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The taijutsu stuff isn't bad but most of the other disciplines seem rather archaic and mostly for preserving an old way of doing things. Do the ninja schools taught these days have proper lineage or not, or somewhere in between? I've heard the last actual ninja soke said that his style would die with him but i'm no expert.

OR maybe the ninjas just disappeared cuz that's how they roll. And then left the neoninjas as a joke? :D

2007-03-28 07:21:46 · 4 answers · asked by R. Lee 3 in Sports Martial Arts

4 answers

This is the most honest answer I can give you, ninjitsu has changed. Much of the art has been lost to time and antiquety. Those who practice the arts of the shinobi are practicing a fragmented style. There are also of course the fakes who have tried to capitalize on the name "ninja" . Unfortunately there are more fake schools then there are true schools that have at least some of the knowledge of the old styles. As to the lineage, thats a thing that is hard to prove. Many claim that their style of ninjitsu can trace its lineage back hundreds of years. Unfortunately there is no true proof. Some styles have been recognized by the japan martial arts governing body. (sorry can't remember the correct name for them) That does'nt discount other styles however, it just makes it harder to prove their legitimacy. I can tell you this for sure though, ninjitsu is what you make it out to be. Some say it died out. Some say its going strong. Others say it has evolved into a modern martial art. Its up to you to determine the condition of ninjitsu, only your own opinion will truly matter to you.

Respectfully yours in the arts,
Sibak : Ray Hook

2007-03-28 08:04:41 · answer #1 · answered by Ray H 7 · 3 1


all the answers you seek in no bs mode are in this article.

Personally I think what exists today, lineage or no is a crock.

The reasons behind my opinion is simply this:

Either the school is teaching crap, is catering to fanboys and doesn't have any lineage meaning the guy is just running a mcdojo; or

the school teaches legit techniques, but are not "ninjitsu" but the teacher is using the term "ninjitsu" to better market and make money, this is also unscrupulous, but at least the students are learning something usefull; or

the lineage school quite simply can't effectively practice its art. Basically this is the art of spying, sabotauge, killing (assasination) and the main focus was never on hand to hand martial arts. "ninjas" if they ever existed historically filled the roles of spies and assasins. That alone makes them powerfull and valuable, but not as a fighter, as an intelligence gatherer upon which (the information or lack thereof) wars are won and lost because of. Today's methods of gathering intelligence and spying are far far far more advanced than the techniques that could be employed by a ninja. There are no "amateur" spy schools. The basic concept of ninjitsu simply can't be taught or trained as it is ILLEGAL and not based on unarmed fighting combat. This is why I think the "lineage" schools with secret scrolls only seen by a few select people (el ron hubbard's scientology anyone?) are a load of crap.

2007-03-28 07:34:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I got some books for you, read them

Ninja 1-4 Stephen K. Hayes

Then you will understand

2007-04-05 06:49:14 · answer #3 · answered by Big Tom 4 · 0 0

I believe all "traditional" ninpo lineages are dead like so many others are.

2007-03-29 08:22:23 · answer #4 · answered by ron w 3 · 0 0

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