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Ok, I am NOT a christian, but i do believe in god and worship him everyday i also do go to church, just thought id say that so no one would think i was being offensive by my questions that follow:

I was at church the other week, and i spoke to a preacher about the tolerance of gays and whether he truely thinks they will go to hell (iam gay)

his response was exactly the same response i give others "let him who has never sinned cast the first stone".

but it still was not an answer, i debated with him and said "the lord says to love one another, not to hate someone" i still got no real answer.

do u think homosexuality is acceptable? i mean we are not hurting anyone, and god did create us all, why would he create homosexuality just to throw us in hell??

also, last week i became very angered by the adam and eve thing, because they always show the same kind of pictures of the two, believing SOO much that, that is what they looked like... and always showing leafs around the

2007-03-30 04:37:38 · 21 answers · asked by Katie 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

(sorry ran out off space!!) parts they hide....but y?? their would not of been such a thing as shame....

i spoke to my christian friend about this, saying "i find it hilarious that they truely think THAT is what they looked like" explaining abit more:

we all evolve because of enviroment etc, i do not believe humans when first created looked ANYTHING like we do today, and my friend agrees...just wondering if anyone else agreed that it is quite amusing that the paintings of adam and eve are soo much believed to be how they really looked??

this isnt an argument, my mates a huge christian and she agrees with me that the chances adam and eve looked anything like humans look today is well very unlikly, anyone agree?

2007-03-30 04:41:03 · update #1

21 answers

the evidence says that homosexuality is biological in origin. if god made you that way, would he really be mad that you were that way?

2007-03-30 04:42:12 · answer #1 · answered by Eleventy 6 · 1 2

Art is relative to the age in which it is created. What is painted or sculpted is of the impression of the artist. Since photography was not around at the time we cannot know the exact appearance of the first couple---and it really doesn't matter. these are trivial things that the devil likes us to get off on to take us away from the real issues of the Bible. the real issue involve sin, the devil's part in sin and the remission of sin. The furor over same sex marriage is that it is not ordained by God because homosexual acts are condemned in both the Old and the New Testaments. As far as hell is concerned, all must repent their sins and come to the glory of God in order to be admitted into heaven. God hates all sin and cannot look upon it. The blood of Jesus covers sin. Salvation is not a license to commit sin, however, for every sin has its consequences. I hope that this provides you with some guidance in this very volatile issue.

Concerning the homosexual issue, your preacher is typical of those who side step the issue for fear of upsetting the congregation and loosing his pulpit. I will give you the official conservative line. God loves homosexuals just as much as he loves the rest of mankind. What is offensive to God is homosexual activity. Now, do go flying off the handle just yet and let me turn the coin over so that we can examine the other side. God loves heterosexuals, but he hates fornication, which is sex outside of marriage. This is an issue apart from adultery, which is the corruption of the marriage agreement through third party sex. Because God has ordained marriage between a man and a woman any sex outside of marriage is fornication, to include homosexual behavior.

2007-03-30 04:55:48 · answer #2 · answered by Preacher 6 · 1 0

OK. This one is hard without involving opinion because that turns into judgement, which is wrong. We all make choices, and they are our own. No one else's. The Bible does state that (in LEV 18:20-23 but I think reading all of 18 couldn't hurt) a man should not lay with man and a woman should not lay with woman. The Bible also stated "thou shall not commit adultery" and "thou shall not kill", and "thou shall not steal", and a few other "thou shall nots", but we (as a race) do them all. This, however, does not make these things right. Following the masses is never a good thing. But your choice is yours, and you have to answer for it, no one else. The same as the husband/wife that cheated on his/her spouse. Your pastor cannot say if you are going to go to heaven or hell - he does not know. How can he possibly? He was not there for the choices you have made in your lifetime. Only you and God know what you have done (both good and bad) and He is the ONLY one you have to answer to. When you die you die alone, and your meeting with God will be alone as well. God did not create homosexualtiy, people did. With their curiosity and choices. He does not want anyone thrown into the depths of hell. But he left that choice up to us. If we don't follow the rules, we pay the price.

Is homosexuality acceptable to whom? If you are the homosexual, then it better be acceptable to you. Who cares if it's acceptable to everyoen else? But, if your question is if it's acceptable to God, then read what I suggested and then ask Him yourself. He will answer you. You just have to be still and patient and you will hear Him.

Adam and Eve did not look like we do now when they were in the Garden of Eden. The artists of yesteryear painted things the way THEY saw and the way THEY thought things were. Nudity was not widely accepted then so the paintings had to show some discretion. They are not factual, just pictures. None of the painters were there so they used their imagination.

2007-03-30 05:04:38 · answer #3 · answered by swilson_lewis 3 · 1 0

I find the jump from a discussion that meanders from a discussion of homosexuality to evolution to be quite funny and entertaining. Quite a stream of conciousness there. I'll try to keep up.

So you didn't like the response that you got from the minister at your church. Well, you're going to hate this. Homosexuality is an abomination to God and described as such in Genesis, Leviticus and is also in the New Testament especially in Romans chapter one. Homosexuality is not the design. The design is Adam and Eve. One man; one woman.

"Well, God created me a homosexual. Therefore I'm not responsible." God didn't create you to be a homosexual any more than He created me to be a sinner. I am a sinner, prone to sin which only brings pain and death. But I have a choice to repent (turn away from) my sin and to choose to accept Christ as my Savior. Being born with a pre-disposition to sin is not an excuse for sinning and will not save me from seperation from God.

As far as becoming angry, very angry, regarding pictures of Adam and Eve, if paint on a piece of canvass cause you this much distress.. you really to have issues don't you?

2007-03-30 05:09:41 · answer #4 · answered by Bud 5 · 0 0

I personally believe what the Bible says in Genesis. God created man and woman in his image, placed them in the garden of Eden and gave them a commission, 'have children, spread the borders of paradise to cover the entire earth, take care of the animals. (Genesis 1:27,28) If Adam and Eve had not sinned, at this very moment, we would all be perfect, living in a paradise earth, that was God's original purpose.

I belive that evolution does not build faith in God. Because if we all evolved, then why did God state is original purpose. It doesn't make sense.

As far as going to hell...there is no such thing as a firey hell.
Here is a link to an article that discusses some different myths related to death, as well as the scriptural reasons why they are not true. Hell is included.

With regard to homosexuality, it is not my place to judge, however, I do believe what the Bible says: 1Corintians 6:9-11, Romans 1:18-27.

2007-03-30 05:15:51 · answer #5 · answered by izofblue37 5 · 1 0

Lots of questions here. No, you're not going to hell just for being gay. No more than a murderer will who gets saved after the fact, or anyone who ever disobeyed their parents will. My question to you would be, if you "worship [God] every day" why don't you pay attention to what He says? It is not man saying that God is the Son of God and that they only way to reach Heaven is through Jesus Christ, that's God saying that..."This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased." As far as Adam and Eve, like all things, we were not there. We don't know what they looked like. I don't believe that before the fall they wore fig leaves, but after the fall, they wore leaves until God made clothing for them. The depictions we have of them, and all Biblical characters, are artistic renditions only (i.e. the artists' conception, or expression, of their state of being). I don't, however, see how you can expect any Biblical answer you may get here to be of any real use to you, since obviously you place no value on God's word, except, perhaps, as a moral story. You obviously don't understand, and if your mate is truly a Christian, she should be concerned as well. Furthermore, God did not create homosexuality, man did. God created an order (man/woman) and man rejected God's truth for a lie. ALL SINS came from the rejection of truth. While God did create the people who choose to be homosexual, He did not create homosexuality. If you're going to turly worship Him, find out what he has to say, esp. about Himself and His Son. If you don't, you're just wasting your time and your belief is for nothing.

2007-03-30 04:56:54 · answer #6 · answered by Steve 5 · 1 0

If the first 2 human beings were both male, it can make the bible even extra absurd. God did not write the bible, men wrote the bible, and it became all politically ideal proper for the day. With Adam and Eve we are all a set or inbreds by way of the indisputable fact that's, yet with Adam and Steve, umm yeah, except Steve had a womb, which negates the gay rights activists factor.

2016-12-03 00:48:46 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First off regarding Adam & Eve, the bible does say that after they sinned, their eyes were open and "they realized that they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves" Quility conscience. Later they hid from the face of God, they told God that "I was afraid because I was naked." Genesis 3:7 - 11

Of course we do not know what Adam and Eve looked like, but they were perfect, so must have been beautiful people of perfect form. I always picture them as darker like the Jews, since Jesus lineage can be traced all the way to Adam. Luke 3: 24 - 38

Regarding homosexuality, do I think it is acceptable to God? No. The scriptures clearly states at 1 Cor. 6: 9 "What, Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God's Kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kep for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom."

There are quite a few things listed there as things God does not approve of. Not just homosexuality, which would also fall under fornication. Paul goes on to says in verse 11 "And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean, but you have been sanctified, but you have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God."

So the way is always open for change. It may not be easy, but with God's help, it is possible. I know a couple people who were homosexual at one time and are not now, they may have to constantly fight their thoughts straying that way, but it would be the same for someone who is single wanting to fight fornication or fight smoking, drinking, etc...

Prayer and determination are the only ways to fight inner battles. No I do not think you will burn in hell. Hell is just the common grave. The scriptures said you cannot be part of God's Kingdom if you practices these things. So you may not have the opportunity to be resurrected and be part of God's Kingdom if you practice these things.

2007-03-30 05:15:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

O.K. I don't think it matters much what Adam and Eve looked like, the fact still remains that in the beggining God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, and that is how it is supposed to be. I think if u have faith, God can and will delier u from ANY situation u are in. Yes we are supposed to love each other, but there is a thin line between loving someone, and risking your soul's destination for something thats wrong. My answer to u is to ask yourself. What would Jesus do. Much love-new beauty

2007-03-30 10:48:14 · answer #9 · answered by call_me_new_beauty 1 · 0 0

For one thing, God did not create homosexuality; he created the people who later became homosexual, but Satan created the behavior of homosexuality. You see, Satan loves to pervert anything that God creates. God created sex to be a beautiful thing enjoyed between a married heterosexual couple; Satan created prostitution, homosexuality, bestiality, kiddie porn, etc.
I believe that humans today are actually "fallen" from their original condition. They did not look like apes before; on the contrary, they were likely 9-12 foot giants with perfect bodies who could live for hundreds of years (the atmosphere was quite different then, and allowed humans and animals to grow huge and live extremely long lives). After the Flood, our lifespans gradually dropped to what they are today, and we became susceptible to diseases and mutations. We have DEvolved, not Evolved.

2007-03-30 04:50:01 · answer #10 · answered by FUNdie 7 · 1 0

None of us has the right to condemn you to hell. Even if we think your lifestyle is a sin, sins don't keep us from heaven. Your relationship with Jesus is the only thing that will get you to heaven. Your in charge of that. You said your not a Christian, so your making your future path for yourself irrespective of sexual persuasion.

2007-03-30 04:43:10 · answer #11 · answered by Scott B 7 · 1 0

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