God like any other bad parent is unable to explain things to people. So Instead of explaining things he decided to punish them. It's psychological abuse.
2007-03-28 06:35:40
answer #1
answered by Magus 4
God does not lie. I don't know where the hell thing came from but I don't think it was from God (and I am a believer). I do believe that those who sin will live eternity knowing that God exists but that they will not be with him and it will cause them great anguish. As far as God's word to Adam, it should have been sufficient that God (Adams own creator) had told him not to do something. Although God loves us dearly, he is also a harsh task master and expects..no demands...obedience. Every law put forth by God..i.e. the Ten Commandments are for our benefit, not just his. If everyone followed them, we would live in a paradise instead of this rat infested, immoral and harsh world. His rules were and are for our betterment and our happiness. Moses or someone from that time may have made up the story of Hell. I don't have all the answers but I know without question that God exists and that he is not a happy camper right now.
2007-03-28 13:23:54
answer #2
answered by Poohcat1 7
You must be listening to the preachers. REad it for yourself for a change. Death that is spoken of in Genesis is spiritual death, not physical (did they die physically the day they ate of the tree? no). When one is spiritually dead that is hell, and there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. That takes place here on this earth. But when one realizes that the life on this earth is not life at all, but only the experience of death, then one can begin to live without the fear of death, because it does not exist. All will live after this life. A everlasting hell is the lie of religious people. This life on earth is the hell we all experience.
2007-03-28 13:25:50
answer #3
answered by t 2
God does not cause to seek and destroy. He warned them of the tree of the good and evil and not to eat of it. But after eve listen to the snake and ate of it and then gave Adam some, Adam had a choice in those few seconds but He choose to go along with her and ate it. And they saw what they were not suppose to see, like for instance that they were naked. Also alot of other evil things. I mean ladies don't you ever wonder why you have pain while giving birth. Well don't Blame it on God, it would not be giving birth if you didn't would it. God Bless everybody.
2007-03-28 13:28:21
answer #4
answered by calltoperservence 2
8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...
15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
Where Adam and Eve were living, there was NO EVIL or sin, perfect harmony and relationship with the one True God, I AM.
The second they ate the fruit, knowledge of evil would be theirs, and hence, imperfection and sin.
2007-03-28 13:20:52
answer #5
answered by mariedockins 2
how was that a lie? Adam would have never died if he hadn't eaten the fruit, so that is the truth. He also died spiritually as well. Either way, Adam probably had no idea what death really was, but that doesn't justify disobedience.
2007-03-28 13:18:34
answer #6
answered by A Gabbi 4
No hell, no Adam but...
Because there was no death to base knowledge upon, maybe Adam didn't even understand that. Saying "you will surely die" to someone who has not seen death or even heard of it before wouldn't have an impact because he would not have known what that was.
2007-03-28 13:18:25
answer #7
answered by glitterkittyy 7
because God wanted Adam and Eve to eat the apple. They may have been happy, but they were pig-ignorant in the garden of Eden. God doesn't want servants, he wants co-creators and companions. That's why were were given free will, and free will makes us higher than the angels.
2007-03-28 13:18:42
answer #8
answered by Fancy That 6
If God was keeping KNOWLEDGE of right and wrong from them (Adam & Eve), why did he give them a choice in anything?
BTW, Lucifer means 'bringer of light' so Lucifer is AWESOME and was given a bad rap (it was also the latin name for Venus). Bad God, bad >:-(
2007-03-28 13:40:40
answer #9
answered by strpenta 7
Because he wasn't sent to hell.His disobedience brought spiritual death to mankind,and physical death to mankind as well as to all of creation.Remember,this is pre-covenantal times.
2007-03-28 13:21:31
answer #10
answered by kitz 5