I'm exhausted. So tired of trying to reason with these Christians. So tired of their stupid excuses and lies. So tired of the same old questions being evaded. I've asked this question a million times and still the same old lame stupid answers without and reasonable explanation. If only they could admit their belief was totally illogical and mythical, and that they only believed it because they need a crutch to help them walk from this disappointing life into a lovely afterlife filled with love and infinities.
2007-03-28 07:16:35
answer #1
answered by Oshihana 2
Genesis 3:6 and 7
6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
7 and the eyes of them both were opened
and they knew that they were naked
WHAT EYES WERE OPENED? Adam and Eve could already see because they saw the fruit so what eyes were opened? They already had bodies with eyes so what eyes were opened?
It had to be the eyes of the soul because they disobeyed God.
Until the eyes were opened the soul followed God without lusts. Now the eyes were opened and evil came in by the lust of the eyes and opened the eyes of the soul to sin. The soul is our eternal part. Jesus said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Adam and Eve killed their soul by disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit which brought sin into the world. What did Jesus do at the cross? He took away the sins of the world so if we believe on Him we can get eternal life back. The eyes of my soul are closed to sin and the Holy Spirit will finish His good work in me. My soul is following God and the Holy Spirit because I am born-again.
2007-03-28 08:00:49
answer #2
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
This is nothing but a story about disobeying God it didn't happen here is why: Adam and Eve had no understanding right from wrong. Their minds were childlike and thus couldn't comprehend right from wrong. God isn't as cruel as this story suggests. As with a Child you tell them not to do something they will do it anyways just to see what you the parent is going to do about it. Adam and Eve had no concept of "death". I seriously don't believe God would set 2 Children down alone and let them do what they wanted. Not that's like God but according to Gen 1 that's what he did. Adam and eve is a myth. God can never be that cruel. God set up Adam and Eve to fail by telling them not do something in their childlike state cause they are going to test to see how far they are going to get by doing it anyways. God doesn't set people up to fail. In Jeremiah God says I have plans for you, plans not to harm you but give you hope and a future. If this story really happened than God would be going against his own promise in Jeremiah.
2007-03-28 07:31:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
In those days, God used to come down and spend time with Adam and Eve. When Adam and Eve at the forbidden fruit, and God came down to the Garden, Adam and Eve hid from God instead of coming out to meet him. They knew that they were told not to do eat. So, instinctually, they realized that they had been disobedient.
2007-03-28 14:04:43
answer #4
answered by Searcher 7
Remember Adam was around for an undisclosed amount of time before Eve. He was in charge of the animals -- i guess in "training" them or playing/working with them he would have examples of them not obeying him (since animals can be child-like sometimes). They had no concept of anything -- Adam was able to personally talk to God somewhere in the Garden at a certain time daily -- that is why God know when Adam felt shame -- he was looking for him -- I guess he forgot his meeting!!
Again, obeying is mainly because of the principality of the issue at hand. We should obey whethere is a reward or consequence -- that is true obedience!
2007-03-28 08:20:43
answer #5
answered by kimmie831 4
Only through the bad can we appreciate the good. The garden of eden is outside of time, the eternal instant of existance. The devil, represented by the snake, is also known as lucifer, which means "bearer of light" in latin. Adam and eve are tempted by what the snake is offering: experience of life, of polar opposites, of good and evil, pleasure and pain, as without one you cannot appteciate the other. Only with these experiences can one have knowledge, represented by the apple. Eating the apple is biting into the knowledge, chasing the light of experience. Probably.
2007-03-28 07:26:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the first independent act by the human being in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve cannot be said to have been fully aware of the extent of their transgression because they did not yet have knowledge of good and evil. They do, however, know that God has told them explicitly not to eat of that tree. In that respect, they are like children, who may understand that certain behavior is expected but do not fully understand why.
Like any concerned parent, God wants his children to learn and accept responsibility for their actions, however painful it may be. Indeed, God has lovingly provided all the arrangements in the garden - a secure life, the edict against one tree -but also the capacity for free choice that will cause Adam and Eve to mature. He knows perfectly well where the humans are in the garden, but he asks his question, “Where are you?” to draw the story out of them and begin the process of moral development. Adam blames Eve ... then Eve blames the snake ... God just wants them to own their mistakes so that development can begin.
Eve and Adam leave their fathers protective abode, as children must. God knows it is time for them to face life as adults in an imperfect world. The heart broken parent appoints a guard at the garden’s gate to prevent Eve and Adam from regressing to a childhood devoid of adult responsibilities but also to prevent himself from softening and allowing them to return.
The reader sees Eve and Adam leaving the Garden of Eden full of optimism. They are not at all the tearful, dejected couple portrayed in Renaissance art, expelled by a furious father. The first thing they do is make love and create new life. What a better is there to teach us about pleasure and responsibility, behavior and consequences, than through the knowledge that the fleeting gratification of lovemaking produces a child with whom parents share a lifelong bond?
Good news is that Jesus restores our path back to God. When we complete this journey and excell in knowledge and wisdom we'll return to God to have eternal life ... so in the end, we get it all baby!!!
2007-03-28 07:20:34
answer #7
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
Very interesting question!
Without knowing about good or evil, right or wrong, there really would be no way for Adam or Eve to truly understand what they were doing or that there would be such a severe consequence for their actions.
Most rational parents do not exile their infants or toddlers for not obeying everything they say. Parents realize it is a learning process and would continue to teach their children right or wrong.
2007-03-28 07:26:41
answer #8
answered by Unity 4
there were two trees in the midst of the garden on was the tree of knowledge of good and evil the other was the tree of life. These represent the two natures of God. God's righteousness is represented by the tree of knowledge of good and evil this is also symbolic of God's law no man could live up to the law so in the day he ate of it he did surely die, The tree of life represents God's Mercy it also represents the atonement he provided through Jesus Christ our lord.
2007-03-28 07:18:28
answer #9
answered by djmantx 7
WOW!!! THATS a great question!
I guess, it's just like a child disobeying the parent. They not know what they did was wrong!
BUT EVIL not sure!
2007-03-28 07:16:59
answer #10
answered by ? 2