It has come to my attention that there are a number of people on Yahoo Answers with thier fingers and mouths firmly clenched around bruce lee's balls, as such I have devised a little quiz for you to test your knowledge on your so called "martial arts god's" life. You may cheat, but remember, if you do, you are only proving to yourself how little you know about the man you act like you perform oral sex on on a regular basis. I am not looking for a "bruce lee rules" or a bruce lee bashing thread, just give factual answers to the questions.
1- Who was bruce lee's ACTUAL Wing Chun teacher?
(the man who actually taught him techniques)
2- How long did he train under him?
3- What was the first movie he appeared in?
4- what was the first martial art bruce lee learned
5- what is bruce lee's professional or amateur fight record?
6- who did bruce lee admit would kick his butt?
7- who did he admit it to?
7 answers
asked by
➔ Martial Arts
8- what was the name of his incomplete martial arts film?
07:23:38 ·
update #1
(there will be 10 questions- wait for it)
07:23:54 ·
update #2
9- what was his major in college?
10- Who did bruce lee claim to have beaten in a private fight, but refuse to fight in a "public" rematch after a challenge was issued to bruce by the man bruce supposedly beat?
07:29:49 ·
update #3
#5 is pretty clear, state what bruce lee's amateur and/or professional fight record was.
#6 and #7. Bruce admitted that another well-known fighter would kick his butt if they ever fought- who was this fighter and who did bruce lee make the staement to?
09:43:21 ·
update #4
Wall: having respect does not equal the answers and questions about him here. Having respect involves understanding and knowing his actual contributions. It is not: "LOL bruce lee has the skillz and would kill everyone in the UFC and pride" When the people saying this are basing thier entire account of the man on MOVIES he acted in.
12:53:34 ·
update #5