Please don't beat yourself up over this, if you witnessed to him it was his responsibility to act on it. You can't make someone believe, you can only expose them to the truth. Don't put yourself through this, forgive yourself & release it to God. Peace to you.
2007-03-28 08:27:01
answer #1
answered by wanda3s48 7
Everyone is responsible for their own salvation in the end. You were not the only way your friend had to hear about Jesus. And no Christian is perfect, we could all do more. If you feel you didn't do enough, then use this as inspiration to do more from now on. Pray and tell God how you feel, repent if necessary and ask God to give you peace about the situation. Look at all the people the apostle Paul was responsible for purposely drawing away from a belief in Christ before his own conversion. God forgave him, and Paul didn't spend the rest of his days feeling guilty-he went about telling anyone who would listen about Jesus. So don't waste your time on guilt and condemnation-that is from satan. When God forgives you, he forgets. And remember this, only God knows if your friend was saved or not. You can be sure God gave him every opportunity to accept Christ.
2007-03-28 05:37:42
answer #2
answered by beano™ 6
If you want peace, turn it all over to God, and witness to others. The best way to get over the guilt is to learn from it. You may have done all you can with that friend, but what about other friends?
If it is any consolation, I too lost a good friend to a tragic accident about 7 years ago, and I was in the same place you are now.
2007-03-28 05:35:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry, He's safe.
You thninking this makes you a caring person, and dont worry about it it was his lfie not yours, his free will not yours. And I believe that God doesn't turn his back on anyone because of their religious just if there really evil as a catholics view point.
My mum died a few months ago I worried too I was awful to her because I didn't know she had cancer so I thought she didnt love me and she was being a bad mother days before she died she had a brain scan and it came clear, every day I lvie my life in regret im only 15 years old and I feel like I could of done more. I know however my mum wasnt relaly religious but shes in heaven something happened latley that made me know for sure. :) x dont worry chin up get on with your life and dont worry God loves you x
2007-03-28 05:37:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God will do any and everything possible to save a person, in the end, it will be a choice that happens between him and God. You can care for him and witness to him, but his salvation is in NO WAY dependent on you. You understand? Not in ANY WAY.
Do you believe (you knew the young man), that love was the goal of his life? Love for God and man... and that he lived his life to try and be of the character of Jesus?? Even if he did, sometimes he would make mistakes and sin because he was imperfect and human? In that case you can rest assured that God has taken him into his presence, not to hell. That's Biblical.
2007-03-28 05:31:41
answer #5
answered by peacetimewarror 4
Hell is not an eternal place of torment. That parable and passage of the bible was mis- translated.
You will not spend eternity in heaven with God while your friend burn in hell next door. However we all are called to account on judgment/resurrection day and there will be a day of fire for the wicked, that torment lasts as long as the body has breath.
2007-03-28 05:30:44
answer #6
answered by andy r 3
Please lay your burden at the feet of the Lord. Ultimately it will be His decision, and we know that He is not only loving, He is completely fair. The other thing to consider is that you don't really know what may have gone through his mind in his final moments as he was dying. He may even have given his heart to Christ. Also remember that you may not have been your friend's only witness - according to the scripture (Job) God deals with men in visions and dreams at night as well. Who knows what all may have transpired? The best thing to do is simply trust that God will do the right thing - He will, won't He? The Bible says, "Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?"
Love in Christ,
2007-03-28 05:32:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are not responsible for your friend's decisions. You are also not aware of his relationship with Christ. What seems to you as not being right with God may have changed in an instant before this person died. Trust in the Lord and not in your own understanding. If you feel guilty it is of your own understanding, because when you asked God to forgive you He did so immediately.
2007-03-28 05:28:23
answer #8
answered by Fish <>< 7
I'm sorry about the loss of your friend, but I want to assure you that God is more loving and merciful than we can ever begin to imagine. As much as you loved and still love your friend, God's love is infinitely greater.
Please stop blaming yourself and feeling guilty. No one is responsible for anyone's salvation other than their own, and God certainly wouldn't want you to beat yourself up because of something that you had no control over.
Concentrate on your own emotional and spiritual healing, and leave your friend in the very loving hands of our Father in Heaven. God bless you.
2007-03-28 05:32:21
answer #9
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
Just work harder on blessing and wittness to others . Get out of the comdemnation , I'm sure others witnessed to him beside you. Stop focusing on yourself,the time your spending on this. You could be saving others. Sorry ,i'm a little harsh, sometimes we all need a little awake up call. Sorry ,for your loss. GOD BLESS
2007-03-28 05:31:31
answer #10
answered by TCC Revolution 6
Only God knows his heart. Trust that God knows how you feel. Maybe in his last moments if he wasn't serving the Lord he had that chance. We may never know. Put him and your feelings for and about him in God's hands. And use it as a lesson for your other friends that don't know the Lord.
2007-03-28 05:29:15
answer #11
answered by Jan P 6