The Bible says that the unregenerate man is dead in his sins. His soul and mind are in bondage to those sins. How can he respond unless God takes out his heart of stone and puts in a heart of flesh?
As usual, Y!A is not a good place for extended discussions (or generally anything involving rational thought, as you can see from some of the people who posted above me). Please contact me personally to talk more about this.
2007-03-28 04:29:39
answer #1
answered by Gary B 5
The one's rejecting the 'gospel' are probably on a higher spiritual plane and can hear God's voice warning them about this book.
Remember, only 4 books of the Gospel were contemporary, the rest were written 400-700 years after Jesus. Because we are approaching the age of reason, God has allowed us recover the 39 additional gospels that were circulating in the early Christian Church.
So, those people whom you call stubborn, are probably more spiritual advanced than you and are hearing a higher voice, calling them to keep seeking the real truth.
You may need a humility check. Remember the parable about the man who came to dinner and seated himself in the place of honor, only to be asked to move for some one else. Could it be that you are that man, assuming you have 'the answer' when God has willed that you learn from some of these people you consider 'stubborn'. The bible is a mirror, not a flashlight.
2007-03-28 04:36:12
answer #2
answered by Fancy That 6
Well, from this pagan's perspective..... Everyone is on their own spiritual journey. There is not a right or a wrong....only the perception of someone on a differing path. Whether anyone likes it or not, we each have our own unique path that we must travel alone. Sometimes the paths run alongside eachother and we meet people of similar beliefs and ideals, other times they intersect those on a different journey. Whether we realize it or not, these experiences influence us.
Think of a road trip. You plan out your route and stick to it. There will more than likely be other people heading the same direction. Some will take exits you dont, and some times you will have to stop and wait for cross traffic. All these things influence your trip in one way or another. Then, there are other people, headed to the same place as you, but they take a different route. Just because they didnt take the exact same route as you doesnt make them bad people or mean that they are stupid or unaccepting of what you think is best, it just means they prefer a different experience.
Above all else, try to keep in would you feel if someone came up to you and tried to convince you that you were wrong and had to change for your own good (on any topic really...)? Especially if they couldnt back up thier perspective with any hard proof or evidence you found compelling? How would you feel if someone constantly nagged and hounded you or saw you as something less than intelligent or rational just because you want to find things out for yourself rather than just accept what someone else says just because they say it?
If you are honest with yourself, you have your answer.......
2007-03-28 04:47:12
answer #3
answered by seanachaipriestess 3
Why do some kids buy into Santa Claus while others ask questions about the more ridiculous aspects of the myth?
Some adults seem to have a need to replace the old Santa with a new one. Grown ups are like the questioning kids. They see that it's all nonsense. Perhaps someday you will mature to the point that you are enlightened as well. Until then, you can think of us a stubborn and we will think of you as deluded.
2007-03-28 04:32:54
answer #4
answered by Dave P 7
Well, firstly, if they wanted me to believe the gospel they could have left out the parts where Jesus does magic tricks. That doesn't make it attractive to people who live their lives based on the real world and facts as they are presented.
I am also confused by those who readily accept it. It seems that there are lots of people who instantly have a long list of false truths to submit as an explanation for everything. That kind of behavior relieves them of responsibility to think critically and to make sense of the world in rational way.
2007-03-28 04:33:09
answer #5
answered by Cattlemanbob 4
Quite honestly not all believe the gospel to be infalliable, do not believe that it is the true word of God, that it is correct or even should be followed. Some do not believe that the Bible should be taken literally.
People can choose for themselves what is good for them, and do not need someone else telling them what to do. They are not stubborn if they do not believe as you do, they are acting of their own free will.
2007-03-28 04:38:45
answer #6
answered by Unity 4
If you had been born and raised in China you would be asking why some people accept Buddhism while others are more stubborn. Some people would rather study science and learn reality rather than just believing dogma.
2007-03-28 04:42:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God has placed a measure of faith in EVERYONE. Just like He placed in everyone the ability to differentiate from good and evil. The answer to your question is found once you understand the parable of the sower. Mark 4:3 for those interested and Jesus's explanation is given in Mark 4:14.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes from The Word of God. In order to "hear" the Word it has to be taught by a teacher (priest, apostle, etc). Once it is heard it has to fall on good soil then it will bring forth fruit.
Notice that EVERYONE will hear The Word at some point in their lives.
--Hope this helps. Peace and Blessings :)
2007-03-28 04:47:00
answer #8
answered by hyrlady 3
It's fine to tell someone about how your religion works and how it works for you. But if you're pushy, it's your fault. And if they already have a religion, then they're probably gonna be insulted, and you should stop.
Two guys have different religions, and each of their religions says, "this is the only true religion." How do you reconcile that? You don't. You stop bothering people.
Trying to help people is good. Trying too hard to help people is bad. Get to know where the line is drawn. Be nice.
2007-03-28 04:32:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why is it that some people accept obvious fables for literal history?
The answer is simply that the criteria for "truth" differs.
Most people "accept the gospel" because they've been encouraged, if not actually brainwashed, to accept it from early childhood. So passages from scripture tend to resonate with their programming. It's an entirely emotional, sentimental acceptance. "Truth" for them is "that which gives me that tingly feeling I associate with Jesus."
Other people weren't exposed to this sort of indoctrination, or, if they were, they managed to overcome it; and they tend to accept or reject ideas based on their actual merits. Such people are not likely to accept the gospel, because the gospel is based on ideas that would insult the intelligence of an average 10 year old with an unwashed brain. The whole doctrine of mankind being born in a state of "Original Sin," from which he can only be redeemed vicariously by trusting in the sacrifice of Jesus, is so revolting intellectually, morally and spiritually that brainwashing is about the best excuse you could give for believing in it.
2007-03-28 04:30:12
answer #10
answered by jonjon418 6
There could be a lot of reasons, some people have a christian backround and have just strayed away, some have a bad image of chriatians already, some dont believe that there is a god, some are angry with him , and it could also be in your delivery because people dont always want to hear how they are doing things wrong.
2007-03-28 04:31:02
answer #11
answered by Delecia L 2