If you love your life-get everything you want for yourself, go where ever you want, ect.-will loose it or basically go to hell
Therefore if you live your life the way you want to, you will go to hell.
If you hate your life-don't get things you 'want' or if you know something is bad but still want to do it, because everyone does it, don't and you will go to heaven
or if you live for God and not yourself, you will go to heaven.
if your first- you want the best, better than anyone else you want to/are the smartest, wealthiest, etc., you won't be the greatest one in heaven, actually you would be one of the lowest people there. If you always let people have their way, don't expect anything good, basically be like a servant, in heaven you'll be one of the greatest people.
That's the way I understand it.
2007-03-28 11:50:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you love your life and spend your days trying to satisfy your desires and not worrying about spiritual things you shall eventually lose your life on judgment day when you are cast into the lake of fire and destroyed. Those that find no value in material things and spend their life trying to glorify God shall get rewarded with eternal life, they shall find it.
People that strive to always be the one that everybody notices shall be of no importance in eternity, the fist shall be last. As a man of God we are called to be servants of others hence appearing to be of little importance here on Earth (the last) and often we get walked on and taken advantage of but in eternity we shall be the ones glorified (shall be first). Remember the story of when Jesus washed the disciples feet, here even the Son of God showed servitude.
2007-03-28 11:44:18
answer #2
answered by pontiuspilatewsm 5
i dont know about the life thing but im guessing sumthing like ppl who love their life will lose it becuase they're all like materialism and stuff, but ppl who hate their life wil use it for the Lord and they're the ones who wud find true Life.
the first and last thing tho, its those who serve who ppl on earth consider the lowest of all servants of God on earth, will enter the gates of first for they are the one who served as the Lord has and done the most for Him, but the first are the ones who think they're all superior and full of pride so they will be last for The Lord will judge them on their actions in life, (same with the last or lowest but only the Lord shall be gentle with them for they have done much in His name.)
2007-03-28 12:17:37
answer #3
answered by Shmily P 3
if u love ur life u have pride one of the 7 deadly sins and first last thing if u keep trying to be first at the end u will be last
2007-03-28 11:43:18
answer #4
answered by Perfection 4
Matthew 10:39 (NIV)
"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
Matthew 16:25
"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."
I think these are warnings against too much self-seeking and self-protection.
The first version of the quote is told in the context of one's life being in danger for the sake of the Gospel, and of not even putting one's family ahead of Jesus. A few verses ahead, Jesus tell us not to be afraid of those who can kill you, but be afraid of the One who can put body and soul in hell. (I assume he means God; he could mean Satan.)
The second version of the quote is told after Peter tries to dissuade Jesus from going to the cross, and Jesus harshly rebukes Peter: "Get behind me, Satan!" Jesus also says here, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" It's about not sacrificing your true self, or your eternal life, for earthly gain and earthly safety.
I don't think the quote means that you shouldn't try to discover your true self or your God-given purpose on earth. I think it means not to put your personal goals, your personal safety, or even your loved ones above your loyalty to Jesus. (Of course, the danger is that some unscrupluous religious types will try to get you to sell out your life to their purposes and their goals in the name of Jesus. Some people have tried to do that to me.)
Matthew 19:30
"But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first."
Matthew 20:16
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
Mark 9:35
Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."
Mark 10:31
"But many who are first will be last, and the last first."
Luke 13:30
"Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last."
As you can see, Jesus uses this quote many times. I think the Mark 9:35 quote better explains the others. This has to do with reversal of the earthly, worldly order. This has to do with the humble being exalted and the exalted being humbled. Like Mary says in Luke 1, God fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty.
In Matthew 19 and Mark 10, Jesus tells this after he meets the rich young ruler who can't bring himself to give away all his wealth to the poor. In Matthew 20, it's the Parable of the Workers of the Vineyard, where the vineyard order pays those workers hired last the same wage as those workers hired first. In Mark 9, it's after his disciples are arguing among themselves about who among them is the greatest. In Luke 13, Jesus is talking against religious hypocrites that try to enter heaven.
Basically, the quote is to encourage people to be humble rather than arrogant.
2007-03-28 12:19:00
answer #5
answered by MNL_1221 6
those who give their life in devotion to God shall receive the gift of salvation and eternal life, those who keep everything they have for themselves will not...
2007-03-28 11:44:52
answer #6
answered by aa.gabriel 4