being a Christian means accepting a set of values and principles lived and taught by Jesus of Nazareth; this is quite different from the religion that bears his name. Don't let religious Christians tell you unfounded things about being born again and whatnot. They tend to interpret the Bible literally and outside of its context; this is a very dangerous thing to do because it leads people astray and makes them believe nonsense. You can be a Christian and believe the Bible while doing so with common sense, it just means you interpret and internalize things very differnently than do others.
2007-03-28 12:06:10
answer #1
answered by ? 4
This is a great question! A Christian is somebody who has faith in God and believes that God will be with them no matter what. You can tell a Christian by the way they act toward other people. Christians also like to help other people in times of need. They also should have an attitude of love toward other people They do not gripe and complain. Hate is not an option. Jesus Christ came to this earth to die for our sins so that we may have eternal life.
2007-03-28 19:08:35
answer #2
answered by G.W. loves winter! 7
It means living as if others are yourself in a different form, and it means thanking God in your heart for every good thing you experience, and asking God to bless others as well. What makes them different is that they are not always trying to get the advantage over other people, because they believe the promise of Christ, that they will inherit the earth, and they're content with that, and manifest a humble spirit of joy and lovingkindness.
2007-03-28 19:26:16
answer #3
answered by Leslie J 4
I would say that any good person who is trying to live a good life is a Christian, but that is likely too broad. Then there is the view that even some churches that talk of Christ, rejoice in Christ, and preach of Christ are not Christians because of differing views of Christ.
I think a good description is someone who believes that Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins.
2007-03-28 19:07:21
answer #4
answered by joatman71 3
Being a Christian means to believe in and to follow CHRIST. We are not different just forgiven and redeemed. Our futures are settled and secured. We look forward to a new beginning in the presence of our SAVIOR for all eternity.
2007-03-28 19:03:59
answer #5
answered by Nancy B 5
There are little pieces pecked out of our skin all over our bodies.
Being a Christian, I assume means something different to each one of us and not something we can simply explain in a few words here (though no doubt someone will paste in half the Bible since you asked).
I am a unique and special person...and so is everyone. Viva la difference.
The Skeptical Christian. JPO
Grace and Peace
2007-03-28 19:02:49
answer #6
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
Being a christian is excepting Jesus Christ in your life and following his ways.
2007-03-28 20:50:49
answer #7
answered by saintrose 6
Christians are followers of Christ. We have many different styles, all of the are not necessarily right.
We want to be with Jesus here and after so we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. And He saves everyone who believes in Him. : )
2007-03-28 19:02:12
answer #8
answered by SeeTheLight 7
It means they believe in Jesus Christ, and nothing. They are the same as me and you. You may find people who think and feel they are superior than you by mere beliefs but no.
2007-03-28 19:05:04
answer #9
answered by mm d 2
very good question. heres what a christian means/
have you ever lied? ever sotlen something? ever looked with lust? ever used Gods name in vain?
if you have said yes to these questions then by your own admission, your a lying theiving blasphemous adulturer at heart like the rest of us. I was guilty, i was a siner at emnity with God through my wicked works. the Bible says the penalty for sin is hell.. But Christ died for us, he took the punishment for our sin when he died upon the cross, and a christian is one who has understood thier sin, that they have broken the law of God and need forgiveness and have repented (turned from sin) and trusted in christ and his sacrifice on the cross. now a christian will be changed an given a new heart with new desires to love and serve God and wittness and share the salvation they have found in jesus christ. have you broekn the law? ever lied or stolen or lusted or used Gods name in vain? what will you do on judgeent day wheb these sins come out as evidence of your guilt? The Bible says hell is the penalty for your sin, but Christ died for you, Not just for those who go to church, but or every man and woman on this earth including you. every one of us will face God and he hates sin, it is an abomination to him. But Christ died so that if you wil repent 9turn from sin and trust in christ, you may be pardoned of sin and grnated everlasting life, not because we deserve it, but because we have a merciful God.
God Bless
2007-03-28 18:59:46
answer #10
answered by Rated J for Jesus 2