican City. The Christian Churches are indeed busting at the seams. Which begs the question, is there anyone dumber than Christian followers? I once saw a hound dog puppy that was dumb, but not as stupid as all that.

2007-03-30 05:13:51 · answer #7 · answered by Konswayla 6 · 0 1

I'm not 'afraid' of other religions or philosophies. I'm convicted that the Bible is the Word of God, and I live according to it as much as I am able.

Every person needs to find their own path, and make their own choices regarding beliefs: whether they choose Chrisianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Pagan/ Wiccan, Atheism, or Evolutionism. Everybody believes something and that is their choice: God gave us freewill.

If anyone asks me what I believe and why, then I answer them. I'm more than happy to explain my faith, however it is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict people.

Blessings, Gypsy Queen

2007-03-30 19:41:06 · answer #8 · answered by Gypsy_Queen 3 · 0 0

All faiths are on 'shaky ground' if you don't believe in them. But I don't think true Christians fear or dislike any other religion or philosophy. We recognise that they are on a different path to the same ends.

2007-03-30 04:57:27 · answer #9 · answered by completelysurroundedbyimbeciles 4 · 4 1

No: I'm neither on shaky ground nor afraid of any other religions and philosophies.

2007-03-30 04:54:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

When you have walked through the fire of your life and Jesus walked with you to the point that you absolutely knew it was Him, nothing can shake my faith. Ever.

If it was "religion," it would've crumbled under the weight of all the rules and rituals. These do not bring you through the fire. They are empty and meaningless when the crap hits the fan.

Jesus side by side is what brings you through it. I have been tested by fire and refined in His purifying grace.

Besides having that personal relationship, the Bible alone is historically accurate, as compared to any other philosophical or religious text.

2007-03-30 05:00:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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