I think because there are so many illegal Hispanic immigrants that do no belong here that it tarnished Hispanic people. Also most legal Hispanics sympathize with the illegals and this has cause to wonder. If somebody went about it the right way why would they sympathize with people that cheat the system and disregard the laws regardless of Ethnic background.
2007-03-28 02:51:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I personally do not have hatred towards any immigrants whether Hispanic or other nationalities. I think there comes a time when no more people can be accepted into an area (country) since by adding too many people it creates a burden on everyone. I liken a country as to a house. If you have a family of six (fatherm mother and four children) everyone lives comfortably in the house. You can add your parents in an emergency and also perhaps your parents-in law. But if you add more than that then you will reduce the living conditions of your family by squeezing more than one person into each bed. There will be long lines everyday waiting to use the bathroom and shower etc. The increase in the cost of providing food and each person will get less to eat everyday. This can be seen happening in this country by the power outages in the cities during the summer caused by too many people using electricity. Also there is increased traffic congestion and the subways and buses are overflowing with too many people.
I say this even though I have met many Hispanic immigrants form several different coutries over the years and have made lifelong firends with many of them. I have even been able to visit Ecuador for three months staying with relatives of friends of mine. I am not heartless. I have even learned how to read write and speak Spanish fluently because of studying in school and practicing with so many people who speak spanish here in new York city. Dios me ha bendicido mucho porque he llegado a conocer muchas personas Hispanas y sus razones para tener que venit aqui a vivir.
So that is why I do not have hatred toward immigrants but there comes a time when more is too much.
2007-03-28 05:44:56
answer #2
answered by eimittaa 5
There's legal and illegal....
The color of the skin has nothing to do with it. I know it's hard for people to understand the difference when it's so much easier to base it on skin color than to take responsibility for specifics.
England is having the same problems and it's not hispanics there causing the problem. Same issues though. Driving down wages, loss of jobs people need, not assimilating into the culture, not speaking the language, draining the systems ment for citizens, "special" considerations the citizens don't even get, population explosion that is causing other problems whether it's crowded schools or more and more taxes required of the citizens to fund things the illegals are draining. Same issues. Same attitude as well from the immigrants (legal and illegal) of ,you owe me, I don't HAVE to assimilate to your culture, YOU are going to change to meet me. That has not been the attitude of immigrants of the past and for many of us.....not acceptable. There's understanding, there's lee-way, there's adjustment and then there's a point where all the efforts have not produced anything but more and more seperation and tension and demands and being nice has been seen as being a fool.
Much of the ill feelings towards the hispanics, they have brought on themselves. Not all......but an ever increasing amount of mostly illegals. That then is seperated even more by the attitude of the LaRaza crowd who turn on their own when they don't comply and are more afraid of displeasing their own than standing up against them.
I am white. Maybe it's because we already went through prejudice of Irish vs English vs Polish vs German vs whom ever else was white that I don't feel an undying devotion to my race. I'm not making excuses for some rapist or murderer or thief just because they're "white". I'm also Christian and I don't support alot of the extreem movement of that either. I realize money has more power than what a persons skin color is.
I know what it is to be poor and totally understand why people steal, sell drugs and whatever else they do illegally to get by. But even poverty is no excuse to break the law. I can understand compassion for those choices when it's a one time thing.....but I loose that compassion when it becomes a way of life. Sometimes it is easier and more financially beneficial to go the illegal route. I don't want our legal system to reward chronic law breakers because it makes it easier to continue that behavior and it's the truely innocent who pay for it in the long run.
My anger is, it doesn't seem to matter what crime an illegal hispanic does......they're crying racism. Demanding "special" considerations, accusations of being "targeted" while citizens get the book tossed at them for alot less. There has been a blatent expression of hate against "whites" and a hatred based not on what an individual has done to them.......but from things that have happened hundreds of years ago. I'm older. I cannot tell you how many times I've had some hispanic young man grab his crotch and make obsene gestures just because I happen to be a white person walking by them in the mall. Or how many times I've had a young hispanic person simply ignore waiting on me when I've asked a simple question. It's too often and too blatent to be considered a bad day or an isolated incidence.
I can understand people fighting for rights.....but it angers me when they don't extend the same courtesy to others.
