It's really hard to say why people do what they do, but I can say a bit about what I see from your post.
Is it OUR fault THEY stop attending
No! THEY stopped attending. You may or may not have figured into the decisions, but ultimately the decision was theirs.
Expectations can be good and helpful, and it is a good sign that you expected that people would be willing to pray and be active. Maybe they have become a bit busy or maybe the enemy is just trying to stir up a bit of trouble. Don't be discouraged! Expecting them to be the SAME as your previous church can set you up for disappointment since the only way for it to be entirely the same is to be composed of all the same people, meet in the same place, and for the same reasons.
It sounds like time to pray for the prayer meeting! In the meantime, be aware that most people come to church to get something (ie preaching or teaching, fellowship, etc) rather than to give something. I think our priorities are out of whack, and the building oriented, come and sit through a sermon type service is a huge part of the problem. God bless and keep you, and keep praying!
In Christ,
2007-03-28 04:38:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Not all Churches do the same things, even if they are the same denomination. But I'm sure that you know that. Before going to a new Church, you should try to go into it with no prior expectations of your last Church. if you are changing Churches try to go to a few different ones to help you figure out which one has the right feel and which one will fulfill you spiritually. This way you are able to make the right choice for you.
2007-03-28 11:30:10
answer #2
answered by jignutty 4
no not your fault. but different churcjes have different levels of activity. I went from one campus o the other within th same church and the new campus is all laid back while the old campus was really hyper. It just depends on the people the church is comprised of.
2007-03-28 11:34:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
some people just go to church so that GOD can forgive them and they think it stop there they go and do other stuff instead of doing the right thing and think about HIM the whole day just dont worry yourself over what they are doing and keep up the good work its not your fault they dont want to praise GOD
2007-03-28 11:26:16
answer #4
answered by lizziemoffles 4
Are you ministers? That is what your question makes you appear to be. If so, are you teaching contrary to what your new congregation believes? (Don't worry if you are preaching Bible truth..
2 Timothy 4
2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.)
However, if you are NOT teaching Bible truth, you need to get with the program.
2007-03-28 11:28:51
answer #5
answered by credo quia est absurdum 7
Even in the most structured environment, there becomes a time when either you grow bored, or feel like you have nothing left to learn.
Other times, one is more interested in teaching, and if there is no one wanting to learn, one must go where the Spirit leads. ( We cannot judge if the Spirit is right or wrong for them )
We must all grow, and in all things, lessons are learned if we stay tuned in.
2007-03-28 11:30:01
answer #6
answered by Try 2
Can you ask them why they stopped coming to prayer?Then you will know and maybe feel less hurt.If it is something you have done learn by it and try to move on.
2007-03-28 11:26:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Take the lead ...get others to come. Talk to the pastor
2007-03-28 11:27:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Choose a true church
2007-03-28 11:26:06
answer #9
answered by John3:16 2
It's my fault, I talked them out of going.... lol
2007-03-28 11:24:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous