There is no set expiration date.
If the garlic sprouts, I just peel off the white part of the garlic for cooking and throw away the sprout.
If the white part of the garlic has changed colors and you see brown spots or is mushy, then just throw it all out.
2007-03-28 12:09:24
answer #1
answered by lots_of_laughs 6
Garlic still in the glove will most likely still be OK because of the skin's protection (unless it has visibly molded or gone soft).
However, peeled garlic cloves tend to sour rather quickly. There is no set date of expiration b/c this all depends on the humidity, temperature, and age of the garlic when it was refrigerated. The best way to tell is to give it a smell. If you get an acidic tinge in the odor it is time to toss the garlic. Obviously mold and softness are also signs the garlic needs to make its exit.
Fair warning, even if the garlic hasn't soured, cloves tend to heavily increase in intensity over time (as do all members of the onion family...try cutting an onion you have had sitting on your counter for 3 weeks if you don't believe me. Your housemates will think your dog has died). You might went to cut the amount you use by 1/3 if you have had the cloves for more than 2 weeks or so.
2007-03-28 12:11:08
answer #2
answered by Chef Rachel 2
The biggest thing to check for is firmness. If they are firm, you can cook with them. Plan on using a little more, as they likely won't be at full pungent strength.
If they are sprouting, that is indeed a sign that they are regrowing (you might want to peel and plant one for fun!). I hate to admit this, but in a pinch I have used cloves that just started to sprout. I just cut around and tossed out the green part.
What you want to avoid is when they are soft/mushy or really pitted and discolored. That's when they aren't usuable. Otherwise you are safe to go for just won't be top quality, so depending on what you are making you might want to suppliment with a little garlic powder to enhance the flavor. Plus be sure to smash the gloves (cut or not) to get as much juice out as possible, as they will be drying out if old, and you want to help get out as much of the good garlic flavor as you can.
From what you said, sounds usuable to me...a month really isn't that long for garlic esp if it was fresh when you got it.
Good luck!
ETA: I actually thought of you yesterday. Martha Stewart had on one of the world's top French Chefs and they were making a spring lamb stew. In his showing how to cut open the garlic he spoke of removing the middle part (forget what he called it, but his very thick French accent made him hard to understand words I knew lol). Then Martha even chimed in, "especially if it's green." So if she says it's ok to use if green, long as you remove it, who am I to argue. Funny the Chef, who owned Lutece, said that middle part is what makes garlic bitter, so now I will pay more attention next time I chop garlic! But had to share this, since I would assume those 2 know what's good and what's not. She may be prissy, but she knows her stuff lolol! And glad to see I gave the correct info, just going by how I cook.
2007-03-28 12:04:35
answer #3
answered by FineWhine 5
When it sprouts it becomes a little bitter. I have planted sprouting garlic and it grows just fine. Planting garlic around your house is supposed to protect you from evil spirits. Hee hee.
You can also snip the sprouts and use them like chives, a little strong and hot but not bad.
2007-03-28 12:13:21
answer #4
answered by Liligirl 6
Hi !!!
Here is what I found...
Garlic, chopped, commercial jars 18 months Refrigerate; use
by date on jar.
2 days (On the shelf)
1-2 weeks (In the refrigerator)
1 month (In the freezer)
2007-03-28 12:04:41
answer #5
answered by “Mouse Potato” 6
they expire when they start to sprout new growth up til them they are fine to use
2007-03-28 11:59:07
answer #6
answered by steve 4
usually a year
2007-03-28 12:01:31
answer #7
answered by jeff_elsten 3
i don't think so. if it dries out, then it is no longer good
2007-03-28 11:59:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous