Dear Carlos,
Well we hear the Watchtower Witnesses say over and over and over that they believe in one god. They believe that Jesus was the first created by the one god and he was "a god". Let me see, Who's on first?
My question is WHY WHY WHY would the Supreme God who is a jealous God create another god? It makes absolutely no sense. No matter how many Bible verses they quote to support their claims it still falls far short of what the Bible says.
There is a wonderful chart called One Truth Exposes a Thousand Lies - Traits Shared Between Jehovah and Jesus which can be found at
When I go to the website I can spend hours just clicking on some of the attributes of my heavenly Father and my LORD and Savior.
One person said "I'd say that's a suspiciously high number of qualities that Jehovah and Jesus share. And since Jehovah God will NOT share His glory with anyone (Isaiah 42:8) it seems odd that the two have the same characteristics through and through.
Andres, that was a great answer. Anna, I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you 10 thumbs up for your excellent answer.
2007-03-29 02:54:34
answer #1
answered by JOYfilled - Romans 8:28 7
Where does Jesus say he is Jehova literally ? If you believe in the Trinity then you certainly believe Jesus is Jehova Jesus is of divine quality but he is not the Almighty Jehova when dying on the cross Jesus is talking to his Father Jehova in my humble opinion this is a slam dunk case in all honesty The JW are a humble group of Christians I choose to worship the Almighty on my own I do not like to be a part of any organization born again , catholic, or JW out !! get busy living or get busy dying.
2014-11-16 19:07:56
answer #2
answered by Crazylegs51 1
They say they believe in 1, but they tell you that Jesus is not God like it says in the Bible. He is another God. That makes 2.
You asked for an explanation of John 1:1. Let's start with what it says:
En arché Theos en ho Logos.
In the beginning God was the Word.
What we see here is a literary device in Greek where the emphasis on the equality is put first. It is done to emphasize that Jesus is God. There are only 2 Bibles that translated John 1:1 the way the JW's do. Theirs is one and the other is the Johannes Grieber Bible. He is an occultist and the Watchtower quotes him as a Watchtower authority.
JW's do not believe that Jesus is God, but they should. I have a study NWT Bible that gives some footnotes at the bottom and for 1 Pe 3:15, it says that Lord in that passage should be translated "Jehovah"!
2007-03-29 22:40:48
answer #3
answered by Buzz s 6
From your question and from your added comment, it seems that you aren't looking for an answer, but rather a sparing contest. We believe in one God Almighty, Jehovah. Jesus Christ is his only begotten Son. He is the mediator between us and God. No one goes to the Father, except through Jesus. But you know this is what we believe already, and there were plenty of good answers, so now you have another.
Have a wonderful evening.
2007-03-29 20:25:42
answer #4
answered by wannaknow 5
To answer the question, I agree with my sister, Askala. The Jehovahs have so many different answers it is hard to tell how many gods they have. Some individuals act like they think they are gods themself.
It looks like the Lover of Jehovah did a Wink Winkleman. She attacked Anna with falsehoods and when she was caught she deleted her answer rather than confess.
I've seen that many times from the Watchtower witnesses. To me it is a small person who cannot admit they made a mistake and just choose to avoid confession.
I would at least respect them if they admitted when they lied or falsely accuse someone. I cannot respect or even believe somoene who is a coward and backbiter.
Where is the Lover of Jehovah? Where is Wink Winkleman? Why are they hiding?
2007-03-29 20:33:20
answer #5
answered by Mekonen 2
man you guys get it on! with this church stuff! i surf this site all the time, and this is where its at!
i mean, you got danni doing her thing with all the references to stick up for the jehovahs and papa looking liek santa claus and then you have teri trying to be all poetic and anna with her references that knock out most of danni's stuff and joyfilled allways the reasonable voice and then the view guy with his long editorials and tewdos who makes good sense in a way and askala the foxy one.
everyone seems upset about the love jehovah lady again, but i didnt see her stuff. did she say something that got deleted?
well this is my first answer and i just want to say its better than watching a boxing match!
ps. if there is a god, i guest theres just one of it.
psps. so what dos the jehovahs mean when they say disfellowship or disassocciate. why is it a big deal.
pspsps. why is it a big deal if we use the jhvh or god or whatever. cant god hear us? i mean i'd be po'd if someone used my name in every sentence like i didn't know they were talking to me.
psx4. what s with allt the thumb down thing. cant you fjust let people have there opinion.
2007-03-29 20:02:01
answer #6
answered by Justin 1
carlos z: One God.
easyericlife: Jesus was created before the beginning of Days(Col 1:15), so he was "with" God (John 1:1) in the begaining of creation (Gen 1:1)
Andres: Jehovah is the "Only" God that can be worshipped. Angels (Godlike), Satan (God of this system), Jesus (the image of the invisible God), Men (Priest given authority) all have been called God but Jesus said "only worship the father" who is Jehovah the most high.
Anna: JWs do not worship more then one God, they will not worship Jesus who said to pray to the father through him.
Joyfilled: Jehovah did not create any other God's. They became God's when authority was given to them.
View from a horse: Mixing non-biblical man-made traditions with the pagan Goddess of Easter and the Roman God Mithras is not exceptable worship to God.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3
tewodros2 - 100% correct. “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil.” (Psalm 37:8).
Askala Maryam - have made the word of god invalid by your traditions…
Suzanne - Jesus was never God on Earth, He was less then John (Mat 11:11) and less then Angels (Hbr 2:9). He said to pray “through” him (John 14:6) because he is the mediator (1Ti 2:5) between us and Jehovah who is the Only true God that should be worshipped (Psalm 83:18).
Buzz s – (ESV) 1 Pe 3:15 - but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy.
2007-03-29 14:36:55
answer #7
answered by keiichi 6
The NWT says in John 1 that, "The word was a god. So they are prescribing godhood to Jesus. Those are pretty strong words John was using if he was merely describing "divine qualities". I'am sorry JW's but you can't have it both ways, if you're calling Jesus a god, then in actuallality you guys are believing in 2 gods if you don't believe that He's one with the Father. What's so hard to figure out about John 10:30 " I and the Father are One". The NWT is a tampered version of the bible. I pray that many JW's will realize this. Blessings
2007-03-28 19:27:30
answer #8
answered by Andres 6
(Yes, it's a cult)
Jehovah's witnesses swallow the hype of the Watchtower Society in believing that the New World Translation is the most accurate. It's not. And they have sunk to using the works of those they've earlier condemned as spiritists for their support. Nor are they above misquoting other authorities.
I was personally shocked to find footnotes inserted in the study Bible that had no supporting references -- just there to support their doctrine. I was shocked to see that the rationale they had used to insert "Jehovah" for "Lord" in many places in the NT was flawed. As a fulfiller of prophecies, Jesus could just as easily have been meant. But their interpretation was used to substitute Jehovah. I can't speak to whether absolutely none of their suppositions are correct, but they ARE suppositions.
Then there is the problem of Thomas who says "My lord and my God" at John 20:28. The witnesses explain that away as Thomas' hysteria. Or that "maybe" he was addressing Jesus in the SENSE of "a god." Uh huh. Or "maybe" he was acknowledging Jesus as God's spokesman. Uh huh. An inconvenient scripture for those who say that "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial."
There are lots of things this group has reversed itself on over the years. Given enough time and fading memories, they have tried to downplay their huge mistakes and scandals of the past. This is probably not one of the issues they will reverse themselves on however.
2007-03-29 21:14:29
answer #9
answered by Suzanne 5
First of all, ANNA deserves a big "UPS!" for her detailed and well-researched answer. She matches the JW logic point-by-point, and only a narrow closed mind would not examine her evidence. Also, Joyfilled, who gave a wonderful insightful reply. You both deserve 10 big golden thumbs up.
The JW's say that a person SHOULD be willing to examine their beliefs, since TRUTH will stand up against anything. Well, here's your chance. If you believe what you say, then examine your belief and the many evidentiary points ANNA makes. See if what you believe stands scrutiny against UNBIASED resources.
Coming from a life inside the Wrongtower, I'd say they believe in several gods. The god I met and really had a good friendship with and a relationship with in the 1950's and 1960's was replaced by a god created in the legal department of the WretchTower in the 1970's. In fear of the simmering undercurrent of corruption and deception, the legal department began creating and promoting a god of jealousy, anger, vindictiveness, secrecy, vengeance, smugness, and hierarchy.
Coincidental with Ray Franz's revealing the corrupt inner workings of the Governing Body, and in fear of lawsuits over deceptions, child abuse, blood, and other festering wounds, the HUMAN desire of conceal and control overpowered the faith of love and joy. A new god was created and promoted. A new vow was instituted at baptisms. (You newer JW's, did they ever tell you that the older vows were to God and Jesus, but why did they add a vow to the MANMADE organization?)
The old god wasn't considered strong enough to protect them in court, so they kicked him out and kicked out HIS messengers of truth and faith. The beginnings of this transformation go back to J.F. Rutherford in the 1920's - 1940's, but continued to germinate and grow until the full bloom at harvest in the 1970's and 1980's.
A warning to Jehovah's Witnesses: The TRUE GOD rejected the MANMADE Temple in Jerusalem because of the legalistic Pharisaical self-righteousness that caused Jesus to say, "you have made the word of god invalid by your traditions. Look, your house is abandoned to you." Today's WretchedTower is a 'righteous over much' 'strain the gnat and gulp down the camel' legalistic self protective organization that worships a new man made god of anger and hate. Like a cult it follows the composite man of the small isolated self promoting GB, and has distanced itself so far from the god of love that His spirit is grieved.
Like the Evil Slave, the MANMADE 'temple' (organization) today along with its lawyer henchmen are beating their fellow slaves and drinking the best waters for themself while muddying the water for the flock. I believe the TRUE god will execute judgement upon this EVIL SLAVE soon.
2007-03-29 12:38:23
answer #10
answered by View from a horse 3