Just today they had a boatload of hatians make it to Florida. They are all getting treated and questioned and most likely sent back. Why are they less deserving? All they did was come here illegally as well? They just wanted a better life and probably a more harrowing experience to get here. They haven't committed any other crimes, no stolen identies, no driving without a license, no drug smuggling, no child molestation.....but they will enforce the law for them....yet not for hispanics. Where's the pro-illegals demanding for their rights? They aren't there. Why? The only time they ever do anything is for illegal Mexicans. Why? Because it's mostly funded by LaRaza. They aren't encouraging any other language but Spanish for their bi-lingual education. There's just too much going on to ignore and that's why there's more ill will towards them.
2007-03-28 05:25:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I feel compassion for all legal immigrants to this nation. They are starting a brand new life in a strange country. I support them all, not just Hispanic. immigrants. There are more legal immigrants besides Hispanic you know . .They are all very welcome in this nation.
I do object to any and ALL illegal aliens that by choice , circumvent this nations federal immigration laws and by pass all legal avenues to enter this country. All people Hispanic and all others must come into this nation via legal means or do not come at all.
That's why there are legal immigrants and illegal aliens..One deserves to be here and the other one doesn't..
The attempted playing of the race card only cheapens any ones cause since this is clearly not a race "problem" .Its an illegal problem caused by the actions of the illegal aliens. It would not matter if the majority of the illegal aliens were white or whatever. What matters is any one coming into any nation and demanding rights that they have no right to have. Its not the race of the illegal aliens its the fact that they are illegal and have no legal or moral right to be in this nation.
I live in AZ . I want you to single out "brown" skinned people and point out the illegals . That's a silly statement backed up by only rhetoric not fact.
2007-03-28 03:24:43
answer #4
answered by Yakuza 7
The thing that I think bothers most people, including myself, is the handouts that they end up receiving from our American government when there are so many people that are already here that could use the help. If you're applying for financial aid for college you're screwed when you put Caucasian on your application. You'd likely get more if you put another race down. Also, I think a lot of Americans are upset because illegal immigrants can get a job that pays under the table and they'll work for nothing and send it back home which takes away our jobs for someone else who was already here and trying to raise a family. It isn't fair really for the person working for nothing (they're allowing themselves to be taken advantage of) and it isn't fair for someone who was born and raised here who is looking for work to not be able to work b/c someone else has taken the job and is sending their income back to another country.
2007-03-28 05:18:47
answer #5
answered by Bazinga 2
It has nothing to do with hatred. The legal immigrants are welcomed with open arms, and that's the way it should be. The illegals are the only people we have issues with. Perhaps my greatest frustration is the governments lack of action on this. How can it be that an illegal should be able to get a driver's license? Why should they be able to get in-state tuition at colleges? Why do they get free schooling for their kids and free medical care? The main source of resentment is that they come to this country illegally, get all kinds of benefits that most American's could only dream of, yet they are still out their marching demanding "more rights". Simply put, if you are here illegally, you shouldn't have any rights outside of being treated fairly and not being harmed. The influx of poor, uneducated workers not only makes it impossible for a lot of people to find a decent blue-collar job, but it also keeps the wages of everyone in the country down. The regular excuse of "doing jobs no one wants" isn't true. They do jobs that no one wants to do at that pay level. But that's what makes America so strong, we have open markets, including employment. If businesses had to pay the market cost of labor, everyone's pay would go up. If someone could make $30,000 in a blue collar job, why would everyone go to college and pay $80,000 for an education to still make $30k? They wouldn't, employers would have to start paying more. Simply put, uneducated immigrants are a drain on the economy, they seem to demand advantages instead of treasuring the opportunity that they have, and our government is more concerned with looking politically correct than making the hard choices and looking our for it's own citizens first.
2007-03-28 03:02:08
answer #6
answered by neumagr8 1
The fact is that most of the real racist lie with the pro-illegal hispanics
the people here illegally have a racist attitude,,,,add that to the fact that they are illegal and they lost all my respect
Hispanic illegal immigrants mostly come here for money, not for survival or relgious freedom,,,,the people in the Sudan are starving,,,not Latins, the precence of illegal aliens takes away from people struggling in this country the legal way,,a lot of whivch waited for thier papers,,you have to take a look at this from a reasonable perspective,, you see a good percentage of illegals scam the system with fake documents,,,drive around illegally,,they all work illegally,many get welfare for thier children,,they can't really afford,,how am I supposed to respect that,,,they take the easy route at this countries expense,dont look through the lens of a tribalistic hispanic,,,only caring about 'my people' try to have a level head and realise those people are not the onlky ones with poverty problems,,,they should become more organized and try to fix thier own country,,,they have plenty of money and resources,,and the US is always willing to help
2007-03-28 03:13:00
answer #7
answered by funny d 1
Personally I don't know why Americans have such hatred towards Hispanics. They are just here for a chance for a better life. In responce to their hard work, they are criticized by many people that don't understand the struggles that they have to face. The constant fear of getting deported is always on their minds, Americans don't now just how serious this issue really is.
2007-03-28 08:47:52
answer #8
answered by Gavi 3
Personally, I do not hate Hispanic (legal and illegal) immigrants, but I do have a problem with them.
On the illegal side, it is obvious. Sure, many of the countries that Hispanic immigrants come from are underdeveloped, 3rd world countries that have little or no respect for their own people, which drives them to seek more and better opportunities elsewhere; but, just because these countries are so inept, doesn’t mean that migrating to the US legally is not impossible. Yes, it does take a great deal of money and wait time to accomplish this (legal migration), but there has to be a price to be paid for American citizenship, something in which many a people would die for. Not only do these Hispanics come here illegally, but when they do get here, they demand that those of here adhere to their needs and demands (bilingual ed, free healthcare, schooling, housing, welfare, etc.). And then to have all of these immigrants "rights" organizations out there promoting their illegality as if these people are heroes; this is a direct slap in the face of not only millions and millions of law-abiding American citizens, but the millions of legal immigrants who accomplished this the right way. The arrogance and defiance on display by both the pro-illegal Hispanic organizations and their followers leads many (myself included) to wonder about the patriotism of Hispanics. Yes, there are plenty of Hispanics out there who bleed red, white, and blue, but we do not see enough of them; all we see are the LULAC's, the MALDEF's, the Hispanic Business ***., and most any other pro-Hispanic organization, out there trying to get there fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews aboard the gravy train that is the United States. How come these immigrant "rights" (which is a code name for our Hispanic illegal alien family members) aren’t out there protesting in solidarity with other immigrant groups for "all" immigrants rights?
On the legal side, again, there's no hatred for Hispanic immigrants, just a little animosity towards them. Name one other group of immigrants who, when they emigrate, come here not knowing a lick of English, then demand that not only do the US teach their kids English (for free nonetheless), but while doing so, teach them in Spanish (so that they may become bilingual), and teach them about their culture (if they are in the US and will be living here for the rest of their lives, considering they are not willing or are to cowardly to go back to their home country and demand change, shouldn’t we be teaching about our culture?).
It seems as though Hispanics feel that we (the US) owes them something. I'm probably reaching, but I guess since Cubans are afforded certain luxuries or Puerto Ricans enjoy US citizenship, or for some other unspoken reason, other Latin American countries feel that they are owed the same; otherwise, how do you explain their attitudes?
There is a lot of hatred out there because many Hispanics are bringing it on themselves. Marching with flags from other countries (ironically in which they fled from), burning the American flag, accusing anyone who disagrees with them racists, demanding certain rights and privileges in which most don’t enjoy, promoting illegality, elevation of their language and culture above all others, claiming to be more "faith and family oriented" than others; this is exactly why many people do not like Hispanics!
This is America and we do not need Hispanics coming here and acting as if they are special. They are a small ingredient in the melting pot that is America and need to understand that. Sure, there are going to be people out there who are going to hate Hispanics just because they are that, but the majority of us do not hate Hispanics, just don’t agree with them.
2007-03-28 09:00:37
answer #9
answered by Terry H 3
I do understand the hatred LEGAL mexicans are getting because of this and it is wrong . ILLEGAL ALIENS have no right to break the law and corrupt our legal system with frivolous lawsuits , it is very sad their country can't take care of them , but the bottom line is if we just open the borders and do not deport the criminals breaking the law this country will soon be like the one they are running from , america is not a charity and has helped millions of suffering immigrants in it's lifetime but the laws are in place for a reason
an argument will be " they do jobs we don't want to " that makes no sense , the proper paperwork is set for them to do it legally , millions have done it right why can't they . People are forgetting these people are breaking the law , if they would just follow the rules they would be welcome with open arms
2007-03-28 02:55:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous