Did you have car insurance? If so, you should file a claim under your uninsured motorist coverage. It will depend on what your uninsured motorist limit is. If you had a $15,000 limit, then that's about all you'd get except I'm assuming your medical bills are already higher then that so they'd use the $15,000 to pay medical bills and you wouldn't receive anything. If you had a higher limit, then you could receive more.
If you didn't have car insurance, then the only thing you can do is file for Social Security disability or any other disability insurance you might have carried.
2007-03-28 08:52:11
answer #1
answered by Faye H 6
What are your UM limits? The compensation is based upon the value of your claim, not the amount of bills. If you lost a leg you may just get the full limits depending on what they are and if you have the correct coverage.
2007-03-31 18:42:05
answer #2
answered by bundysmom 6
if you cant find the untraced driver you don't have a leg to stand on..try state or federal disabilty.
2007-03-28 06:09:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
as much as your insurance coverage is...your company will pay the medical bills... also you will be elligible for partial SSI disability...that's about it
2007-03-28 06:06:34
answer #4
answered by Robert P 6