I think they just want a big father figure to look up to- need guidance because they don't know what to do without it
2007-03-27 09:47:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
People believe in God because its human nature to want to know where we come from or to have something after death. There has been religion all throughout time and all across the world so what do bible thumpers say about them? What makes Christianity better than any other religion? As we have made scientific process throughout the past years, evidence gets further and further from God. To you people who believe based just on "faith": well you can have faith in anything, that doesnt mean its real. If you wouldn't have been raised Christian in this society, odds are you wouldnt be Christian today. Religous freaks turn every good fortune into a miracle and every bad one into a test or something of the sort. Take a step back and look at what you 'believe' in every once in a while.
Religion is not all bad however. We have to remember that it has kept some people in line. Some people believe that morals are religion. without religion there are no morals. However scientific evidence has proven moral development takes place in all societies and all religions or the absence(kohlbergs theory of moral development).
Religion is still used to explain what we don't understand. The problem comes in when people get so mixed up in it. If you wanted to study psychology, would you study it based on one book? Or books that are based on that book? No, you would go and research it from all angles. same with religion, we should not only use one book, however view it from multiple cultures and viewpoints. The bible that you read contains only 30% of the orignal scrolls. The bible has also been edited so many times that its no where near the orignal, yet people still believe whole heartedly in it! In the past 2000 years, everything has changed yet we still try to follow the same book written back then! Its a sad world that our entire system is ran off of religion because people are too lazy, ignorant, and uniform to follow their own beliefs.
2007-03-27 10:04:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are making a common logical mistake. The underlying assumption you are making is that the only meaningful ideas are those that can be "proven"--that is, which can be verified by empirical observation. You are also equating "Christianity" (organized) with spiritual belif, when in fact there are a lot of aspects of this particular branch of human beliefs/thought which have little to do with Christianity--or any organized religion, in some cases.
But that basic assumption is demostrably false. Take "morality"--values. You may be able to demonstrate the effects of putting a particular value (say, slavery v. freedom) into practice--but you cannot say whether one or the other is morally "good" or "bad." The same is true of any value judgement. But such beliefs are essential--we not only need them, we CAN'T avout them.
The concept of God--or, more broadly, of a "spiritual" dimension to existance--falls into the category of ideas which cannot, even in principle, be shown to be "true" or "false" by empirical methods(about the only way that could happen is if God in fact DID put in an appearance!).
But the underlying concept--of a spiritual component of reality--of our consciousness/existance having some signifigance beyond simple survival--isn't invalid--or irrational--and is a central component of all philosophy.
And--when people are born, grow up, and learn, we are all faced with such questions. Some choose one set of beliefs, some others. And there is nothing irrational per se about opting for a belief system such as Christianity (granted, some of its adherants are irrational, but that's true ofevery belief system--including atheism) that has stood the test of time for 2 millenia. That it has that much staying power is, at the very least, suggests there are some ideas and values that prove workable in practice. Which is more than you can say for some belief systems.
2007-03-27 10:00:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well that is sort of the beauty of religion. No one has ever really had solid proof of God, but faith runs so deep that it doesn't matter. It's so optomistic and romantic. But, then again, I'm an athiest, so what do I know?
People believe if it helps them. I can understand why it would be easier to get up everyday if you felt like there was some greater purpose or goal. Whatever gets you through the day- better God than crack.
2007-03-27 09:50:12
answer #4
answered by Erin 2
You are utterly mistaken.
I, and millions of others, have the proof not only of God´s existence but also of His love and daily care towards us.
If you don´t have it, it is because your perception level is very low.
Just like a deaf cannot hear a marvellous song and says other people are crazy to say they hear something.
He (God) wants you to hear Him, to feel this wondrous love.
Just ask Him to increase your perception level and I am sure He will.
I was deaf and blind some time ago, and now I hear and see.
If by "a book that some priest rewrote..." you mean the Bible, you should study the many scientific works about when, how, who, etc. wrote it and, may be , visit the "House of the Book" in Israel...
2007-03-27 14:24:32
answer #5
answered by Vovó (Grandma) 7
What kind of proof are you looking for? If you're expecting a big miracle it's coming. but, there are a lot of little miracles taking place daily. If you got out of bed this morning that is a miracle, God does not guarantee us tomorrow. I've been over a cliff in a car and survived. Poisoned by chlorine gas and lived. In an explosion and only shaken up. I have nearly drowned twice and both times God interceded. I spent a year in combat, shot at but never hit. If you ask me I am certain God exist and he has shown me that he is around on more than one occasion. Each sun rise and sun set tells me God still is and always will be.
People still believe because they too have experienced God in their lives. Instead of saying God does not exist or God is dead, Look around and come to believe, you'll soon be one of those who does know God is real.
2007-03-27 09:53:27
answer #6
answered by CheryllDianne 3
It is called faith. Faith is regarded as a gift. As far as proof, I would find it hard not to believe in a higher being looking at the Earth from the Hubble on a high definition TV. Are you claiming everything just "happened". That is very intelligent theory.
2007-03-27 09:46:13
answer #7
answered by Boss M 1
Religion and following God isn't about proof. It is about Faith, after all the father of Judiasm and Christianity Abraham, that is what he was known for. He didn't have near the answer we do, but he chose because of faith. Jesus said blessed are those who do not see, and believe. We are blessed to believe . And there is enough evidence for the bible to say no man will be with excuse
2007-03-27 09:45:56
answer #8
answered by Zach Brue 1
You obviously have no idea what FAITH means. No concrete evidence is needed. Concerts aren't required either :-)
However, I do feel very sorry for you. You see no evidence of God anywhere? How awful for you.
I see and hear and know of God's presence every day. It's in the sunrise and sunset. It's in a baby's cry. A rainbow. A bird's song. A mother's lullaby. The miracle of birth. A successful surgery. The songs of a choir. The majesty of a mountain. The power of a river. The joy and the heartache of mankind.
2007-03-27 09:44:56
answer #9
answered by kja63 7
people believe because 2,000 yrs ago God proved His love for us- His resurrection should be proof enough that He is Lord- you yourself said there was proof then. If you did not think this really happened you would have said where is the proof anywhere. There will be proof when Revelation becomes a reality- when Jesus comes the second time He will be KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!
2007-03-27 12:35:21
answer #10
answered by AdoreHim 7
Some people just need to believe in something I guess. Not me- and I have a lot of joy in my life WITHOUT God, thankyouverymuch. If there is a God, I would like to meet it before I waste my time worrying about it.
2007-03-27 09:53:32
answer #11
answered by Awesome-O 3