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2007-03-28 11:38:57 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football Scottish Football

31 answers

Very easy to answer this.
It all stems from Northern Ireland, the "Battle of the Boyne" (1690) Go onto the internet and read the history,, both Catholic and Protestant groups are nescient, both groups don't understand why they really hate each other.
They say it's religion, but it's not, has nothing at all to do with God.
It's all about labelling themselves with one of the names Catholic or Protestant, in reality, both sides have no clue why they hate each other, they are both retarded and use football as a reason to hate, fight, slander and be bigoted towards each other.
You could say, that both groups are mental cases with no brains at all, I grew up in this society and was part of it for many stupid, senseless years.
These people who hate each other, don't just hate each other, but hate different people in their own communities too,
as well as other countries where they will show the same type of hatred and violence.
These people who hate each other, have a hatred problem, period, they just hate, for the sake of hating.
Brainless, mentally retarded people.
They don't know the history behind what they fight for.
It goes back to 1690, 317 years ago, I mean, how stupid is that?
That's like hating every German because of what Hitler done during World War Two, there comes a time, when you have to let history, be just that, let it go folks.
Let's "FORGIVE" and "FORGET".
Have A Nice Day!.

2007-03-28 17:46:43 · answer #1 · answered by Biffa 1 · 2 6

This from wikipedia sums it up quite well:

"Scotland suffers from a spill-over of Northern Irish sectarianism due to the many people with links to both communities living in the country, particularly in the West. The Old Firm of Celtic and Rangers football clubs have provided a focus for this, with Rangers being the Protestant and Celtic the Catholic icon.

Both teams subscribe to government initiatives, and charities like the Nil by Mouth campaign are working in this area, but there are still some fans on both sides who sing sectarian songs and display slogans and images related to the conflict in Northern Ireland. Celtic recently wrote to every season ticket holder banning sectarian behaviour at Celtic Park. Rangers' equivalent anti-sectarian policy is called Pride Over Prejudice .

Even in recent years, deaths and serious injuries have taken place after Old Firm matches. "

2007-03-29 05:03:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The Rangers-Celtic (also know as the 'Old Firm') derby is probably the most intense rivalry in the world though I'd hardly call it the 'best' and it certainly is not the healthiest. Boca/ River Plate, Panathinaikos/ Olympiakos and some in the Eastern bloc countries like Georgia and Serbia are also among the most vicious in the world. For me the Merseyside derby (Everton-Liverpool) is probably the closest to a 'healthy' rivarly. Even though it can be pretty brutal on the field of play, the fans seem to keep it in a reasonably sane perspective.

2016-03-17 04:08:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because Rangers Fans are Protestants and Celtic are Catholics and they really hate each other because of that and the are 2 best teams in Scotland so they are allways competing 4 the league and cups. The atmosphere at the games are unbelievable when lots of hatred is spread

2007-03-29 21:23:26 · answer #4 · answered by GlasgowRangers 2 · 1 0

I hate Rangers the fans and everything they stand for, I hate that they back a foreign sovereignty (Queen of ENGLAND) and the British Flag, I hate that they strut around in frickin pajamas blowing on their flutes like a pack of retards, I hate that they think cause they are protestant they are holier than holy.

Also 1690 has nothing to do with our hatred for Rangers, its only them that keep digging that **** up with their Orange Walks and crap. But imagine, fighting for a foreign King (king William) against your own (King James) isn't that called High treason?

2007-03-29 05:15:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Scottish fans are very passionate about their teams. So, ovbiously when it comes to the local rivalry, you can only imagine how that is. Another reason would be the whole Protestant/Catholic deal. Some aren't as serious about it as others, but it definitely does play a significant part in heating up this already hot rivalry between these two clubs.

2007-03-28 13:58:00 · answer #6 · answered by sweetpanther08 6 · 0 2

Well i'm a celtic fan and have no hatred for rangers or their fans, i always get behind rangers when they play in europe...

2007-03-28 12:11:03 · answer #7 · answered by Rod Stewart 5 · 5 2

not every celtic fan is catholic but they still hate each other i think its just convienient for them cause there so close in terms of just along the road from each other

2007-03-28 22:26:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Unfortunately it comes down to religion.

Mainly speaking celtic tend to be catholic and Rangers tend to be protestant although you will get each religion supporting each team,it will never end as long as biased people exist....sorry but the truth hurts !!!!!

2007-03-28 11:51:50 · answer #9 · answered by Zenlife07 6 · 3 3

why did you not ask,why do hearts and hibs,dunfermilne and raith,partick and clyde,hate each other,your just stirring it up are'nt you. i support celtic and dont hate my many rangers pals,and i cant hate anyone i dont know.

2007-03-29 01:52:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0