I've been a Christian for a good while, and I've had some experiences, both online and offline, that might help you.
The first thing you will need is some really tuff armor, cuz you WILL meet with alot of rejection no matter how humble, loving, and polite you try to be. It's OK, expect it, don't push yourself unto these people, just shrug it off. Remember that Jesus met with rejection, and told us to expect the same thing. Remember, too, that most people are far too arrogant to think they might need a Savior.
The advice you've already gotten about being an example is very good advice, obviously. Remember that old Rudyard Kipling poem...one line read, "If you can keep your head when all about you....Are losing theirs and blaming it on you..." LOL, this is a pretty good description of the position a Christian will find themselves in, and it is positively necessary to "keep your head"...but you can only do this by allowing Christ to empower you.
Finally, be patient, and above all, try your darndest not to retaliate, although we all have "blown it" a few times. I hate to admit it, but I've done that more than a few times, and it is the positively WORST thing a Christian can do.
Obviously, all this "being an example" and "not losing your patience" works a heck of alot better offline, but I have actually seen teenagers who are justifiably angry with Christianity come to want to know what it was about me that made me "different". After repeatedly being told that it wasn't that I was different, it is that Christ is, after awhile, they got curious. I have actually seen a couple of kids who came into Christian forums to mock stay to pray, because a few people knew enough to keep on showing them love in spite of the worst insults they could throw at them. Admittedly, this doesn't happen often, but when it does, it is more beautiful than you could ever imagine. One of my "Lets Nail Jesus Up Again" types is today one of the most devout and loving Christians I know of, and sent me the song, "I'm your Angel" in an Email file cuz he said it reminded him of me...but when we met, he was the most obnoxious little atheist EVER, even threatening to come to my town to "kick my ***" and saying such things to me as "you're just a Jesus w.h....r. e. Jesus gives it to you up the a..s every night, doesn't he?" When all he got from me was quiet acceptance, love, and prayers...including an offer to meet him at the ice cream shop in my town, where I would treat him to a hot fudge sundae if he really wanted to come kick my...well, it took alot of biting my tongue, but it turns out that he is one of those who had to deal with horrible abuse as a child from people who claimed to be Christians, and he was full of rage...
Anyway, the end of the story is, we are looking forward to meeting one another in heaven, where we will share much more than just some ice cream.
Hope this helps.
God bless!!
2007-03-28 06:10:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Not everyone has the gift to be able to walk up to strangers and evangelize to them. In fact I would say all in all it's pretty rare. Sometimes the best thing to do is to live an exemplary life and when people ask you 'Wow, why are you such a good person?" then you can tell them.
You are still a fairly young Christian, so read lots of books and not just theological ones. Read science books too. And ask yourself lots of questions (Why do I think this is false? Why do I think this is true?) and if you can't answer the question on your own then ask your pastor. Believe me, as soon as you start talking about your faith people are going to have all sorts of awkward questions (this board is actually a good place to get used to that)
Some things to bear in mind
1. Treat EVERYONE like a human being. Even if you don't agree with their worldview you don't get to insult them or be mean to them. Remember who you're representing.
2. Atheists (and people of other religions) do not recognize the Bible as anything more than a series of moral stories. So when talking with them make sure your arguments do not boil down to 'because it's in the Bible.' It would be like someone trying to prove a moral point to you and saying 'Well Harry Potter says so.' (This is where all that reading will become important)
3. Remember that being a Christian is about having a relationship with God and people around you, not about looking religious (you'd be surprised how many people forget this)
Hope this helps
2007-03-28 05:49:48
answer #2
answered by LX V 6
This is actually a pretty horrible approach to getting someone to believe as you do. I was a missionary in India, and the way that we led people to Christ wasn't by trying to save their souls, but by being an EXAMPLE of Christ. If you LIVE the life of Christ, others will see you as a good example, and not the hypocritical example of so many other Christians. THAT is what leads people to Christ, not just talking to them and making them feel uncomfortable.
2007-03-28 05:43:11
answer #3
answered by It's Me 5
Be very sensitive to how the people react. People may well have a good reason not to be receptive to your message. For instance, if they are Jewish or have some other religion that is different from yours, then your trying to get them to change to your religion is kinda offensive.
If two people are religious but from two different religions, and if each of their religions say, "This is the only true religion," how can this be reconciled? It can't.
Anyway, I think you're trying to do good. So don't hurt anybody in your effort. If you get resistance, try to find out why they're resisting. Don't ignore what may be going on in their heads.
2007-03-28 05:47:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The most Biblical and effective way of sharing your faith is the one Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron teach. It is non-offensive, but at the same time does not back away from the seriousness of sin, the reality of hell, and the need for a Savior. Visit their website: www.wayofthemaster.com
Also, I am so excited to see that you are interested in sharing your faith. Do not be discouraged! Take the time to read your Bible, pray and let God lead you. That above all else will make you a better witness for Jesus Christ.
2007-03-28 05:50:36
answer #5
answered by rrickardjr 1
I hope that you can take rejection! Anyway, the Holy Spirit will guide you when it comes time to do that.
One of the things that we instituted in our church was a group 'walk about' in which several of our members went and knocked on doors. We took a little gift of some kind as a 'door opener'--a refrigerator magnet/calendar last time-- and a schedule of our church activities. This gave the opportunity to talk. There are some new members in our congregation now and we will do this again this spring.
BTW, there was some rejection,some just took the calendar and closed the door, some wanted to talk. It will be like that.
You may want to strike up a friendship with a Jehova's Witness. Those folks are the model for our community effort last year and our JW 'guru' was glad to give us pointers in how to do it.
Don't forget to study your Bible thoroughly before going out, there _will_ be questions.
2007-03-28 05:45:26
answer #6
answered by credo quia est absurdum 7
I hate to say it, because when i was told the same thing i didn't believe it. You will know when and who to approach if you are open to GOD's will. For me it's been when i've least expected that GOD brought some one to me. Whether i was sitting in an airport, park, mall, or even church and i saw some one upset or sad. It was so easy to approach and just say Hi, How are you, You look a little sad or upset. That's all you need and it's all down hill from there.
GOD Bless!
2007-03-28 05:46:40
answer #7
answered by Victor V 3
The command from Jesus was to go forth into all nations and preach the gospel.. do you really believe that in the western world there is ANYONE who hasn't heard it at least 100 times?
At this point, all you're going to do is put people off with it. The best bible you'll ever get them to read is how you live your life. If you show them by your actions, perhaps they'll want to know more and ask you.
Otherwise, it's just going to be labeled as typical christian hypocrisy and no one will listen to a thing you have to say.
2007-03-28 05:43:20
answer #8
answered by Kallan 7
Don't look for an "approach" or a "technique." Just share what you've experienced with people that you care about. People can see a hidden agenda from miles away, so don't meet people for the sole purpose of converting them. Meet people, get to know them and genuinely care about them, and the opportunity to share your faith with them will come from that relationship instead of a method or technique.
2007-03-28 05:44:34
answer #9
answered by jhollier185 1
More people have been converted by just living your life as an example than by telling people. Think of how many jokes there are about Jehova's Witnesses or Mormons going door to door.
2007-03-28 06:00:35
answer #10
answered by adphllps 5