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She will have them in May. I never had a cat that was pg so i dont know what i am to do when she has her kittens. Do i keep the daddy away from her? If so when do i do that and for how long? The only thing i know is that the babys have to stay with the mom for 8 weeks. that is all i know. so if anyone knows more stuff that will help me that would be great. oh and how many babys do cats have? thank u.

2007-03-28 12:58:53 · 9 answers · asked by Felicia C 1 in Pets Cats

9 answers

you should have thought about that before you let her get pregnant. why don't you go and get her spayed now.

2007-03-28 13:02:56 · answer #1 · answered by catloverme123 7 · 3 1

My cat is in the same boat, but she's going to give birth within the next few weeks, and we're going to keep and fix them all. Mom's are pretty good at keeping the dad's away when they are about to give birth and when the kittens are still very young. You could actually talk to a pet store about adopting them out for you or make some applications and charging a small adoption fee of like 10 bucks to ensure that the new owners aren't going to make them into snake food. I would definalty keep dad away after the kittens are born for the first 6 weeks and have an appointment set for ASAP afterwards to have her spayed. I had a cat once that as soon as we got rid of the first litter she was pregnant and about to deliver again. Fun times there.....as to being with her when she has the kittens, just don't touch her, but be there to "support" her as she has them. They are very stressed AND WILL BITE you if you try to move them while in labor, but it can be done. Get her a box she will be comfortable in for the birthing and nursing process and if you have small children, then keep them away while the kittens are really young or she will kill them. I'm learning a lot of this stuff again on this go around. I made the mistake of not spaying Sonia and now we're having babies. I don't believe in aborting any life, even a kitten.

2007-03-28 20:21:14 · answer #2 · answered by kogoinnutz 2 · 0 0

When it gets close to the time for her to have them you can try making a place for her. Unless you confine her to the room you make the place for her she will choose her own place. She will want a small confined area that is dark like a dresser drawer she can get into somehow, a closet, or under a bed, ect. If you make a place for her make sure it is in the quietest part of the house possible, and make sure it is dark, a box that has a lid is best. You can cut a hole for her to come in out through. Line it with lots of newspaper and the oldest towells you have. She will probably not eat the day she has them and she will probably have them in the evening or during the night. Yes, try to keep the daddy away from them until they are up and playing aroung 4wks. old. You can try to introduce them then if the mother is comfortable with that. If he doesn't behave then keep him away from them. It is common for tomcats to kill kittens. Cats can have anywhere from 1 to the most I every heard was 9 kittens. It depends on how old the mother cat is and how many litters she has had. A good average for a first time mother cat that is a year old is 3-5 kittens. Could be more or less though. You might want to have baby bottles (for kittens) on hand and some of the replacement formula in case the mother cat doesn't produce milk very well. If at all possible try to be with her when she is having them. When my cat had kittens the first time when the first kitten was born and cried my mother cat was so startled at the strange noise that she bolted out of the closet. I had to catch her and bring her back. I had to gently but firmly hold the kitten upside down and swing it in a downward motion to clear the mucus from its mouth. I had to cut the cord. She had 5 kittens and she finally got the idea of what she was supposed to do with number 4. She didn't start out so great but at least she got the idea and didn't abandon them. If you want more info call a vet. Good Luck

2007-03-28 20:17:58 · answer #3 · answered by horsenuttss 2 · 1 0

Awww! I love kittens! When your cat has her kittens, yes, by all means, KEEP THE DAD AWAY! He will eat the kittens (gross, but true). I would keep the dad away for the time that they have to stay with her while the kittens are still nursing. When she is going to have the babies, she will look for a safe place to give birth. I would recommend that YOU provide a place, given that she would most likely go under a bed, in a closet, or in a corner some place where it would be hard to find them (not to mention that she would get it all dirty). A box that is padded with rags and put in a safe, quiet place would be suitable, though it's up to her if she likes it or not. Sometimes pregnant females are picky.
From my past experience, cats have about four kittens. Usually (also from past experience), the dad's genes have a "greater say" in what the kittens will look like, but it can be the other way around.
Have fun with your little kittys!

2007-03-28 20:38:43 · answer #4 · answered by Ayla 2 · 0 0

I would definitely keep dad away when she is close to giving birth. He could harm the mom and the babies. If your cat has a favorite comfortable spot, set up a box with some towels now so she will get used to it and have her babies there. Make sure the area is private so she is less stressed. Animals do better at giving birth than humans ( I think) I would stay with her while she is giving birth but let her do her thing. It could take a while since cats can have 5,6,7 or more kittens.

2007-03-28 20:07:37 · answer #5 · answered by ckgmommy58 1 · 0 0

1. Neuter the male now. He can get her pregnant again shortly after birth and it's likely he will kill the kittens in order to mate again. All animals should be kept away from her for several weeks. She will also become very protective and IF another animal is near and she feels threatened, she will fight tooth and nail to keep her kittens safe.

2. Feed her kitten food now and until kittens are weaned.

3. Take her to the vet to be examined.

2007-03-29 08:16:43 · answer #6 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

cats have 2-8 kittens sometimes 9 but rarely.

2007-03-28 20:03:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anon omus 5 · 0 0

If you can't keep the kittens and want to give them away, contact me plz :)

2007-03-28 20:23:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if you dont want her to have them your vet can abort them. Its a simple procedure and its best for your kitty. Thats probably best as there are already so many unwanted kitties in this world..

2007-03-28 20:03:30 · answer #9 · answered by animluv 5 · 0 1

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