They don't want to have to answer to a higher power, that's why they won't believe. ??? How does one explain fingerprints if they don't believe in intelligent design or a creator with a purpose?
I believe the world is wonderfully made & perfectly put into place. You do know that if the Earth shifted just the slightest off it's axis, we'd be gone? Everything is purposely put in place. The ozone... when we started putting the space shuttle up, it made big holes in the ozone in the areas it goes up & down in Fla. & Calif. We all know how important the ozone is & why it was made & how it protects us. Just like there are many different beliefs out there. Why there are many different people worshipping different things but most have an instinct or conscience in them about right & wrong (that was put there by the creator.) They just ignore it & get warped. Why are there so many false gods? Because most do believe there is a higher power & creator. They just get confused or deceived into not knowing who that is.
I don't believe a wonderful world like this just poofed out of nowhere & came into existance all on it's own will.
Dinosaurs didn't exist the way they said they did. The Bible doesn't list all creatures, either. (nor does it have to as that's not what's important, you'd never be able to read the whole thing if He had to list everything He created.) The Ice Age was actually the Great Flood. Of course, some believe everything in their History books even though there's no living witness to alot of historical things, anymore. The Bible is the oldest living History book. Even if science books were able to figure out how some things work or came into place (like what makes up a rainbow -doesn't mean that God didn't create it first & they just figured out what it was made up of), it doesn't mean that they can now choose who did it or how it came to be. It's like saying, "I know how the light bulb works now & since it's no great mystery to me anymore, I'm gonna discredit who invented it."
How does it hurt you that there are TONS of churches & people that have the Holy Bible that says there is a H - e -l -l? Why are you stressing it if you don't believe it? One may stress what the terrorists say & believe because they will actively do something hurtful to you NOW if you won't conform to their belief & go along with their Jihad. A Christian sharing what they believe doesn't physically mess with you if you don't agree. On the other hand, there are those who will mess with Christians whom they don't like what they say. (Then they say they are good & right for persecuting them.) Do you think Christians saying that God exists will make Him true & if you can get them to denounce, He will not Be? Well, everyone will know the truth sooner or later. So, get everyone around you to say H-E-L-L won't exist & it'll make it so?
2007-03-29 12:00:10
answer #1
answered by Nocine 4
I was raised Presbyterian and I did not feel it forced upon me (although there were Sundays when I would have preferred to do something other than Sunday school and church). I was even ordained as an elder in the church (many years ago - I was a younger elder) and was a representative to one of their national conventions.
I drifted away from god gradually. What eventually crystallized my feelings was probably the indifference god seemed to have with the suffering of his servants. For every prayer answered there seemed to be millions ignored. Furthermore, it didn't seem to matter what god you prayed to or even if you prayed to god. Ultimately it was far easier to deny the existence of god than to believe he was so capricious with his creation. It certainly helped that the scientific explanation for nature made much more sense than the biblical explanation.
I don't believe in any supernatural beings. No gods (christian or otherwise), no devils, no ghosts, no spirits, no angels, et cetera. I don't worship anything and I don't see the need to worship anything. I always wondered about that even as a christian. Why would god care where I spent Sunday morning? Wouldn't he care more how I lived the rest of the week?
I think things are the way they are because that is what happened. If the Chicxulub asteroid had missed Earth we might all be some evolved form of dinosaur. If the Shoemaker-Levy comet had hit Earth instead of Jupiter we might not be here at all. In either case, or in our current situation, the universe goes on.
I have tried to give you an honest answer, I hope you will take the time to read all of the respectful answers you receive and to think about them. We Atheists are always willing to welcome new members.
2007-03-29 18:57:27
answer #2
answered by Dave P 7
I simply think that evolution is more logical than the thought of a supreme being. In Christianity, people are taught that God is loving and kind. I don't believe a loving 'supreme' being would allow the horrible atrocities that befall mankind on a daily basis. Also, the Bible doesn't address the dinosaurs that existed for millions of years before mankind even showed up on this earth. If the planet Earth was supposedly created for man, than how the heck do you explain this? Like others stated, I think it is just mythology that has been handed down through the ages.
2007-03-29 19:05:20
answer #3
answered by 13th Floor 6
You want to know why atheists dont believe? You got a couple of days? Thats about how long it would take to point out all the flaws and inconsistencies in the Bible. Not to mention the magic and "miracles" that are described. Also, the timelines of the Bible make the Universe and the Earth no more than 10,000 years old(and thats pushing the extent of the timeline) Yet light, we see, from distant stars is light that is millions of years old. The speed of light CAN be proven. It is a fact. You cant dent it.
SO if you have the time, we have the answer to your question.
2007-03-29 19:02:26
answer #4
answered by wilchy 4
Sure. There is no testable evidence of the existence of anything supernatural, divine, demonic, or transcendent. All supernatural claims are mere assertion for which no proof is offered or can be offered. In fact religions are specifically constructed to avoid testing their claims. In modern terms, we call this a con game.
You actually believe exactly what I do about every other proposed god in human history, except the particular one you were probably taught to believe in because of the accident of where you were born and the religion of your parents or your surrounding culture. If I asked, "Why don't you believe in Zeus, the god of the Greeks?" You'd say, "Because he doesn't exist. He's just made up." I also believe that about your god. So we believe the same things about gods generally. I just disbelieve in one more god than you.
2007-03-29 19:02:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hello. Well I am not an atheist, I am agnostic which means I believe there is some sort of God or being that created us.
The reason I do not believe in any organized religion is simply because none of it makes any sense to me. There are multitudes of errors and horrible events in the bible that are clearly written by ancient man - NOT GOD. Organized religion is flawed and untrue and to me, I cant understand why anybody would believe it. It's basically like mythology.
I also am strongly against controlling people by fear and that is the basis of most religions, is to get you to follow their rules because they hang "HELL" over your head. And since nobody really knows what happens after you die, who can say they are wrong? But who can say they are right either!? Nobody knows. Thats why its the perfect tool to use to control people. Fear of the unknown.....
I think its sick and wrong.
2007-03-29 19:01:04
answer #6
answered by snailysnal 4
The logic that I studied and examined, analytically, myself is difficult to explain, at length, so I'll refrain. Instead I'll just say that study in various scientific disciplines, as well as philosophy, ethics, and quite a few religions so I became atheist.
I'm sure this won't fulfill your understanding but it's the best I can do given circumstances.
2007-03-29 19:12:30
answer #7
answered by vinslave 7
I don't believe in any creator without any evidence. Especially ones that want to control the way I live. A divine being should be able to produce some sort of evidence that can only lead to a divine being (IE direct evidence).
2007-03-29 19:11:00
answer #8
answered by Magus 4
I believe in taking care of the people I love. I believe in treating people with respect and compassion. I believe in using my life to learn. I believe in doing good in the world. I believe in allowing others to live according to their own values and beliefs. I believe that it's up to each person to figure out what they want to do with this life. I believe that this life is reward enough in and of itself, and that I don't need an afterlife to make it worthwhile.
2007-03-29 19:10:20
answer #9
answered by Let Me Think 6
1. I following scientiffic method - if there is not enough physical, definate evidence to prove it is correct, than it is to be assumed false until such evidence iss found.
2. I find no religion to be more valid or correct than any other. What happens to a jew if it turns out buddhism is the correct religion
3. Organised religion hinders personal ways of life and scientific advancement
2007-03-29 19:41:05
answer #10
answered by Pope Barley 4