In my opinion abortion is capital punishment of an Innocent child. What galls me the most is that the same women who fight for abortion rights are also the ones who fight against capital punishment of truly evil adult people.
It's so hard to believe that the law give a woman the right to decide the life or death of a child who:
1) was probably not in her right mind when she had sex in the first place, and
2) is not in her right mind when she makes the decision to have an abortion.
Rape is the only reason a woman can claim no responsibility, and in this case the father should be punished to the full extent of the law. But even here the ultimate victim is the child. Plenty of couples would gladly adopt a healthy newborn.
The only reason I could even think about terminating a pregnancy is if the baby had a defect that would cause him or her to suffer through life.
And don't give me that lame excuse about protecting the mothers health. That may have held water in the 1950's but I'm not giving carte-blanche to all women because a precious few cases. This the 21st century, people. Medicine has come too far to argue this.
To answer your question: Abortion is wrong!
2007-03-30 03:52:29
answer #1
answered by IveBeenThere 4
I have a rather new view of the whole thing, it doesn't seem that most people share my view so I often get this shoved back in my face when I talk about it.
I am pro life AND pro choice.
I believe that abortions have become a means of contraception nowadays. You forget a condom and then you don't have to live with the consequences. There's jokes made nowadays and it's treated like it's nothing big. We even call them embryos or fetuses, a distinction from it just being a human. We end life with no real thought to the consequence.
I see it like the chicken farms, in a chicken farm eggs hatch and chicks come out, those little chicks are male and female, tiny helpless things. Then they get sorted. The female chicks are worth more as they will grow and have more muscle(which means more meat) and they lay eggs. The male chicks would grow into roosters, which have less meat, and lay no eggs, so they cannot make as much money. So they're sorted, and the male chicks go into a grinder, and are used to feed other animals. I see abortions as that grinder, for life's unwanteds.
Now, all that said, I will still defend the right of women to get this done. It is their body and they should have a say. Though I also disagree with the level of say, I think it should be 50/50 for each partner, and consensus should be reached. The man sticks it in without a rubber, if he wants the baby and the woman doesn't, she should give the baby to him and give up her parental rights. Too often men get no say, even though they did the action that led to the conception.
So, again, I'm pro life, I think the right choice is life, you made a mistake now live with it, you can give it up for adoption at birth to a family that has no children.
I'm also pro choice, we must be free to make these mistakes, I have no right to order another human what to do, even if it goes against my beliefs.
2007-03-30 10:32:09
answer #2
answered by Luis 6
i don't feel that abortions are wrong or right. I depends on the situation and how a person came to the conclusion that they had to have this done. Things such as a rape would in some peoples eyes the prefect reason to abort. Because you were promiscuous and became pregnant then that person should take on their responsibility of being a parent. The child did not ask for the life that you have decided to take away but the child has the right to live the life that he was promised by God.
2007-03-30 10:30:49
answer #3
answered by Sonya K 4
I didn't think much about this till I saw a display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, where they have real fetuses in all stages of development preserved in jars.(I don't know if they still have this exhibit or not.) When I saw how even the tiny ones were clearly little tiny babies, I decided then and there that killing one because they were a mistake or an inconvenience was still wrong. I have friends and family members who felt they "had" to have an abortion, and understand the difficulties involved, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a little life and you are killing it. I was a teenager at the time, and I made darned sure that I did not get pregnant until I was ready so that I wouldn't have to cope with this.
2007-03-30 10:59:51
answer #4
answered by snapoutofit 4
Yes, abortion is very much wrong. It's portrayed as being a neat, clean, pure as the driven snow procedure. In actuality, but the doctor does is drill a hole into the baby's skull, insert a tube, and suction out the baby's brain, killing her (or him). It's a very sloppy procedure. Somehow I don't think God would approve of someone destroying His second greatest miracle.
That of course is late term abortion.
You'll hear people say, "But I'm only 4 weeks pregnant." A baby has a heartbeat and forming brain at 4 weeks. This is not some lifeless piece of tissue inside of a woman. It's a living, growing human being. If you're pregnant (and I don't care how young or old you are, or even if you've been raped), God has blessed you with life. Regardless of your feelings about a situation, killing the baby isn't going to take away those feelings. Life is a precious thing.
Last, but not least, mothers-to-be feel an emotional connection with their babies. When that baby is taken away, even while in the womb, it has been known to leave serious emotional damage to the mother. While some women can have an abortion and think nothing of it, many feel so much remorse and guilt for what they've done that they don't know what to do. I pray that they would ask forgiveness for their sins and turn to Christ. God will forgive you if you seek Him with your whole heart.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward." -Psalm 127:3
2007-03-30 10:30:24
answer #5
answered by Evan S 4
No. Women shouldnt use it as their method of birth control (which i am sure no one probably does because it is expensive to have). Imagine a woman is raped by a stranger or worse a relative. Should she be forced to have a baby, especially if the baby is from incest? No she shouldnt. The world has been dominated by men and what men want. Finally women have rights in certain countries like the US and Canada and therefore have freedom to make choices about their own body.
I would only have an abortion if I was raped, especially if I was raped by a stranger and i was married (because I would never force a husband to deal with a strangers baby).
2007-03-30 14:46:50
answer #6
answered by Educated 7
And this is an etiquette question how? Is there etiquette to getting an abortion?
That being's not my place to say if it's right or wrong. Personally, I do think it's wrong for me. After growing a life inside me, I am very convicted to that. Furthermore, abortion goes against my fundamental belief system.
2007-03-30 10:34:12
answer #7
answered by born2run 2
Even if you were raped and are pregnant and you get an abortion you are getting rid of a child. Would you really take a child's life? It is wrong. It is your choice, but if you get an abortion you are killing a child, your child. You should think of it as a blessing, because you have a chance to bring more life into the world.
2007-03-30 10:26:37
answer #8
answered by falcondance 2
I dont think it is wrong, but I do believe many people use it for the wrong reasons. BUT there are enough unwanted and neglected kids out there, and if abortion was illegal there would be many more.
2007-03-30 19:08:23
answer #9
answered by Miss Coffee 6
I think it is often the lesser of many evils. I don't think I could ever have one except in the most extreme circumstances, but I don't think it should ever be a government decision. The woman, in consultation with her doctor, is the only one who should decide.
2007-03-30 10:32:35
answer #10
answered by Maple 7