You should not tithe. Tithing is based upon sharing the product of your labor, and a disability payment is not the product of labor, but rather support for you while you cannot work.
If and when you return to work, you must tithe.
At most, you might be expected to volunteer for the Church or other charity, or possibly to forego some things in favor of making a financial contribution (e.g. don't buy a new dryer, use the laundromat or hang your clothes to dry).
2007-03-29 03:21:22
answer #1
answered by Marie 4
Tithing is is an oft misunderstood tenet of Christian life. Tithing is giving back to God. It is a way God set up for us to help one another and is to be done with a good attitude. If a person is unable to make a tithe with the proper attitude, its better not to do it at all. Some folks think that if they tithe they will get more back, sort of like interest. While God blesses a cheerful giver, giving is not to be done for personal gain. If you are in a tight situation moneywise, there are others ways to tithe which are just as valid. Do what you can for others when you can. Tithing or not tithing will have no bearing on your salvation. Tithing was to be a blessing, not a curse.
2007-03-28 09:45:49
answer #2
answered by rico3151 6
Personally I don't feel like I have to give 10%. I'm not sure where that figure originated from unless it came from a church looking to make some funds off their parishioners. At any rate, I find that when I give a little I get a lot back in return. If I have $10 I give it, if I only have $5 I give it, When I have more I give more. I don't think that the amount truly matters just that you give a little. I usually find that I am rewarded somehow when I contribute. It makes me believe that God is on my side. I consider a reward when someone else buys my lunch on a day that I didn't have cash or a friend invites me to dinner. I'm not a freeloader, but I do find that he works in mysterious ways....and these are things that I recognize as rewards for my contributions when I couldn't afford to give.
2007-03-28 09:19:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
From where I stand tithing isn't simply a matter of giving money to your can be as simple as doing something good for someone, helping someone with .. say.. legal issues to give them a path to look at, right up to volunteering at a homeless shelter etc.
Just as money is not everything...or it is the root of all evil, etc., it is also not the only thing that you can give of yourself as a Christian. Certainly your church needs to operate and your money goes towards things such as the Ministers salary, upkeep of the church etc. But, really, God cannot possibly expect you to give up food in order to ensure that a plumbing problem or paint chipping at your church is taken care of.
Tithe money when/if you can and have the need to do so for your own peace of mind and tithe what you can offer of yourself to others...when the money isn't enough to take care of basic necessities and emergencies you cannot possibly be faulted or expected to do without the necessary things.
Do what you can when you can and all will work itself out.
2007-03-28 09:25:24
answer #4
answered by dustiiart 5
This is a subject you must reconcile with God. He knows just how much you make and what your situation is. The first thing to do is pray. Ask God what He wants of you this week. When you receive your check, commit a small amount to Him. Pray something like this. " I want to be obedient to you in my giving so i am giving 10.00 or 5.00 as my offering to you. Please show me if this is a good amount by helping me get through the month without needing it." God is faithful about showing these little miracles. Someone may take you to lunch or your car will be ok for the month. you just have to be watching for his answer. It is a growth process when it comes to giving. Start slow It is ok to test God in this matter. He said so. Hope this helps.
2007-03-28 09:32:28
answer #5
answered by Yo C 4
You said that you are confused about returning to God a faithful tithe. You also asked for truthful answers according to the Bible and to God’s love.
First of all as a Christian you know that God loves you. The Bible says in First John 4:9-10 “..that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not the we loved God but He loved us”
He has also promised in Hebrews 13:5 “I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE, NOR FORSAKE THEE.” And because this, the Word of God tell us in 1 Peter 5:7 “casting ALL your cares upon Him for He careth for you."
As you know and believe these Words of Truth your faith grows and develops and you learn to TRUST GOD. You learn that He can do anything but fail.
The Word of God states in Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and PROVE ME herewith, saith the Lord of host, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING, THAT THERE SHALL NOT BE ROOM ENOUGH TO RECEIVE IT.” This verse is a promise which tells us that as we step out in faith and do as God asks us to do, He will bless us in such a powerful way that we will not be able to count it or even understand it. God has ways to bless us that we don't even know about.
As a Christian with a disability and living at times off SSDI and at the same time raising 2 kids alone, I know and understand your challenges, concerns, and fears. But, the fact is, that it all comes down to your level of trust and faith. No one can answer that for you but you - and God knows what level you are at this point in your life.
My suggestion, counsel and prayer to and for you is to TRUST GOD and return to Him a faithful tithe. He knows the money situation, the car challenge, the health concerns, everything and everyone of your needs. Nothing surprises Him nor too difficult for Him to handle for He is God Almighty.
Know that He has an answer for each and everyone of your problems. Pray and claim His promises and PROVE HIM. See for yourself that He can, He does and He will take care of you.
Believe Him that He will do what He says. Know whatever your decision is, 1) God already knows it, 2) He doesn’t give up on us, and 3) He will never stop loving you no matter what you do. And whatever you decide to do, do it because you love Him and believe that He loves you.
Again I say love Him, trust Him, obey His Word and watch Him do what He does best – pouring you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Trust Him to feed you, to provide for ALL your needs, to do whatever needs to be done.
He cannot, He will not, He does not FAIL!
I will be praying for you.
2007-03-28 12:03:46
answer #6
answered by Grateful 1
I don't tithe, since to me, all the pastors I have ever had, had their own agenda they pushed with religion, and my belief in God is far more personal than a pastor telling me how it works, and this works for me. I went through a terrible financial time, and prayed to God, told him how I couldn't even feed myself, how was I suposed to tithe? I realised there are many ways of 'tithing', since tithing to me is a way of helping, of giving back - and that can be done in many ways.
2007-03-28 09:32:01
answer #7
answered by Unicornrider 7
I sympathize with your situation. The Bible says you should tithe. I personally feel that if you tithe and and give your "all" to the Lord, He will provide for and take care of you! I'll pray for you and your situation.
God Bless :0)
2007-03-28 09:20:40
answer #8
answered by Angie H 2
sinse Jesus's has paid our debt it should be a free will offering. Many still believe God honers those that tithe but what is more important is to give from the heart. if you can not mange to tithe give what you can now and more when things are better
2007-03-28 09:29:38
answer #9
answered by Mim 7
Stay faithful to the Lord and he will remain faithful to you.
I struggled with this issue for years--there were times when we had no job, no food, bills were due --past due!--car needed repairs--kids were sick--no health insurance
One thing I learned is: Everything belongs to God--He gives it all to us. When I prayed and confessed to Him that it's all His anyway, and thanked him for the privilege to return a portion (10%) to him, and then started to really "give" (above & beyond the 10%) He opened the windows of Heaven and poured out on me blessings that were difficult for me to contain!! Just like in His Word!
Your church should be willing to assist you--if not, I'd seriously consider looking for a church that practices Biblical values in everyday life.
2007-03-28 09:28:28
answer #10
answered by bigguy 1