only you can decide i YOU can DICIIDE if YOU are READY for SEX b ut i must STRESS you have a 99.9% chance of regreting that you had sex with this guy because you may get a STD or he may NOT be what he expected but i can garantee from EXPERANCE that it WILL BREAK DOWN YOUR RELASHONSHIP because if he is going to have SEX with you what is going to stop him when another WOMAN comes bye that he LIKE or LIKE BETTER to go off and HAVE SEX WITH the next WOMAN that comes BYE
plus it sex hurts for women the first time for them AND YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KNOWS!!!!!!!!WHAT!!!!!!!!!! IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOR!!!!!!!!!!!YOU!!!!!!!!!!!SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!TO!!!!!!!HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET!!!!!!!!!A!!!!!!!!!!!!!STD!!!!!!!!!!OR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DIE!!!!!!!!!YOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GENERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOULD BE A SHAME FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MESS IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!UPNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1WAIT TILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WAIT FOR MARIAGE PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-27 11:08:41
answer #1
answered by loner 2
Think STD and pregnancy. If you want to have a great life don't do it. You will be hurt and have to carry that mistake for life. Wait for the right guy.
He should be looking for girls his age and stay away from statutory rape. Because when he is 18 you will be 14 and he will be in Jail. So don't marry a jail bird. The longer you hang with him the more he will talk you into it. He is a 17yr old predator going after a 13 yr old.
I write about dating. I advise singles to make great friends and when you are ready to make a lifetime comittment, get married and make babies. Otherwise, he will be the father that doesn't want to be and maybe work at a menial job and you will be on food stamps.
Finish Grammer school and HS school and plan on college. Why would you cheat yourself a full life?
This whole thing is not going well already with you sneeking out. Curfew and a messed up life. Take a cold shower and wait until you date about 100 hunks in college and when they are lined up and wanting you because you are a virgin, make them buy you a 5 carat diamond and have them worship the only girl that decided to wait for her soul mate. Then make you choice carefully and believe the one that has a good set of morals. Stay away from the guys that go after little girls you know what they are called.
If he continues to challenge stalk you into sex, call the police. Best of all stay away from him and his friends and chalk it off to experience. If he is the true love, he will wait until he wants to marry you and commit to you. You have to develop into you yet. Take the time you are worth it.
2007-03-27 11:08:19
answer #2
answered by hot wheels 3
ok. I am 20 years old i lost my V when I was 17. Now, Im not trying to tell you no because Im older then you, I do have a younger sister, But I will say this definantly you shouldnt loose it because most of your friends have done. You should want to loose it when you want to and when you are absolutely ready to. I personally think you should wait a little bit longer until you are fully aware of the consequences and your self consciousness. Always remember once its gone its gone.You certainly want to feel comfortable and not pressured. Be smart and make your choices wisely. This is all I can really tell you the rest is up to you sweetie. Always keep in mind that is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Guys will really respect you more in the future. Trust me.
2007-03-27 11:02:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think you are too young. I lost my virginity when I was 14 and I wish I would have waited and I wish someone would have told me to wait. So now I'm telling you to wait. And wait for a guy who is really someone special to you, not just a horny lil 17 year old. And it does not matter if all your friends are doing it, you are more special than that. This is one thing that once you loose it you will never get it back. So think about what I said long and hard and I'm sure you will make the right decision because ultimately it is your choice. good luck
2007-03-27 11:05:49
answer #4
answered by KandiGirl 1
YOU ARE DEFINITELY WAY TO YOUNG. I am 14 and I am waiting until I am married. Not only is it because of my religion, but it's also because it's much safer. There is a far less chance of getting an STD or having a child before I am married and can support it. Have you ever thought of those things? You should definitely wait. Even if you aren't going to wait until marriage at least wait until you are 18. You will definitely regret it if you have sex at this young of an age. I can guarantee that. It is defiantly a bad idea. You don't want to lose your virginity with some guy that you won't even get married to or be with in 2 years. said friend..not even bf. Even if he was your bf it would still be bad. Can either of you support a child. What would you do if you got an STD, because if he wants to have sex with you, you most likely aren't his first.'s illegal for you to have sex with him. If someone found out they could turn him in and he could go to prison. Think before you act...take my advice, you won't regret it if you do.
