Most of us live in the West. This means both A) we are most familiar with Christianity and B) we are most threatened by Christianity.
2007-03-29 12:13:36
answer #1
answered by Eleventy 6
It's the mob/bully mentality. They come to this section specifically to insult christians. Not all atheists, of course, but the rabid ones for sure. You see it here all the time. One insults christianity, the rest are right there kicking away. I don't know if these people were bullied as kids and kicking the only people they can think of to kick, or maybe they were the bullies and the grown up world doesn't put up with bullies, so this is where they take out all that anger and frustration. They have all kinds of excuses, like christians are trying to get laws passed they don't like (the law all seems to be in their favor, yet they're pretty consistent in saying it isn't). They seem to think we have everything our way, even though we can't have Christmas in school anymore, can't say the word God in school, abortion is perfectly legal and has been for a very long time, etc.. Then there are the ones who are "offended" by a cross on a roadside where someone was killed in a car accident. How this can possibly offend anyone is beyond me, you'd think they'd just learn to deal, but apparently the cross meant to help the loved ones of the deceased offends them horribly, like they're gonna melt or something. So bullies or professional whiners is really all I can figure.
And no, I don't feel at all threatened by it, just annoyed. I usually skip over their offending posts and try to find a legitimate question.
2007-03-29 19:35:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Atheist in general don't attack religions, just like modern christians don't attach atheists. Atheist do not agree with the concept of any religion, but when christians surround them the most, they discuss with them the most. But as science in almost all cases contradicts the religious doctrines, christians and alike feel that as being attacked. Only some atheists attack religion. I think in fact it's the other way around. Christians are attacking atheists. This has been the case as long as religion exists, and only the last 50 years this seemed to have stopped in the western world. But recently christians have started again. You can see it in the way they prove there case. As there is no prove for their case, they try to prove their case by disproving regular scientific views with nonsense, make believe, propaganda and lies.
Nowadays there's a movement in christianity that takes their propaganda to the absurd. All this mis-information and indoctrination could lead to strange things. There are many examples in history proving my point.
2007-03-29 20:09:12
answer #3
answered by Caveman 4
- Because it's mostly Christians that attack us. (See the next reason for why this is so.)
- It's also because most of us on Y!A are Americans and other westerners, and therefore Xianity is the religion we're most exposed to. If the USA had a Muslim majority, we'd be complaining about *them*. Face it, you're like Micro$oft--the biggest target.
Yes, some of us do feel threatened. No, not by Xianity per se, and certainly not by their imaginary god or his imaginary torture chamber. But there is a significant minority of Xians in my country (USA) that would love to install a sharia-style legal code as civil law. They lie about the origins of this country and its legal foundation in an attempt to foist their religion onto all Americans. They argue that attempts to deny or revoke their special privileges constitute persecution. They tie up the courts as well as undermine or children's education by trying to pass off their mythology as "science." And worst of all, they've got 10s of millions of Americans--perhaps even up to half--believing their lies.
> Afraid since they have this feeling deep inside that it could and most likely is true?
That's an extremely unlikely speculation to come from an "unbiased" agnostic. In addition, only someone who believes that Christianity is true--i.e., a Christian--and has a particularly parochial outlook about it would phrase it that way.
(In case you don't get it, NO, we DON'T have any such feeling inside. If we did, then BY DEFINITION, we would not be atheists.)
2007-03-29 19:54:38
answer #4
answered by RickySTT, EAC 5
I've been an atheist for 51 years and I have suffered a lifetime of abuse at the hands of Christians. I've been beaten down four times, and fired twice because the wrong person found out about my beliefs. I've been spat upon more times than I can remember. However, the worst thing Christians do is their perpetual disrespect for intelligent and educated persons. Christians are like Jonathon Swift's Yahoos. They cannot learn because they actually prefer to remain ignorant. They literally worship ignorance. Because they do this by choice (unlike homosexuality) they deserve every ounce of scorn they receive.
2007-03-29 19:39:46
answer #5
answered by Diogenes 7
Seems to me in this forum(and I am a Christian). That the baiting of Atheists by Christians and the baiting of Christians by Atheists is about even.
I really don't see Muslims, Buddhists, or Jews in here knocking the heck out of the Atheists.
I refuse to be part of divisiveness and disharmony. I don't shrink from honesty on the hard questions, but I am not intentionally rude, just honest.
Keep in mind: "It's better to be Kind than right" or to put in Bible terms. "Love does not rejoice in evil but rejoices in the truth" 1 cor:13
2007-03-30 00:05:26
answer #6
answered by Makemeaspark 7
Because so few Taoists come on here and tell us we're going to hell. Same with Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians, Baha'i, etc., etc.
And Muslims tend to get lumped in with us by some of the rantier Christians on here, so I'm a wee bit more sympathetic to them. But make no mistake, I'm just as inclined to argue with the everyone-else-goes-to-hell variety of Muslims, it's just that they're just not here in the sheer numbers that Christians are.
2007-03-29 19:20:58
answer #7
answered by Doc Occam 7
christianity is the main religion that has persecuted athiests for over a thousand years, and it is christian fundamentalists trying to bring a state religion into an otherwise politically-secular america
2007-03-29 19:36:08
answer #8
answered by Pope Barley 4
I am now a Christian but when I was a"hater" of all religion and spiritual stuff, what really used to get under my skin was the crazy claim that there was only one way to heaven and that they alone knew it... and wanted to show me. I did not, nor did I want to, think like that.
Also I had the idea that the few who I saw mess up were representative of the whole.
Threatened, Yes I felt threatened.
In the end... God won out. And now I "get it".
2007-03-29 19:19:29
answer #9
answered by thankyou "iana" 6
If you had a perfect 100% cure for strongly would you try to get all people with cancer to accept it?
Almost the same thing as Christ.....except without cancer cure you just die.....and without Christ you die and live in torment forever. (never ending pain & suffering)
You cant force acceptance on anyone....nor would I try....but we must make sure everyone has the chance to accept or deny Christ...they both will change their for the for the worse...
Make your choice wisely.
God Bless
2007-03-29 21:13:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous