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It has come to my attention that there are a number of people on Yahoo Answers with thier fingers and mouths firmly clenched around bruce lee's balls, as such I have devised a little quiz for you to test your knowledge on your so called "martial arts god's" life. You may cheat, but remember, if you do, you are only proving to yourself how little you know about the man you act like you perform oral sex on on a regular basis. I am not looking for a "bruce lee rules" or a bruce lee bashing thread, just give factual answers to the questions.

1- Who was bruce lee's ACTUAL Wing Chun teacher?
(the man who actually taught him techniques)

2- How long did he train under him?

3- What was the first movie he appeared in?

4- what was the first martial art bruce lee learned

5- what is bruce lee's professional or amateur fight record?

6- who did bruce lee admit would kick his butt?

7- who did he admit it to?

2007-03-28 07:23:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

8- what was the name of his incomplete martial arts film?

2007-03-28 07:23:38 · update #1

(there will be 10 questions- wait for it)

2007-03-28 07:23:54 · update #2

9- what was his major in college?

10- Who did bruce lee claim to have beaten in a private fight, but refuse to fight in a "public" rematch after a challenge was issued to bruce by the man bruce supposedly beat?

2007-03-28 07:29:49 · update #3

#5 is pretty clear, state what bruce lee's amateur and/or professional fight record was.

#6 and #7. Bruce admitted that another well-known fighter would kick his butt if they ever fought- who was this fighter and who did bruce lee make the staement to?

2007-03-28 09:43:21 · update #4

Wall: having respect does not equal the answers and questions about him here. Having respect involves understanding and knowing his actual contributions. It is not: "LOL bruce lee has the skillz and would kill everyone in the UFC and pride" When the people saying this are basing thier entire account of the man on MOVIES he acted in.

2007-03-28 12:53:34 · update #5

7 answers

Bluto you are too damn funny. If I change my name to bruce, can I have nut huggers to??

2007-03-28 14:13:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

1- William Cheung
2- 18 months approximately.
3- Golden Gate Girl (1940)
4- Tai chi
5- No pro record / "amateur" record is 2 wins 1 draw 0 losses.
6- Muhammed Ali.
7- The producer of enter the dragon. ( not too sure )
8- Game of Death
9- Philosophy
10- I don't remember his name. Both claimed to have won though.

I'm just a fan, not a testicle clamp. hahahahaha !!!
Good point about how some people idolize him.

2007-03-29 10:28:43 · answer #2 · answered by Ray H 7 · 5 0

1- Who was bruce lee's ACTUAL Wing Chun teacher?
(the man who actually taught him techniques)

-Chuck Norris. Since he invented martial arts and actually the air we all breathe... that was a simple question.

2- How long did he train under him?

-Not long. Chuck Norris doesn't allow anyone to train under him for very long. Do you know how heavy he is? Could you imagine trying to train directly under Chuck Norris.... he is at least 200lbs.... have you ever tried to train with 200lbs on top of you?

3- What was the first movie he appeared in?

- His first movie was To Wan Fu thanks for everything Julie Newmar. Where he along the other cross dressers, fixed a town from being controlled by thugs. It was his finest work. Patrick Swazie took the job as soon as he knew Bruce was on board.

4- what was the first martial art bruce lee learned

- The first martial art Bruce learned was Original Traditional Taekwondo, which we all know is over 4,000 years old and was an ORIGINAL ART... not a bastardization of karate that has been around for no more than 60 years, and originated in Japan but Korea claims its their own.... no.... not that one...

5- what is bruce lee's professional or amateur fight record?

- He has never lost a fight. Some say he lost to Chuck Norris, but in actuality, Chuck gave up because they were friends and Chuck didnt want to destroy him with the balls of furry move.

6- who did bruce lee admit would kick his butt?

- Sanjia from the current season of American Idol. He knew of the power in his voice and his charm! He knew that he could stand no chance against an american idol contestant.

7- who did he admit it to?

- Me... the brother and I do lunch from time to time. Down at this crazy taco join in Philly.

2007-03-28 19:24:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

1- Who was bruce lee's ACTUAL Wing Chun teacher?
Yip Man

2- How long did he train under him?
1.5 years
3- What was the first movie he appeared in?
little boy called Chang
4- what was the first martial art bruce lee learned
tai chi from his father, the boxing from his PE teacher
5- what is bruce lee's professional or amateur fight record?
not understand your question
6- who did bruce lee admit would kick his butt?
not understand your question
7- who did he admit it to?
not understand your question

2007-03-28 16:07:13 · answer #4 · answered by modern wushu 2 · 1 0

dude i dont know the answer to any of these but i thought it was TOOOOOOO funny with the whole "It has come to my attention that there are a number of people on Yahoo Answers with thier fingers and mouths firmly clenched around bruce lee's balls," and the
"You may cheat, but remember, if you do, you are only proving to yourself how little you know about the man you act like you perform oral sex on on a regular basis"
i dont care man thets funny

2007-03-28 16:50:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

LMAO! I love the fact how all of those Bruce Lee nuts huggers aren't coming out to defend him. I guess they're afraid they'd look like a sheep if they dare to try defend him without knowing a thing.

2007-03-28 20:31:26 · answer #6 · answered by Honor Among the Demons 4 · 3 1

ok so um... if you have respect for bruce lee suddenly you give him oral sex. From all your posts you seem like a very angry person

O ya and I only new like one or two of these

2007-03-28 18:38:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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