I don't believe you could prove there are no living prophets. The Bible lists New Testament ministers as first, apostles, second prophets, third teachers, etc., (I Corinthians 12:29); so if you believe there are no longer any apostles or prophets, logically you should not believe there are any teachers. In Ephesians 4:11 the list is apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, so there you would have to get rid of evangelists and pastors and teachers as well.
There is a clear example of a New Testament prophet in the Book of Acts named Agabus (see Acts 11:28; 21:10), and others are called prophets in the Book of Acts. The difference between Old Testament and New Testament prophets is the the former looked forward to the Appearance of Christ; the latter recognized His having come. Indeed in the Book of Revelation 19:10 we read "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." As I understand that it means prophecy or prophesying is either from, or about Jesus.
As for Zion, this is a term that has a specific meaning in the Old Testament historical books, referring to the City of David, and is connected with, though technically distinct from Jerusalem. It takes on a more general and figurative meaning in other passages and signifies the City of God, under the rule of His Messiah.
Are Mormons in the Bible -
absolutely! everyone is in the Bible!
As it says "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:230
As to whether Mormonism is in the Bible, I personally believe 2 passages that apply to Mormonism are Galatians 1:6-9 and II Corinthians 11:3-15, which I hope you will look up, as they are important.
Peace to you!
2007-03-29 12:08:36
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
The Mormon Joseph Smith was not a true prophet. Over 65 prophesies and only 5 came true. That is not a true prophet.
The word "Mormon" is not in the King James Bible. The Mormon Bible has been seriously misconstrued. I've read it and it is not the teaching of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose Son is Jesus who gave us the Holy Spirit. Joseph Smith was just another false prophet of which many have come into this world. Apostle Paul said if any man preach a gospel other than the one of the Lord Jesus, let him be accursed.
The name "Zion" was mentioned first in the account of David's conquest of Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:6-10) Zion was used by the biblical writers in many different ways.
In Isaiah 1:27 Zion is the whole nation of Israel. In Solomon 2:6; 48:2; 84:7; and 132:13 it refers to the Temple.
Capital of Judah in Amos 6:1.
The most common usage of Zion was to refer to the city of God. Isaiah 1;27; 28:16; 33:5
Heavenly Jerusalem in Isaiah 60:14 and Hebrews 12:22 and Revelation 14:1 the place where the Messiah would appear at the end of time. Holy Mountain of Zion.
2007-03-29 19:06:09
answer #2
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
No where in the Bible mention no more prophet. Prophets are needed even now.
7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
(Old Testament | Amos 3:7)
The word Zion mention many times inscriptures, check your index. these are only a few examples.
2 The LORD is great in Zion; and he is high above all the people.
(Old Testament | Psalms 99:2)
16 When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.
(Old Testament | Psalms 102:16)
13 And he that fighteth against Zion shall perish, saith God.
(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 10:13)
6 Seek to bring forth and establish my Zion. Keep my commandments in all things.
(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 14:6)
No, the Mormons were not mention in the Bible, neither was Catholics, Protestant, or the rest of christian religion.
But, the Bible did prophecy, the Gospel will be taught to the Jews the Gentiles, and in the Latterdays, from the Gentiles to the Jews.
As a LDS Mormon, we belief our worship of God trace back to the time of Adam, Christ set up his church during his ministry days, and now restored it in these latter days.
2007-03-29 20:38:39
answer #3
answered by Wahnote 5
I. I don't know of anywhere in the Bible where it says there are no living prophets. The Bible speaks of prophets in the church (1 Corinthians 12:28), although few people actually call themselves prophets today.
The Bible also states that it itself is the only "sure" word of prophecy, others are questionable, and if contrary to the Bible should not be accepted.
The Bible speaks often of "false prophets" and also those who "prophecy in my name" but whom God does not even know.
2. There are many references to Zion in the Bible (more than 70). They refer to Jerusalem or New Jerusalem.
3. No, mormans are not in the Bible. That is why they have their own Bible, the book of morman (invented mostly by Joseph Smith) to back up what they believe. By the way, Joseph Smith is not in the Bible either.
2007-03-29 19:03:03
answer #4
answered by 2 shy 4
Zion is used 165 times in the NIV, so I doubt you want me to list them.
2nd. The Bible never says "no living prophets".
3rd. The Mormons are not in the Bible. The Bible was finished long before such a belief system exsisted.
2007-03-29 18:45:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Prophets are the ones who would Be given prophecy, once the Bible was written, there was no need for prophets, 1 Corinthians 13: 8 Love never fails. But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying, they will be Done Away with; whether there are Tongues, they Will Cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. 9 For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; 10 but when that which is complete arrives [the Bible] that which is partial will be done away with Zion -- Psalm 2;6 ; Psalm 110:2; Ps 132: 13 ; Isaiah 2:3 ; Isaiah 28:16 there are more, No Mormons are not in the Bible anywhere.
2007-03-29 18:52:09
answer #6
answered by Nancy 6
Several books of the bible were written by prophets. The bible does not say there are no living prophets. Through out the bible God states he will send prophets with his word.
Zion is Jerusalem. Capital, at first, of all Israel. Later of the kingdom of Judah; chief city of Palestine.
It is said that Jerusalem is a corruption of Yeru Shalom which means Seat of Peace or Foundation of Peace.
Mormons are in their bible. That's why theirs is called Book of Mormon and not Holy Scripture. It's different.
2007-03-29 18:49:36
answer #7
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
I recently spoke to a rather learned Pastor regarding no living prophets, and he reiterated for me that that is unscriptural as both Joel and Acts state:
Joel 2:28
[ The Day of the LORD ] "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
Acts 2:17
" 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams
as for the Mormons being in the bible... I suppose they think they are - it doesn't make it so as it's a matter of their interpretation of scripture. JW's will also say they are mentioned in the bible.
I've only ever seen two distinct people groups who are intimately close to God in the bible, and that would be the chosen Jews, and the follower of Christ (Christians).
Zion is mentioned 168 times.
1 cor above me is taken out of context. Jesus is referring to heaven and how things will be there.... there will be no use for prophets in heaven - or preachers for that matter.... after all - we'll be and there done that by that time.
2007-03-29 18:59:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have never seen a passage that says there will be no prophets...there is warning of false prophets...
Also, others have given sufficient info on "Zion"...
The term or nickname "mormon" was given to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so I am sure there would be no reason why the word mormon would be in the bible.
What we believe, teach, learn and testify of is both contained in the Bible (we use the KJV) and in the Book of Mormon, both books compliment the other and we study both. We believe the gospel we are taught and know to be true is infact the same gospel Adam and Eve received when they were cast out of the Garden, the same gospel that Christ taught when He was on the earth, and the same gospel Joseph Smith was called to restore to the earth. I love it, I love my Savior, I know the gospel is true and I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for it and for my testimony of it.
2007-03-30 14:13:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
prophesying and being a prophet are not the same thing. There is a gift of prophesy, but no longer prophets. Prophets ended with the old testiment.
2007-03-29 19:04:22
answer #10
answered by expertless 5