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My girlfriend works at Subway... and every now and then she will come home smelling like she`s done marijuana... but the smell is coming from under her arms. She says its because of certain sauces they use. What sauce would they use that would smell like that? If any... I`m thinking if it smells like it -- it is it.

My sister has done marijuana for 17 years and (She gave it up 2 years ago now) I mentioned it to her and she says it`s not a sauce of any kind it`s actually what she`s doing and it`s choosing to come out the pours under her arm.

I figure since I dont do dope and since I don`t and have never worked at Subway I`d at least ask.

2007-03-28 05:02:57 · 5 answers · asked by Just my opinion. 2 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

My girlfriend works at Subway... and every now and then she will come home smelling like she`s done marijuana... but the smell is coming from under her arms. She says its because of certain sauces they use. What sauce would they use that would smell like that? If any... I`m thinking if it smells like it -- it is it.

She says she didn't eat it... it's from being there all day.

My sister has done marijuana for 17 years and (She gave it up 2 years ago now) I mentioned it to her and she says it`s not a sauce of any kind it`s actually what she`s doing and it`s choosing to come out the pours under her arm.

I figure since I dont do dope and since I don`t and have never worked at Subway I`d at least ask

2007-03-28 10:49:00 · update #1

5 answers

o.k. i had a friend that worked at subway, and well she smoked, too. So truthfully I don't know if subway will make you smell like pot or not. What I do know is that impurities release themselves through the bodies pores, and marijuana doesn't have impurities. So it's not coming out of her armpits.
Ex. Alcohol is an impurity that the body will force out through your pores, as is some ingredients in meth, but not pot.

2007-03-28 05:10:57 · answer #1 · answered by krazyshadowkat 2 · 0 0

Only the pot head who worked at Subway I knew ever smelled like pot. Someone is hiding something from you ... and not very well I might add.

2007-03-28 05:16:41 · answer #2 · answered by Tom ツ 7 · 0 0

my friend worked at subway for like 4 months and she never smelled like that...

2007-03-28 09:15:32 · answer #3 · answered by one_thing 3 · 0 0

my friend works at a subway and he dont smell like that at all
so ur gf is doing something

2007-03-28 05:21:13 · answer #4 · answered by angiesupers 2 · 0 0

Shes doing pot flat out everyone that workes or has worked at subway i can guarantee has done pot.

2007-03-28 05:07:13 · answer #5 · answered by Skyline 1 · 1 1

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