SOMETHING has to be leading the way in brain function.
The fact that you're here typing just proves that it was people.
2007-03-28 04:16:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
well why don't you narrow the field to one other specific animal. Let's take dogs for instance talk to any trainer and you will find that some breeds of dogs can be trained and some can't be trained very well.
Why do I bring that up.
You asked a general question about the differences in homosapians as compared to other animal.
heres another example but we will limit it to just the homosapians. say Johnny is a smary man he has an I.Q. of 150, but little tommy he was born with a malformed brain he has an I.Q. of 60. Is that fair?
Truely if you believe that life is fair you have a lot to learn.
You assume that no other animals are capable of reasoning, emotion, and logical thought patterns. Maybe you need to examine wild life better there are many animals that mate for life so I would place that at some sort of emotional level. as for reasoning and problem solving how about the fox trying to get in a chicken coop he will dig or manipulate the wire to get in. Thats problem solving. Logical thought patterns? most people do many things that go against logic.
2007-03-28 04:23:32
answer #2
answered by Jeremy C 2
Ha ha I think only religious people somehow think humans are superior.. that is not the case we just have one of thousands, millions of incredible unique adaptations to life on this planet. By the way animals DO have emotion.. which is nothing more than an adaptation to life. Animals have emotion to ensure they protect their offspring, to help them live harmoniously in groups, and to communicate. All the same reasons humans have emotion.. we just have a unique trait that allows us to talk and express ideas about emotion where other animals do not. Doesnt make us "better" or so far ahead of others... you could look at it another way, why are so many animals ahead of us in so many other things.. better senses, echolocation, tolerance to heat, drought, extremes of weather. We are unique but we are not further ahead.. just different. You could say "I mean only bats, dolphins and a few other animals are capable of echolocation, doesnt seem fair to humans does it?" See how it goes both ways? A humans sense of smell, hearing etc may seem primitive in comparison to other animals, doesnt mean they are better its just that we are all differently adapted to carving out our lives on this planet.
2007-03-28 04:32:51
answer #3
answered by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7
Chimps also make an use wooden spears. That is very advanced and you will find human tribes that don't have that skill.
Monkeys show morality. They have drowned in zoos trying to save a companion. They will starve themselves for days rather than pull a lever that gives them food, but shocks another monkey. They show logical thinking in that they can put together several steps that they were never shown to accomplish a goal. They have been taught pretty sophisticated sign language.
We aren't all that different given that our lines of evolution split eight million years ago. If you don't see the similarities, it is because you don't want to.
2007-03-28 04:27:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
So far ahead?
You seriously think so?
Some hawks could spot you moving from several miles away... unaided.
An emperor penguin can live its entire life in temperatures so cold they would kill you in minutes.
... A cockroach can live for over a month with its head cut off, and is remarkably resistant to radiation too.
We aren't "ahead"; we simply have an adaptation (and further supplementary adaptations) that is useful to a great many possible environments. Even that, in and of itself, is not necessarily a good thing.
Evolution is not a conscious process. It does not have any goal or intent in mind. It is the process of that which works in any situation becoming more prominant than that which does not... but an overabundance of anything will become a strain on the resources which sustain it (much like sea-urchins in St Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, have stripped down the kelp forests so badly on occasion that they have been left with nothing to eat and died out themselves).. and humanity is abundant and demanding enough that it could well destroy this planet.
Would any benevolant god have knowingly made a species with the capability to destroy everything it needs to survive?
We aren't all that "ahead". Consider dolphins instead. They are every bit as intelligent as we are, but without the inherant need to expand, conquer and consume they have set themselves up a sustainable existence for the distant future.
For that matter consider domestic cats. They have turned our success into their success, and quite happily live with us as slaves serving their every whim. Thankfully they are benevolant masters, so I am more than willing to serve them.
2007-03-28 04:26:56
answer #5
answered by Nihilist Templar 4
Ok first of all "evolutionists"?? it's not a religion... Really! Animals do have emotions and they do have logical thought patterns- Have you ever seen an animal get depressed and lose it's will to live when it's owner or companion dies?? I have. And have you ever owned a cat- they're food is empty and they know you'll feed them so thier logical thinking is- wake up the people and they'll give me food. I'm starting to wonder about your reasoning skills though
2007-03-28 04:23:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The differences in evolution can be attributed to many things. Climate, environmental conditions, etc...
It is believed that all of the continents were one large continent which they refer to as Pangaea. It is quite possible that over the years as this Pangaea split apart the primates of that time were separated. The climates changed & over a long period of time each species evolved into what they needed to evolve into to survive in their portion of the world.
It is quite possible that there are still monkeys around & other lesser-evolved species because in the areas they live they have not needed to evolve to survive. Evolution and mutation stems from the need for a species to adapt to a change in it's surroundings.
Problem solving comes with the evolution of the human brain. There are other creatures whos brains have evolved to form problem solving skills. Dolphins have been known to save humans from shark attacks in the ocean.... Chimps create tools & according to a study i read recently... have started using a spear-like tool to catch food. (check the national geographic web site.) We are not the only "smart" creatures to evolve on this planet, but for whatever reason we have evolved faster. It was most likely the surroundings that caused us to adapt, but whatever way you look at it.... it's natural selection.... survival of the fittest. It may not be "fair" but it's how the universe works.
2007-03-28 04:27:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Basically it is a question beyond cranial capacity and brain structure. Many creature have larger brains than we do. The whale for example. According to basic evolutionary law, adaptation is key to biological success. Because humans are capable of adapting to almost any climate or condition we are able to succeed where other creatures die out. It is exactly our ability to think abstractly, beyond our instincts, that we are a successful species. Each animal adapts as needed within the confines of their own abilities and necessity. All creatures will eventually reach a position of evolutionary terminus, that is they will evolve until the continuation of that species within the confines of the current configuration is no longer viable. Once this happens a new species will emerge and continue from that point forward until terminus is reached within that construct.
2007-03-28 04:30:59
answer #8
answered by Tom H 4
Only humans are capable of broad abstractions. Chimps make abstractions at the level of a 5-year-old human. A variety of tests have confirmed this. We're not as far ahead as you'd like to believe.
2007-03-28 04:27:09
answer #9
answered by novangelis 7
we are only more clever than other animals. physiologically we are pretty ramshackle pieces of work. in order for the evolutionary process to get us up on our feet and free our hands it had to make some compromises and when you compare our bodies to those of the animals around us we are far from superior. where the evolutionary imperative for them is mostly physical, our evolution has been driven by the need to cater for the supreme evolutionary survival tools, intelligence and sociability. we may not be able to beat a lion in a fair fight, but a gang of us could beat it to death with rocks and sticks. intellectually superior yes, but when it comes to our physical traits we are very close to the bottom of the list. we get what we need to survive.
2007-03-28 04:28:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Lord, where to begin.
Have you not heard of Coco, the gorilla, who converses with sign language and has actually taught it to other gorillas. She speaks and has the vocabulary of a 10 year old human. She had a pet cat that was accidentally killed by a car. When she was told, she grieved just like you or I would grieve at the loss of a dear pet.
A recent study has concluded that chimps are capable of deception. That involves reasoning and planning.
We are not so far ahead of our distant cousins. In fact, their lack of conceit may have them ahead of us in some areas of evolution.
2007-03-28 04:21:46
answer #11
answered by lunatic 7