The bible is completely contradictory. A genius piece of literature that can be interpreted any way one wants to justify about everything. It's just there to manipulate people.
2007-03-28 11:43:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You do realize that verse is symbolic. It means the wicked will be alienated from God. See these verses also.
(Matthew 8:12) whereas the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the darkness outside. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be.”
(Matthew 22:13) Then the king said to his servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and throw him out into the darkness outside. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.’
God does not torture people in a firey furnace or in a pit. In Rev 20:14 It says that death and hades are hurled into the lake of fire. This must be symbolic because how can hades which is supposed to be the lake of fire be cast into the lake of fire. How can death be cast into the lake of fire?
Remember these verses are talking symbolically because it says that the kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea, (verse 47) the furnace is also symbolic.
2007-03-28 12:08:29
answer #2
answered by Pinkribbon 4
[why doesn't he do something for people who are too stupid to get with the program and "believe" in him instead of doing what this verse implies he would do]
He did... he sent Jesus to teach and die for their sins... and yet still, they rejected Him... everyone is given a chance... they choose to be either with God or severed from Him...
if you know the word and what it implies... and are choosing to go the other way....why are you blaming God for this?
God SO loved the world he sent his only son, Jesus... who lived among us and died for us... and those who accept the FREE gift of salvation from Him will not perish but have everlasting life.... sounds like love to me....
if you choose to not believe... that you don't think it is true... why would you even ask about God loving us? I think it is just funny how people blame God for being just.... when they themselves chose to be against Him even when they have the words right in front of them....
2007-03-28 11:47:58
answer #3
answered by livinintheword † 6
No that does not sound like a loving God. It sounds like a Just God - the God that everyone who spurns mercy will meet.
You would be the loudest to scream foul if God forced you to believe. Like you say, you are proud to be an atheist. And that is the real issue. You chose not to submit yourself to the one who created you, loves you, and holds your every heartbeat in his hand.
God is of necessity, absolutely, and perfectly just. He must be absolutely truthful, and merciless in judgement. That means blind justice.
If God were in the slightest shade capricious in his role as Judge of the Universe, He could not be God. No one could ever trust him. Consequently, if you sin, that sin MUST be punished, and punished with exquisite precision.
The problem with the fate of men is not "How can a loving God send people to hell?" Justice demands that people be sent to hell, and if that offends you, then you don't have any idea at all of the heinous nature of sinning against an infinitely holy God. But suffice it to say that our sin now is in acorn form.
And in that acorn resides the blueprint of an oak forest. Those who resist God are becoming something that will horrify them once they realize it too late.
The real hard question is "How can a just God, forgive sin and still be righteous?"
And that is why Christ died - so that sin could be exactly punished on Christ, and mercy shown to those who by faith appropriate his redemption. God has a way to extend mercy without violating justice. So do you want to meet God in justice or in mercy. Do you want to pay the eternal punishment for your own wickedness, or do you want to accept the mercy of God, and the love of God that he paid such an unspeakable price to provide?
2007-03-28 12:11:18
answer #4
answered by Frak 3
Why should He do anything? You have the freedom to choose Him or not! He's not going to force you to love Him and "get with the program" and believe in Him! Besides the only way that you will ever believe in Him and know that He is real is if God himself reveals Himself to you---otherwise you will just continue to walk in the only way that you see is right. I guarantee you if you ask for God to prove to you that He is real, He will do it and you will no longer say "Proud to be an atheist".
2007-03-28 11:49:59
answer #5
answered by MarineMom 6
I takes two to love. God loves his creation and he expects His creation to love Him back to manifest its true nature. Since I am just His creation and subject to His commands, my wickedness shall be charged against me and if ever I have lived righteously in His eyes, I still would wait for His decision on me and it is not me to present it to Him and tell Him what to do.
You just do not know how wicked should a man be to deserve His punishment. It has to be beyond forgiveness before God will give His curse. For you to make your own judgement on God is unfair. Your human standard of forgiveness and love is just a shallow pond compared to the deep understanding on the works of God. And if you are an atheist, why do you bother to ask questions on things you not uunderstand. An atheist should more concerned on how to find the right way to live as humanly as possible.
2007-03-28 11:55:51
answer #6
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7
Romans chapter 1:18-20
For the wrath of God is revealed from against all ungodliness and unrighteousnessof men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,be cause what may be know of God is Manifest in them, For God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His Invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse.
2007-03-28 11:51:07
answer #7
answered by easyericlife 4
He does love everyone, but love cant replace doing what it justified. God gives everyone equal opportunity to accept the free gift of salvation offered by Christ. You choose not to accept it, thats on you...not God. You made the choice, and you will face the known consequences of your un belief. BTW, if your an atheist and proud, then why be concerned about it? Why not let people believe what they choose without mocking their God by saying "does this sound like a loving God?" Perhaps your not as sure of yourself as you may think you are. If thats the case, then I'd suggest giving God a chance to show you exactly how much he does love you.
2007-03-28 11:44:46
answer #8
answered by Underdog 2
We have free will. We would be little puppets if God made us do this or that. Many people pick sin. It's sad, but true. Even some of the most popular tv evangelists are steeped in sin.
By your "proud to be atheist" comment I gather you aren't actually here looking for answers, just trying to make the Christians feel stupid?
Ah well. Too bad you don't want to even TRY to be my friend.
2007-03-28 11:43:25
answer #9
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
Human, nice Job taking this out of context in order to fit your own warped agenda. if you had of read before that, it exlains why these wicked were cast into the lake of fire and who these peple were. number one they were cast inot the lake of fire because they had lied stolen blapashmebed ad broken the Law of God, they not only did that but they were given fair and equal opportunity to accept the revelation of God and be saved, but they chose to live wickedly till the end of their life, the were warned of the dnager they were in not only by the wittnesses sent during the tribulation period, but as with all people, we have a conscience, we knwo its wrong to lie and steal and kil and commit adutlery, these things are obvious and our conscience screams at us when we commit the heinous acts. so God has done something for these stupid people, who wont "get witht he program, you have a conscience the creation and the cross of clavary where christ died as a wittnes, but will you get with the program? no, not as long as there is some excuse to reject it, and if you would read, thats exactly the same way these people were, they were so against God these wicked men fought against God unitl the end knowing the end destruction.
So, on the day of Judgement how will you do?
have you ever lied?
Have you ever stolen something?
have you ever looked with lust?
ever used Gods name in vain?
if you have said yes to these three questions, then by your own admission your a lying theiving blapshemous adulturer at heart you have sinned against and offended an infinalty Holy God who has seen every thought word and ded done in darkness. God again has given you the creation as evidence of His love he has give us the consceince, the knowledge of right and wrong, and lastly he sent his sone Jesus. Because of our sin, we deserve hell, But Christ himself was crucified taking upon himself the punishment we deserve so that we night go free if we would wake up and see the debt of our sin and repent (turn from sin) and trust in christ and his sacrifice upon the cross. You have plenty of evidence plenty of the truth including the testimony of christians who have been redeemed and reconcilled to God. thats his proof of Love for you, will you get with the program?
2007-03-28 11:52:42
answer #10
answered by Rated J for Jesus 2
If you read this kind of passage 'literally', you are not only doing exactly what the fundamentalists do - you are doing what they want you to do! This passage belongs to a genre of Hebrew apocalyptic literature; mystical (and highly allegorical) visions of redemption and salvation. the Book of revelations (the Apocalypse) belongs to the same genre.
Try reading it in a spirit of hope and awe rather than fear and condemnation. There is plenty of secondary literature on this kind of material - interpretations encompass everything from hardcore Calvinism to the liberal and celebratory themes of liberation theology.
(I now await the inevitable volley of thumbs-down from my loving fellow Christians, who just don't want to know)
2007-03-28 11:43:45
answer #11
answered by completelysurroundedbyimbeciles 4