Acdtually, Oxy IR IS pure like Oxycontin... in fact it's more pure because it comes in a capsule, so there aren't any binders in it. I know, because I take both. It is technically possible to shoot it, but it's a really, really stupid thing to do and very dangerous. If she's re-using needles she could get an infection that could go to her heart, not to mention she could die from an overdose or about a hundred other things could go wrong. She clearly either has an issue with drugs or "thrill seeking" behavior.... tell someone you trust and get her some help. Pain pills like Oxy IR are meant for people who genuinely have pain and need them for relief.
2007-03-29 21:37:00
answer #1
answered by Mandy VZ 4
It is not pure like oxycontin so i wouldnt inject it or anything else unless she needs insulin....Tell her she is off to an never ending life of turmoil and agony if she thinks she can inject meds and get away with is a no win situation....she will die sooner or later or end up in jail too..Tortured Souls-seems like she wants to be one and is self destructive...People like her make it hard for people who have legitimate pain issues. Doctors refuse to precribe pain meds for some people because of other patients abusing their meds!
2007-03-27 19:08:08
answer #2
answered by Katz 2
She'd do less damage if she would shoot herself in the head with Ruger .357 magnum revolver.
If you don't want her to hurt herself tell her not to use the Oxycontin IR...period.
2007-03-27 20:30:13
answer #3
answered by iraq51 7
No! You shouldn't shoot anything unless the doctor or nurse does it for you!
2007-03-27 18:42:19
answer #4
answered by can_you_accept_who_i_m 2
I would suggest drug treatment to her. She will die or live a life of hell if she starts that kinda thing.
2007-03-28 05:08:01
answer #5
answered by renee m 1
give her a'll be faster...
2007-03-27 18:43:11
answer #6
answered by Chrys 7