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if Charles Darwin is wrong, then ahh,

well nothing bad would happen regardless, you'd just look silly if it was true and you all are up hooting and hoolering "oh but look at this book some dude in 500BC wrote on the goat skin he says he talked to gawd and golly gee he says he made the man and the woman out of their ribs and gimme some barbeque sause"


Sorry, offensive maybe, but sometimes the line needs to be pushed,
it needs to be

2007-03-29 10:22:53 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

ROFLMAO!!!!! That's exactly how I picture some of these people talking!! and have you noticed that more fundies have total Bama grammer?? And anyone who feels like getting offended- I get to say that- my dad's from alabama and y'all have some seriously baaaaaaad grammer!!

2007-03-29 10:56:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Even if evolution were false, that would not automatically make creationism true. Instead, scientists would replace it once they found another scientific theory to explain the data; explain the problems that evolution would have; and make novel, emperically-verfiable predictions.

To this day, creationism (which was not formed from science, but, is, instead, a religious doctrine that has been trying very hard to back itself up with scientific data) has not explained all the facts the evolution explains and does not make novel, emprically-verifiable predictions, thus failing on two of the three necessary criteria.

And, even if that were not the case, creationism requires a supernatural cause. Science studies nature and natural causes, not supernatural things. A supernatural thing is, by its very nature, not emperically-verifiable, and, therefore, has no place in scientific discourse.

And, even if that weren't true, which creationism? A god who takes 6 takes to say what amounts to a handful of sentences, and then needs a day off before he begins tinkering with his creationism? Maybe a giant made of ice that has a cow licking his toes to create the first gods, who immediate kill the giant and use his body to create all of existence? A designer who, not being intelligent, has to scrap billions of universes until he creates one that's just right? A divine being that created the universe, then just let it run according to its physical laws, maybe watching it soap opera marathon, but not really interacting?

The point is, if evolution were to turn out to be wrong (and there's no reason to think it will), it isn't really much of a victory for theism.

2007-03-29 17:35:46 · answer #2 · answered by jtrusnik 7 · 1 0

the theory of evolution was around BEFORE charles darwin.

Darwin is merely the person that was the first to PUBLISH the thread called "natural selection" that made it plausible and brought it together.

Darwin was also not an athiest. Darwin was studying to become a clergyman and was a believer in the bible and god.

EDIT: in origin of species darwin did NOT say man decended from apes, actually I think you should read the origin of species. Darwin touched on this in the "decent of man" when he expressed that man evolved from more primitive species.

Darwin actually did not make the connection, it was his supporters and detractors that did. Darwin was very hesitant to publish his initial findings so much so that the only thing that made him do it was because someone else was going to publish similar findings.

Darwin avoided making the connection of the evolution of man out of fear of the public backlash.

EDIT2: Dice K, I don't know where you are getting your info, but it seems to be coming from your ***, or your preacher's mouth- same thing. Darwin was religious until his daugther died.

2007-03-29 17:35:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No I have never considered Charles Darwins thory of evolution because it cant be proven that we became by the evolution of slime or whatever. Did you know that at the end of Charles Darwin's life he became a Christian. Jesus is the only way and he is coming back soon I want you whoever you are to go to Heaven with Him when He comes back. If you want to receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour and know and one day meet your creator go to:http://www.billygraham.org/SH_stepsToPeace.asp

2007-03-29 17:36:41 · answer #4 · answered by Dice K 1 · 0 1

Go to your local zoo, look upon the apes, monkeys, gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and baboons... and then ask yourself why they exist if man evolved from them? As for me I tend to drift toward the possibility that our existence derived from a Supreme Being and or beings, of which may or may not be actual gods, but a highly advanced alien life form... or the possibility that we were once micro organisms carried here via meteors or asteroids? None the less, until there is concrete proof of our existence I will leave all possibilities open...

2007-03-29 17:38:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yeah, but unless someone is a biological scientist or doctor why would someone need to know the theory of evolution and unless one is a minister why would anyone need to know Divine creation?

I would wager that schools should teach each of them in a separate class volunteer only.

2007-03-29 17:29:02 · answer #6 · answered by Vultureman 6 · 0 1

Let me ask you this question; What if God does exist and when you die you meet Jesus, and He asks you why you didn't repent of your sins while you had the chance on earth.

Then He asks you why did you believe lies and deception created by Satan and pushed through society. What will you do then when He sorrowfully tells you that unfortunately because you chose to deny Him and you followed Satan that you end up going to a place of fire and unbearable pain and suffering called Hell. Will you regret not listening to God while you had a chance to on earth. What will you do then.

The truth is right in front of your face. Dont be distracted by the misdirection created by Satan.

Jesus loves you. Repent of your sins and be saved.

2007-03-29 17:37:33 · answer #7 · answered by Saved by Jesus 2 · 0 1

Did Charles DARWIN actually say MAN CAME FROM APES.

I've often wondered about that.


Or did some fool just use his teachings to say that.

Where, what page, what paragraph in the ORIGIN of the SPIECES did DARWIN actually SAY MAN CAME FROM APES

I'd like to see that citation.

Or did it come from some SCIENCE TROLL!

2007-03-29 17:31:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Evolution and the Theory of evolution are separate. The theory explains the fact.

2007-03-29 17:29:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Damn, this isn't the wager, it's the other way round, it's the regaw! So what do I do now, pass the drink out on the other side?

2007-03-29 17:34:33 · answer #10 · answered by Ymmo the Heathen 7 · 0 0

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