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A question that calls for intelligent debate! If those who follow religions to its roots practice the above traits of character should there be any place for terror, violence and hatred? The message ‘Love thy neighbor’ if accepted in toto is the first link of the chain that is religion that extends till the end and all the essential contributes to religion are compressed in it. But do we practice it in our life? Many, not all who swear by religion!

2007-03-27 09:24:00 · 6 answers · asked by Nimit 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

6 answers

Fanatics do not know the true religion to its depth.They are used by the selfish and shrewed people to serve their ulterior motives to harm the humanity.

2007-04-01 02:19:02 · answer #1 · answered by laxmi kumar n 6 · 0 0

When Jesus told us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves he did not place any conditions on this commandments. The problem with human sin is, however, that sin puts conditions on everything. The love of God is unconditional, but humans must always have conditions in order to accept or practice anything. This is because of the self-righteousness that infects us. We have been taught by the ways of the world that we must always bargain for everything, that to just accept something as it is is weakness and foolishness. If a man has a product for sale that I want to buy, then I should pay his price or look elsewhere. To stand around and haggle is a waste of time. If he has the only one available, then I pay his price or do without. People want to make deals with God, telling God, "Well, if you do such and such for me,then I will do such and such for you." We are all guilty of this, but such conduct comes with a heavy price---we always get less than what we bargained for, and would have gotten everything we wanted had we just accepted God's terms without trying to make a deal. God knows what we need before we ask for it. On Judgment Day there will be billions of disappointed people when God tells them, "I do not know you. Prepare for the devil and his angels."

2007-04-04 13:48:07 · answer #2 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

Yes we don't practice it in our life, if at all some do it, they are negligible. No Religion permits to hate, and you know in Indian "Hindu" mythology it is said "Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam" meanig not only human beings every habitate on the Earth is one family.
You have pened the magor charecteristics of Religion to which I add one i.e. Patience. Tolerance incurrages one to do wrong where as patience creats the path for correcting.

All can be achieved by literacy in every field of life. Nature knows only production, equation & distrution (I have put these in sequence of tthier occurence) We, since bigening, had civilised ourself by researching these natuer's act and before the achievement (achievement could be gained by a few and the teaching of them only would continue to remain to fllow) itself we are not only diverting but destroying also the researched civilised method of production, the first act of nature. Further more we not only insist but mostly enjoying productive act of nature in irts' natural form where as strengly researching more and more on "Equation & Distruction" for civilisation. How it is possible to take ahead further steps without taking the first one.
To start with civilisation, after acertaing food, cloth & shelter, we had surrendered our natural sexual (productive) duty (I say duty not right because duty is the mother of rights) to society (learned personnel) to regulate it in other than in its' natural way (which were carried out mostly by the mighty ones). The marraiges have become self right and each youth do not want hinderence in it and it is becoming more a social contract than social boundation. How do you expect the results, of this prtoductive act, as exelent "Religion is also one out of those because the produce out of marraige only are practice it" once the bigening itself is against social rule ! We have already diverted more from civilised path of natural produtive act. Prodoctive field itself is prepared for production in an hatred invoirnament the poduction ought to be element of terror. We all are flowing in the stream of a currupt sea awaiting Bramhastra, from unknown "YUG PURUSH" of vasudhaiv Kutumbkam which will get dry this currupt sea bringing out the tre personnel.

2007-03-28 04:28:07 · answer #3 · answered by kbn_25 4 · 0 0

Just love and forget all about.
U will serve the world better!
U will make the plannet heaven!
U will know and enjoy the life!
No ligic, no philosophy will help.
Just love! Know and have the godliness!
This is a beauty of life baki sub baqwaas!

2007-03-27 19:28:07 · answer #4 · answered by laloo 2 · 0 0

I think this is the base of most religion. I am sad that only a few of us follow this,
My violin teacher is a nun and she is 82 This is how she describes her religion, my main supplier is Muslim and he summerises his practice in these words,
I am Hindu this is what i follow always
So don't you think most of the religions are based on these few principal. Problems arise when we try to impose our methods of practising these principals.

2007-03-27 18:19:43 · answer #5 · answered by Chattur Maina 2 · 0 0

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most merciful.
you have brought out a very good subject for discussion and we hope that it becomes an eye opener to rational minds who
ignore the basic tenents of religions and falsify their concepts
to agree with their own whims and desires.Love,Brotherhood,
Charity, Tolerance are all essential parts of every Major
religion,but its practical implementation is disfigured by false
doctrines and concepts that takes the learned mind away from the truth.
Let me inform you what the real Islam has to say about these
issues that are the essence of Humanity.In todays world these
very concepts have turned into problems that Face humanity
without any answers, comming from those who preach love
and peace, But Islam on the other hand has practical solutions to put these blessed concepts into practice and
achieve results.But out of arrogance and ignorance people
just do not want to give themselves the chance to learn what
the truth about Islam really is.

