Obviously a lot of people are going to tell you to just live your life, blah blah. If you follow their advice you will never find your answers. There is a book I want you to pick up called "Purpose Driven." You can find it at Wal-Marts and I promise you after you are done you will have a whole different take on life. God is not the author of confusion and did not put us here to wander around aimlessly and be self serving individuals. This is the world that we live in though. Everyone wants to bash Jesus when all he did was show us love and teach us to love one another.
2007-04-04 19:00:22
answer #1
answered by haven e 1
I read a book once where one character said something like if a man's been searching for years then maybe he's looking in the wrong place.
Maybe your life has no 'spiritual journey'? We're all different. Some do, maybe some don't? Maybe you've been travelling your journey. But not recognised it because you were expecting something else?
Why does there have to be 'more to life than this'? Why can't it just be this? It is for me. That's what I got from Zen. Life just is.
How do you solve it? Well, let me ask you something. After all that 'searching' you must have some ideas about life, yes? Maybe try beliefnet's questionnaire. See what attracts you from the faiths they list.
And then stop searching. Get off your **** and DO something! Try meditation. A course on introduction to religion. Going to church. Anything. You'll soon know what's right for you and what's not.
But in the end remember. We can all tell you about our journeys. But only you can walk your path. Just take a first step!
2007-03-28 10:23:16
answer #2
answered by Nobody 5
A man once said: "a point in every direction is the same as no point at all". I have found this to be true!
There is a very small point within our hearts that has all the answers. It is so small that no microscope can find it, yet at the same time it is as vast as the universe.
In order to find this small point we need only look within,
instead of looking without.
Faith is the vehicle that can take us on this journey.
Faith is that thing which allows us to believe in something much greater than ourselves.
Believing in a higher power will draw the creator toward us much like the bee is drawn to a newly opened flower.
Have faith in the fact that the creator is looking for you, more
than you are looking for the creator.
Your qualities and actions are the fuel that "Faith" needs to
whisk you on your journey.
"May the wind be always at your back"
2007-04-01 17:48:58
answer #3
answered by WillRogerswannabe 7
I have a question for you. Where are you searching for these answers? The internet is not always the best place to search for the answers. You have a basic belief or religious system? You mention God and angels. Start by reading your bible, find a minister that will help you with your journey. I say help, not push you. I am a pastor, but I have come to realize even in my own life and belief's I had to search for myself, take the advice of others and study it out for myself in different churches against what I felt to be true to my understanding of God's Word. Let the bible speak to you.
2007-04-04 07:56:25
answer #4
answered by Pastor D 2
Life is what you put into it. You have to make effort. You are given a few things - here is a World - this is what people have done with it so far and now it is your turn. Don't even think of a spiritual journey. God is the one who has issued you with life - use it and do what you can so that when you get up to meet him you will be able to answer all the questions. Like - Did you sail around the Cape of Good Hope? How did you cope with illness? Did you catch on to my idea of evolution? Was sex too powerful?
2007-04-02 21:39:06
answer #5
answered by Professor 7
I have felt stirrings lately and some say it is God moving in my life. I would say I am an atheist and that the only point of being here is to be alive or as the Dali Lama says 'to be happy'. I have come to the conclusion that you MAKE your own spiritual journey rather than find it. I don't think you find faith, I think you have to manifest it yourself. If God is stirring in my life, it isn't from me asking him, believe me, but it may be from finally realising that there is nothing out there to search for. It's a contradiction but maybe now I have stopped searching, I am at my most calm and at the stillest point in many years and finally able to hear God properly. I look forward to finding out. Good luck.
2007-03-28 10:07:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I've felt like this many times in my short life. And I have found that the only way that you can find your own spiritual journey and find faith in God is through experience. Ask, If you really want to know God, God for an experience with him and have faith that you will and you will find out life's meaning. I promise.
2007-03-28 10:05:21
answer #7
answered by Haz the Preacher 2
You are looking in the wrong places... you can go to the end of the earth.... ask everyone on the planet... you wont find the answer you seek.
Because, the answer is inside you... you find spiritual fulfilment from within... you find God within... and with Him... the angels who will guide and guard you too.
The answer is there... you look too hard and miss it... or ask too much and cannot hear it whilst drowning it with your own voice... or pass it by because it seems so simple and not worth the time to investigate... look with your soul and not your eyes, listen with your soul and not your ears, question with your soul and not your mouth and ask within and not without, of other... since they can't help you find it as they are on the same journey as yourself. Each of us must make that journey on our own, until the day we find what we are seeking and unite in harmony with our creator.
Your journey is not physical, it never was, it is a very personal place, where first you need to relax, be calm, be peaceful and be open, to trust in something bigger and greater than anything on earth you've ever known.
Imagine the nicest place you know, the deepest sense of love you ever felt, the calmest sense of contentment you ever experienced before, take yourself back inside those places and drift into those feelings once again.
Then speak to your creator, shutting out the world and all the anger, pain, hurt and jealous feelings you have known, let love for all of life and all living things inside your heart and soul... forgive everyone who ever hurt you, forgive yourself for all the things you are embarrassed by... forgive yourself for being all the things you hate about yourself... let them go and pass them to your maker... then ask inside for peace and let yourself open to His love, to universal love, to unity with life across the planet... and do this every day until you touch, or are touched by, the answer that you seek.
It may take many months or years, it may take less than minutes, since it all depends how far you've travelled on the path of enlightenment already, we each take different times.
some of us are old this way from birth, some will live and die and never find what you are seeking, some will grow slowly and may not get it right until just before they die and move on to the next realm... while others may grow into spiritual awareness as they grow into adults/midlife/older age... it really is a matter of trust... under the title... FAITH!
no edit/spell check
2007-03-28 10:21:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I indeed came to the same conclusion when I was 19. At the time I didnt believe in God but I knew there had to be more to life than just the stupid things that happen everyday and the stupid people we see in it.
Fortunately I had the faith to start making good prayers and God started answering them. I believe the first step in accepting God is doing what youve already done, admit that life without his existence is rather meaningless. I think if you start reaching out to him he will certainly reach back as he does with many believers.
2007-03-28 10:14:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Look, you're the product of a very goal-oriented society. Which is all well and good but you have got to see that nature doesn't work that way. Each of us occupies a tiny slice of space-time and in the grand scheme of things we really don't amount to as much as a blip.
You are here because you are. It happened. Get over it. It is a big planet, there are many cool people out there, and chances are you have already made a lot of connections with people (parents, siblings, peers, friends, lovers). The point is whatever you want to make of it, provided you take care of your responsibilities towards your fellow humans. We are a social animal, after all. Go see some places. There are some amazing sights out there.
2007-03-28 10:05:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous