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they all preach basiaclly the same thing...respect for each other, respect for the earth (except christianity), respect for parents, love for children. be a good person.....so why is it that these supposedly peaceful entities have never been able to peacefully co-exist? im trying to go without an anti-religion tirade, because i believe most of the devout are good people, but religion turns people crazy. thoughts? why cant we all just get along?

athiesm is not a religion, its a belief based on supposed facts......written in books, by men much like the bible and other texts....so lets leave the validity of the religions alone and focus onn why they hate each other.

2007-03-28 05:36:57 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

wackadoos on all sides dont count either,but im sure theyre starting the problems, lol....
why does religion produce so many of them?

2007-03-28 05:37:53 · update #1

29 answers

obviosly they dont the reason is there is only one right reigion christainity sorry

2007-03-28 05:40:56 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Pardonne Moi Reborn♥ 3 · 0 1

No "supposed" facts, dude, just reality. But I will leave the supposed validity of religion out of it as well. As aptly put in the remake of The Flight of the Phoenix:

Religion divides people, spirituality unites them.

That is the reason why religions can't peacefully coexist. By definition, everybody thinks they're the ones, and the only ones, with the inside scoop on the mind of the (imaginary) Creator of the Entire Universe. Laughable, isn't it? And in the words of Stephen Stills:

Nobody's right, if everybody's wrong.

2007-03-28 12:50:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religious is created by hollyman who had been done something good to people or sacrified during his holly mission. The followers used to follow the hollyman steps but don't understand it. The discrepancies are the different interpretation of the hollyman said and holding up the benefit of the authority. That is why the religious cannot accept others specially in bible said there is only one god, Jehowa which I don't know the meaning in Heberal and Kuroon said is only one god called Ali which I don't know the meaning in Arabean. May be the meaning is same only the sound differently.
Athiest; I can say is a kind of religious which is superinsitution of science which is according to statistate which is also timeing and regionally report. I trust it but with more proven by myself instead of trust and believe which is another superinsitution again.

2007-03-28 12:47:03 · answer #3 · answered by johnkamfailee 5 · 0 0

Well one of the problems is that most western religious texts (particularly the bible, torrah and quran) repeatedly mention that non-believers, infidels and those of other religions should be killed or executed. Even the more mild Jesus is in favor of killing nonbelievers (Luke 19:27). This generally has caused lots of problems in the past.

Luckily as we become increasingly moral and less reliant on the holy books for guidance (more and more passages are being overlooked, ignored or "excused") we should see less violence. The main problem though is Islam in the middle east, as they actually believe what they say they believe and are culturally stuck in the 1400s. So they will continue to unleash bloodshed and violence.

By contrast the eastern religions tend to be more amiable and peaceful. You never really see buddhist terrorists - or buddhists being violent (unless attacked first as the muslims have been doing), nor do Taoists assassinate doctors and blow women's health clinics. You will never see a Jain beat a gay man to death, or invade another country because "god told me to"...

It's no coincidence that most eastern religions don't have passages telling their followers to kill nonbelievers. By contrast, look at this passage from the Tao:

"Weapons are the tools of fear; a decent man will avoid them except in the direst necessity and, if compelled, will use them only with the utmost restraint. Peace is his highest value. If the peace has been shattered how can he be content? His enemies are not demons, but human beings like himself. He doesn't wish them personal harm. Nor does he rejoice in victory. How could he rejoice in victory and delight in the slaughter of men?

He enters battle gravely, with sorrow and with great compassion, as if he were attending a funeral"

You will NEVER find anything remotely similar in any western religious text. Try as you might you will only find the opposite in the bible/quran - and that's why there is so much religious violence.

2007-03-28 13:00:56 · answer #4 · answered by Mike K 5 · 0 1

Its me could not have said it better. I agree with that viewpoint. Let's just all of us agree to disagree or just leave our religion where it belongs. I do, however, want to make a small correction to your statement..Christians do respect the earth and each other, just not all Christians and I would prefer to call those type of Christians, Not Christians.

No one should ever force a religion on another which is probably the reason why some hate each other. That's my answer.

2007-03-28 12:44:26 · answer #5 · answered by makeitright 6 · 0 0

The very precepts that cause some people to leave a town/village comes into play here. Not meaning offense to anyone, but religions at their basic core teach dogma. Some people would call it a form of brainwashing. This falls under the same heading as the word 'terrorist', to those being terrorized they are terrorist, to those on their side they are freedom fighters or zealots or heros. It depends on which side you subscribe to.

As far as religion is concerned, through the ages groups have split over "interpretation" of dogma. The teachers/preist/ministers teach their flock that their version of the dogma is the ONLY correct one. These 'leader' get so caught up in said dogma that they can no longer see or teach the "Big Picture" (kinda 'can't see the forest for the trees' syndrome). They can not agree to disagree on the dogma so that they can share the primary, unifying concepts of their religion, be it Christian, Muslem, Hinduism, etc.

The bottom line is, everyone wants to be right. Organized religions teach that you can not be 'sorta right' and get to your ultimate reward/heaven/nirvanna/etc. Hence, arguments over dogma.

Finally, we get into symantics. One religion primarily in the United States teaches you not to lie (bear false witness), but what they mean is you can't lie to a fellow believer in their 'denomination'. If you bear false witness to someone outside of their denomination that is NOT a lie since you do not owe them the truth. Another religios sect predominantly outside the USA teaches you to love everyone, except infidels, which are described as anyone who does not believe exactly the way they do without question. Anyone who questions points of their beliefs become subject to death, preferably in a slow and bloody manner to act as a warning to any others that would question their beliefs or actions on behalf of their deity.

2007-03-28 13:07:01 · answer #6 · answered by Dave P 1 · 0 0

Individual religions all believe that they are the "One True Religion" and anyone who does not belive as they do are doomed to whatever that particular religion believes happens to them. That is why they cannot get along. Even different congregations in the "christian" religion can't get along over simple things like singing before the sermon, or dancing, some christian religions believe that if you are not up there shouting at the top of your lungs then you won't be heard by God.

2007-03-28 12:44:56 · answer #7 · answered by calired67 4 · 0 0

Because religion requires you to believe that your religion is right and that every other religion is not just wrong but deadly to people's souls.

Beyond that, there is the basic power trip that religions have. Each religion has territories that they hold and because of the drive to convert the unbelievers they are often expansionist. It becomes a game of Risk and conflicts mean less to religious leaders than to secular leaders because few of them have to run for election and because they believe (as do their believers) that dying in a religious war puts you on the fast track to whatever afterlife the religion believes in.

2007-03-28 12:39:34 · answer #8 · answered by Dave P 7 · 0 0

Adherents of each religion basically think that theirs is the one true religion and that everybody else is wrong. Many religions actually consign to hell (or its equivalent) all nonbelievers in their particular doctrine. Not exactly the basis for peaceful coexistence.

Many religious texts actually have a very non-peaceful attitude toward non-adherents.

2007-03-28 12:43:43 · answer #9 · answered by Phaedrus 3 · 0 0

yes your right most religions believe in respect everything and love everything but they all also have big differences in what they believd happened or what is going to happen and as soon as someone says differently then everything goes to hell and people ignore the respect part just to preach about why there religion is right.
which in turn makes no sence cause if there religion is so right then why do they care about what other's believe?

2007-03-28 12:42:53 · answer #10 · answered by jbcc924 2 · 0 0

in a few words; moral subjectivism.
any time you base a moral system on an imagined value, (god, society, whim) the next question is always: which god? Which society? Who's whim?
And the battle ensues. If you support religion, you are supporting a system of death, ultimately. Is their another system? Yes and it's called "objectivism" look it up and don't be discouraged by the war by the subjectivists, they need to fight this system, it is their only true enemy. The free mind is dangerous to them.

2007-03-28 12:45:12 · answer #11 · answered by Real Friend 6 · 0 0

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