LOVE; Islam teaches us that a Human cannot taste the
sweetness of faith unless he loves his Creator the one and only one God almighty, and His Messenger Muhammad [peace be on him ] more than anything else in this world.When you love your lord you want to do everything that
pleases Him and He will love you in return and guide you to
the straight path and forgive you your sins.
The next in line to recieve love is your parents.The Quran tells
the Muslims to love their parents and take care of them especially in their old age and it is a sin on any Muslim if he disobeys his parents or even utters a word of disagreement.
Now you may say that even Christianity preaches the same
But in practice the children of the western and european
countries in the guise of independence dessert theit parents
as soom as they are able to stand on their two feet.and old
age homes are are filled with mothers and fathers who have
no one to take care of them, or for some it is a matter of convienence to leave their old parents in these Homes.Islam
Forbids Home for the Ageds and there fore there are no Islamic or Muslim Homes for the Aged.Is this not a practical
demonstration By Islam.?
Love Thy neighbour is a very good Slogan of Many Religions
but where is the practical demonstration or Advice for it.Islam
places great Importance on the love and rights of the neighbour,Did you hear this before?The prophet of Islam told
us that the neighbour has so many rights which you have to
fuilfill that he would even be entitled to part of your property in
the true sense,Out prophet defined our neighbours as 40
house around us and warned that No Muslim can consider
himself to be a Muslim if he sleeps with his stomach Full and
his neighbour goes hungry.Beautiful is it not from a man whom you all want to potray as evil.

BROTHERHOOD; Islam is the only religion that emphasis this
espect and enjoines it followers to demonstrate it.Brotherhood in Isalm is built around this beautiful words of
our beloved Prophet Muhammad [ peace and blessing be on
YOURSELVES''. Every day a muslim is reguired to Go five
times a day to the mosque where he stands shoulder to
shoulder with his muslim brother and no barriers of Race, caste, position , status can come in the way.This Brotherhood
increase on Fridays in our Jummah prayers,enlarges on the
festivals of the two IEDS where even women and children are
recommended to Gather together and the epitome of
brother hood reaches it peak During the yearly Pilgrimage of
Hajj wher Muslims more than 3 million Muslims from all over
the world come together in a 2 pieces of cloth where you cannot distinquish a beggar from a rich man and no barriers
of Cast , colour or Race are present this is universal brotherhood at its peak.!Practised in Islam.If any Muslim is
Suffering or in pain the entire Muslim community should feel
the effects this is the brotherhood of Islam.

CHARITY: Today as we look around us we see The rich enjoying the luxuries of life while the poor are starving to
death sickness and hunger is rampant in so many countries
Billions and Billions of Dollars are spent on wars with other
countries in the name of Terrorism , while the silent Killers
of hunger and sickness are destroying nations and no one
wants to do anything about it except giving out a few handouts
ISLAM has a practical solution to this problem.Islam enjoines its followers to give in charity as it washes away sins
as water washes away Dirt.Islam has made charity [ Zakat]
compulsory on its followers.Every Muslim who has a saving
in gold or cash that has completed one year in his possession , the amount that exceeds 85 grams of Gold has
to pay a yearly sum of 2.5 % to the poor and the needy. He is
warned of a horrible punishment if he delays or fails to pay
this charity.Now tell me if every one adoupts this approach
and every rich person pays a yearly amount of 2.5% from his
wealth towards the poor and the needy poverty will be erridicated from the face of the earth,But no one except Islam wants this to happen because the poor are always available
to be exploited.

TOLERANCE;One of the meanings of Islam is peace and it
enjoins upon its followers to be at peace with themselves/with
their neighbours and society.Patience and Tolerance is one
of the great characteristics that a Muslim should posess.Islam
is a way of life and a Muslim has to deal justly with all types of
situatations that he comes across .The Quran advices the
Muslim never to defile any religion or Gods that people of
other religions worship so that they in turn do not defile ALLAH the almighty in their ignorance.That is why we take so
much of criticism from you all but we try to explain with wisdom and knowledge and a Muslim never Defles other
religions or Joke about their Idols and gods that they worship
and most of all we Muslims never speak a ill of Jesus Peace be on him] Like so many of you do against the prophet Of
Islam [peace be on him ]We always try to present the truth in
the best possible way.Practise is not by words but by deeds.

2007-03-28 11:49:07 · answer #6 · answered by sonu 5 · 0 0

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