2007-03-27 11:00:21
answer #5
answered by em<3 6
Look. I know it is probably really hard not to have sex with pressure and the way TV and movies portray it but let me tell you how it really is. I am 21, not some old dude trying to tell you it's dirty. Sex is a beautiful thing, once your old enough. You probably think that it will be something great and wonderful but it wont be. This guy will probably only last about 30 seconds and it will be painful. I am not saying to wait till your married but consider your options. Your only 13 and have years of boys trying to have sex with you. If you do decide to go through with it take absolute care of yourself and use protection(two types if need be). Also if the pain is unbearable tell him to get the hell off you. I hope you make a good decision and wait. Trust me, it will be worth it.
2007-03-27 10:57:05
answer #6
answered by JBaylus20 4
I REALLY dont think thats a good idea.
At 13 u have a lot of growing to do, u will regret this..
He doesnt sound like a good guy, he just said he wants sex with u, if he really respected u he would understand that u are younger than him and tell u that its ok to wait. Then let u decide what u want to do properly. But all he said was he wants sex! Sounds like a typical 17 year old boy who doesnt care as long as he gets his leg over.....
Dont have sex until u are over 16, in a long term relationship and IN LOVE!
Hope this helps x
2007-03-27 10:55:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ever heard of jailbait? seriously, if you two get caught, he could be sent to jail for having sex with you!!!
Be wise and look for the right guy-- Not a guy who asks you to sneak out at 3 in the morning and defy your family. You are quality, and this guy sounds like he's been around the block and experienced a little too much. If you give in to something as special as your virginity, then what else?? drugs? felony acts?
These guys are using you because you're impressionable. If you don't give in, most certainly he will find some other 13-year old to impregnate. Most girls I know who lose it that when they are that young are still having problems with guys, and they're 23, unmarried, and at least half of them have children. And, when you're that age, no guy wants to settle with a girl with alot of baggage. This is the truth, believe it.
If you don't want to be like that in ten years, then don't give in. Treat your body as something special, don't let these 16-year old delinquents abuse it. Take care of yourself, and save it for someone special who won't pressure you into having sex until you're ready.
2007-03-27 11:07:05
answer #8
answered by josefa 3
This one is a no-brainer. If you ever have to do anything that requires you to sneak around, you KNOW it's not the right thing to do. I know you've heard it before, and you'll likely hear it again, but listen to the people that raised you and love you. They are the ones that care for you and look out for you, not some 17 year old who thinks he's a big deal, but really isn't . You'll regret it forever if you do what he wants. Be smart, save the important stuff for when you are older and wiser. If he doesn't want to see you anymore when you tell him NO, he didn't want you to begin with.
2007-03-27 11:00:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I definitely would not have sex with him..just because you are so young and you guys aren't even dating are you? Like I am a freshmen in college and i lost my v-card my senior year!! I regret that because i wasn't with the person..I think your first time should be special and also lots of boys at that age are just trying to get some and I also wouldn't because it is a lot to risk at such a young age like getting pregnant because you are so young and so much that some of your age has yet to achieve!!!good luck i hope you choose what is right for you!!! If you do feel like you want to have sex just make sure you have a condom because guys don't always carry them!!!
2007-03-27 11:02:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
fck him you dont need to lose sh!t with him your just going to end up regretting it and he'll never call you again trust me very very bad idea dont be like your friends if they were really your friends they wouldnt pressure you to have sex with some guy you dont really know...who knows he might be a rapist and at 13 what on earth where are your parents im 16 and im not butt wildly having sex with random guys i have my morals straight and as should you dont ever do anything because everyone else is doing it if i were that way i would be a drug addicted lesbian thats why my mom cracks the whip
2007-03-27 10:56:14
answer #11
answered by gigi 3