My ex was on and off with me. Secretly, I still like him. We are friends right now, and I hope it stays like that for good. He broke up with me cuz he needed more space. He told me he likes somebody else now, so I know that for a fact.
For a first, he said hi to me today when he texted me, and he hasn't texted me or called me since Nov. last year. He called me tonight, and we were talking for 45 minutes. He was talking to me like he was so excited he got to hear my voice again. He said that he's fine with me now cuz I dont SPAZ out anymore. Then, he said he had to go but called me back a few seconds later. I was thinking,"Wow, I wonder why he's sneaking back on the phone to talk to me again." I mean, seriously, what the heck is going on?
10 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
I dont know what's going on but I would steer clear of him. You guys already broke up once. Sounds like he doesn't know what he wants.
2007-03-28 02:03:51
answer #1
answered by Mimi 7
My daughter's ex did this to her for a loooong time. Would call her, get her hopes up, spend time with her (only to be found out that he still had the other chick), tell her she was to serious and he needed space, not call for a month or so - and then start the whole sh*t over again. She kept putting up with it cause "I still care for him and he says he cares for me". After the last time - she finally said enough. He called and she told him she wished him well but not to call unless he was done playing games. Haven't heard from him since.
Keep it simple, and keep your eyes open. Be JUST friends or your "on and off" will keep repeating itself. If its true, it will evolve. Keep your legs crossed.
2007-03-28 09:14:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think you know the answer. Do yourself a favor and let it go. From my own experience, once you break up, especially for an extended time, it's over. When you try to bring it back, it doesn't work and you get upset all over again. Why not give someone else a chance? Good Luck
2007-03-28 09:08:43
answer #3
answered by suprchgdr2 2
Well recently same thing kinda happend to me but we only split up for like a few weeks in the end, and i go told by someone not to chase him and let him come to me and sure enough as soon as i gave him some room he came back to me and everything its great now, just dont get your hopes up and let him come to you but it sounds like he wants you back
2007-03-28 09:05:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Wow!!!How weird.If he wants to reconcile with you,reject him.
He is so indecisive.If he loves you,he would not break up with you.Maybe he only wants to talk to an old friend.Maybe he just missed you.Don't think much about this.If you really wants to know what is going on,ask him.He may give you the answer.
2007-03-28 09:13:59
answer #5
answered by fadingoff 2
He's into you, but just not that into you. Read the book. If he likes someone else, you aren't the one... if you aren't the one..don't waste your time being hurt again. There are plenty of men that won't hurt you.
PS. Real men don't play games like this.
2007-03-28 09:06:18
answer #6
answered by kat4noles 2
There'e probably nothing going on. You're reading too much into this. If he likes somebody else , take it as a friendship call.
2007-03-28 09:06:07
answer #7
answered by luckford2004 7
hehe omg he he,,, hey do this hon,, let him recall ya and talk to him for a few moments and then out of shock,,, bring up the subject that your looking for donations for animals needs and your proud to be helping injured animals to see if he cares or not,,, ,, just my tiny idea,, boyssssssss omg,, remember ladies are the brains of life... good luck
2007-03-28 09:08:35
answer #8
answered by wgggn_babyjim 3
he is thinking about you again and wants to talk to you. if he is not still involved, go for it! This could be what you were waiting for :) good luck
2007-03-28 09:05:30
answer #9
answered by memyselfandi 3
i think maybe he misses you and is trying to win you back good luck
2007-03-28 09:03:58
answer #10
answered by i got excitement in my life 2