TRINITY - the coexistence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the unity of the Godhead ( divine nature of essence ). The doctrine of the trinity means that within the being and activity of the one God there are three distinct persons: Father, Son, and a Holy Spirit.
Although the word "Trinity" does not appear in the Bible, the "trinitarian formula" is mentioned int the Great Commission( Matt 28:19 ) and it benediction of the apostle Paul's 2nd Epistle to Corinthians ( 2 Cor 13:14 )
God revealed Himself as one to the Israelites ( Deut 6:4 ). In the New Testament, God revealed that He is not only one but a family of persons -an eternal, inexhaustible, and dynamic triune family of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are one in will and purpose, love and righteousness.
The relationship of Father and Son is prominent in the gospels because Jesus, the eternal Son who takes on human flesh ( John 1:1-...especially 14 ), is most visible to us as He strikes the a responsive chord through the Father-Son relationship. All the while the Holy Spirit is in the background, serving as our eyes of faith ( minsters us ). This Jesus' trinitarian teaching is recorded in John 14-16.
The Father gives all the authority to the Son and bears witness to Him, as does Jesus for Himself ( John 8:18 ) Yet the Son claims nothing for Himself; He gives all the glory to the Father who has sent Him ( John 12:49-50 ). The key to unlocking the mystery of the trinity is to observe how the persons of the triune family give themselves to one another in selfless love. They are always at each other's disposal.
The Father serves the Son, the Son serves the Fater; Father and Son defers to the Holy Spirit, who in turn, serve and defers to the Father and Son in a oneness that is eternally dynamic and exhaustible.
Since God is the original family-in-unity, so Christians are urged by Jesus and the apostles to imitate the divine family in the believing fellowship ,as Jesus taught so clearly when He washed the disciples' feet ( John 13:14-15 ). The principal trait of the triune family is speaking the truth in love: this encourages a spirit of generousity among Christians as they reflect the divine family in calling the lost to come home.
The trinity was at work in the incarnation of Jesus, the Son of Most High, as He was conceivd in the womb of Mary by the power of Holy Spirit ( Luke 1:30-35 ). At His baptism Jesus the Son received the approval from the Father in the presence of the Holy Spirit ( Luke 3:21-22 ), fulfilling 2 OT prophetic passages ( Ps 2:7, Is 42:1 )The Trinity was also present in the temptation, as Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, was led by the Spirit for 40 days in wilderness. The devil recognized Jesus as the Son of God ( Luke 4:3 ), but he tried to destroy the faithful relationship of the divine family.
Following His resurrection, Jesus sent the disciples to baptize " in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit " ( Matt 28:19 ). The fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy as spokesman for the Father and the Holy Spirit ( Acts 1:4-8 ) occured at Pentecost. ( continued throughout the book of Acts ..2:32-33, 5:29-32, 10:38 ).
Paul wrote from a sense of the triune family in Gal, speaking often of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ( Gal 3:13-14, 4:6, 5:5-6, 22-24 ). In Rom he used a 3-fold, trinitarian pattern to descripe the plan of salvation ( Rom 1:18- , 3:20, 3:21-8:1, 8:2-30 ). All the remaning NT books contain trinity teaching except James and 3 John.
This family is the original pattern from which God creates all the families of earth withe their unity and diversity. The family of mankind, after losing its intimate realtionship with the divine family at the Fall, is restored to fellowship by God's action. This happens when its members acknowlede the generousity originating in the Father, expressed by the Son, and energized by the Holy Spirit. : )
2007-03-27 11:48:25
answer #1
answered by SeeTheLight 7
The concept of the Trinity is Scriptural. Jesus' final command to his disciples was to "go and make disciples" of everyone, "baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit". Likewise, at Christ's own baptism, the Trinity appeared. When He came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove, and God the Father spoke audibly, "This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased." They are three manifestations of the same single Godhead. They all have the same personality, and they all think, act and speak alike. They never contradict each other. Therefore, they are "One". Even Christ said, "My Father and I are One."
2007-03-27 11:57:06
answer #2
answered by FUNdie 7
Matthew 28:19
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This refers to the Father-Creator
The son - Savior of all sinners
Holy Spirit- minister
The father created all
The son died on the cross because of the fall of Satan which resulted in the fall of man some time after and the Holy spirit is available to those who believe in the Son and want to know more about God's word, God's son and the plan for their own lives to minister it to you in your stream of consciousness.
Basically the Holy spirit is a spirit that allows all of these things to make sense to the believer.
You can't just read the bible and understand it without the Holy Spirit's guidance.
2007-03-27 11:53:20
answer #3
answered by sassinya 6
One God with three different persons. Essentially, the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit are all one and the same, but the God the Father is in heaven, God the Son, Jesus, came to earth and ascended back to heaven leaving God the Spirit with us.
God communicates in a way so we can understand it. God is not a monster with three heads. God lives in heaven and we know Him as the Father. God came to earth to live amongst us for a season. In order for us to relate to the sacrifice He made, He is known to us then as the son. We can understand what it means to sacrifice a child. It would be the hardest thing ever done. Abraham was asked to do this with his son Isaac. Because God ascended and returned to heaven, He remains with us in Spirit. This we can understand also, because we often tell far away friends and relatives that we may not be there but we will be with them in thoughts.
2007-03-27 11:48:56
answer #4
answered by VW 6
the oneness of god describes the makeup or substance of God..
3 persons share that substance or spiritual makeup
The father is who mankind has always thought of as "God," because for a long time only he revealed himself.....but Jesus and the holy spirit proceed out of him like smaller rivers out of a large lake....the father is the source..when they have accomplished the father's will, they flow back into him
2007-03-27 13:59:16
answer #5
answered by Marianne T 3
Three people in one entity. What is so difficult about that? Explain to me if you're Christiain, how do you worship God and Jesus? Do you worship them in different ways, see one as superior to the other or don't believe in Jesus's divinity? It makes sense to believe in the Trinity.
2007-03-27 11:57:28
answer #6
answered by cynical 6
I have a mind, a body, and a spirit (or soul, if you will). I am not three people. Those three aspects of myself are interdependent.
I believe that is one way I am made in the likeness of God. I am three aspects of one person.
While I may have trouble coordinating the needs of my three "selves", God does not. God is perfectly unified: perfectly One.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are interdependent, and though they are three aspects of the Godhead, they are One.
2007-03-27 12:10:08
answer #7
answered by Contemplative Chanteuse IDK TIRH 7
Yes. As a Roman Catholic, I believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same.
In this case, 1+1+1=1, not 3.
2007-03-27 11:54:34
answer #8
answered by ItsScriptural 3
God has revealed Himself in three persons. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each are God but are manifested (made known or revealed) in three ways. They are the same God, and are fully God. If the mighty and awesome God chooses to reveal Himself in different ways then He is able to do so.
2007-03-27 11:59:29
answer #9
answered by Kat 2
PERHAPS, no one has really explained to you the Real Doctrine of a Triune God, who IS ONE?
Email me and I will explain it to you with Scripture and Explanation.
Thanks, RR
2007-03-27 12:32:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous