The world hated Jesus because He exposed their lies & wickedness......same thing we have going on today.......hmmmm isnt it interesting that Jesus fortold all of this in scripture.....these are one of the many signs of reactions to Jesus that we will have to deal with until His 2nd Coming.............I luv my Jesus......<>< <><
2007-03-28 03:49:53
answer #1
answered by Barbara J 3
It has a lot to do with the "radical" Christians idea that your religion is the only true religion! As a member of a religion that these radical Christians choose not to accept, I see and feel their impact daily.
Right now our religion is fighting with the Veteran Administration about adding the symbol of faith for Pagans and Wiccans. This fight is because Christianity has a strangle hold on the American government. Our Pentacle is a symbol of protection and outspoken Christians are lining up to explain what this symbol "really" means and to tell the world that we are devil worshippers. One religion using their doctrine to describe another religon doesn't make sense and it is this ability to speakout safely as an expert source is disturbing.
Many Christians who have sought answers to their questions about how the Christian bible and teachings seem to contradict themselves have often left these contradictions behind and come over to our religion since our creed is very simple. "Do what you will, but harm none." This is much simpler than the Ten Commandments, but very hard to do seeing we are vowing not to hurt ourselves.
We tire of trying to show Christians that the Bible was written by men who weren't any more blessed with your God's wisdom than we are. The Bible has be rewritten (King James version) and misquoted until the argument between our religions have become petty. I don't deny your right to worship who you choose, so why should your religion work to deny me that same right. As a witch I find it interesting that your Bible shows where one of your scriptural characters goes to the Witch of Endor to have her contact this character... and then later the Bible states, "suffer not a witch to live"! Can you wonder why non-Christians are oft times looking over their shoulders when they are supposed to have the same rights in this Country (America) as Christians. Where do the words go when you sing, "let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.?"
Please come visit my website and see what we are facing at
Brightest blessings
2007-03-28 04:33:46
answer #2
answered by humanrayc 4
Christians want to (or have):
legislate against gay marriage
legislate "god" into the pledge of allegiance
legislate "in god we trust" on money
legilegislate intelligent design.
legslate the ten commandments
legislate prayer in schools
Notice the pattern?
Oh I do see a pattern but lets go over the liberals while we are at it.
Restorative Justice-(rapists and killers are victims too)
Life has no inherit meaning (Like China, you are worth what you produce or how much money you have)
Let everyone do everything they like (they have rights too)
Legislate that life is meaningless and worthless (then wonder why kids kill kids)
Promote hypocrisy (Can't say" Marry Christmas" but we will try to profit from it)
As far as the Gay thing that is even against evolution since there is no exclusively gay animals (they become extinct in one generation)
2007-03-28 04:36:51
answer #3
answered by Paul C 2
I think most atheists are against an organized religion based on a non-existing god. Christianity is the biggest organized religion and many of its followers are known to be not practicing what they preach. Many used the church to achieve their very unchristian like goals. And the danger of following someone blindly just because the person is of the same religion is one of the biggest treats to people. There are many examples to illustrate my points. The fathers of our country had the great insights to ask religions not to be involved in our government. They are so right. But look at the situation in the US now, religious people are grouping together and using their POWER to change our government. Atheists will pretty much tolerate others who practice their religions as long as they don't force their values on us through our government.
2007-03-28 04:03:07
answer #4
answered by ShanShui 4
In America only (ONLY) Christians constantly try to pierce that government-religion veil and yes, it bugs those of us that belong to other religions or no religion. Why can't Christianity, like every other religion in the world, accept that religion is a personal choice and that Christian's notions on how to live life are not unique and utterly uninteresting except to the extent that they are part of a co-equal dialog on religion. If your religion says abortion is immoral don't have an abortion. Think homosexuality's a sin? Stay in the closet or get out of the religion. Want prayer in school? Build schools. Think intelligent design should be taught in school? build schools. Don't want to vaccinate your daughters against HPV? Homeschool or religious school. Other than that, you have added very little to civic debate in this country.
2007-03-28 04:01:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know little about you, except what I can deduce from this question, but I see many similar ones. You should try to think for yourself, rather than repeating drivel. Many Christians earn the strong feelings against them, so do not be deluded into saying that they do not. Double standards are prevalent in Christianity. My oldest sister is a good (or bad) example. If I say anything that causes her to doubt her silly beliefs, she has a temper tantrum and insults me or our kid sister. Kid Sis and I have taken Philosophy in colleges, and I took Bible History. Oldest Sis is a high school dropout who reads only trashy novels, so she is jealoius of our superior education and knowledge. She insults us outrageously. She says whatever she does is fine and denies ever being wrong. When she starts a quarrel with us, she tries to blame us for it. It is natural for us to be angry with her and many other Christians who do the same things and try to force their silly beliefs upon people who know better. Think more about this before you speak.
2007-03-28 03:55:30
answer #6
answered by miyuki & kyojin 7
From actual events? Yes. Do some research on "The Crusades." A bunch of Christians tried to evangelize the world by the sword.
By how strong your faith is? Well, I have personally heard Christians make fun of other religions for believing in their own gods. So ya.
2007-03-28 03:48:07
answer #7
answered by Agent Smith 2
What an insightful question....I have seen many, many people cringe at the topic of Christian, and by far, the most consistent comments have been that a) Christians preach about their faith, but do not actually LIVE by it--they show racism, prejudice, dishonesty, and are not generally Christ-like in their behaviours toward their fellow man. I also hear them saying that they use "Christian" as a shield to justify anything and everything they choose to do, whether Christian like or not. These strong perceptions must make it extremely difficult for those who practice Christianity in their lives, and therefore really would be puzzled about the strong reaction to their type of religion.
2007-03-28 03:50:52
answer #8
answered by sandy 2
I don't have strong feelings against you. I feel hurt when I mention that I'm a Buddhist who used to be a Catholic and some people respond with things such as 'You're going to hell'.
I don't think it's very kind. Other than that, I have absolutely no problems. My whole birth family is Catholic/Christian and I am always very respectful, however, I do not get the same respect which can cause me pain.
2007-03-28 03:48:18
answer #9
answered by Yogini 6
Friend, I am a Christian too, for the last 37 yrs. The reason we are persecuted on here is because satan is running wild, & not only on this site, but in our every day life. In my 37 yrs. I have learned to ignore these people of what they say, Because in the end, we shall all see who was right , I have family members that don't like me because of my faith & they too claim to be Christians, & they can only take certain verses out of context to TRY to prove their faith, But then they come up against a brick wall when I give them other verses to read. That is something they don't want to do. Anything they have thown at me I can stand upon the word of God & show them where I stand, & I don't come up against a brick wall. I am Apostolic Pentacost, Non denominational..
2007-03-28 03:52:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I'm not against all Christians, just the ones that seem to have a problem with me.
Here are some examples though of how Atheists are treated on this site though by Christians....these are actual quotes from "Christians"
Atheist how do you make it through the day being so miserable and depressed?
You'll get cancer if you keep that up.
Atheists need to be put in a camp and killed.
Atheists are dumb.
Because they're heathens.
I could keep on going, but I think you get the point.
2007-03-28 03:47:15
answer #11
answered by photogrl262000 5