All of my pets have the Avid microchip.
2 of my cats and my dog got the chip at preventive care visits, unsedated. They winced but got over it quickly. The others got the chip while they were under sedation getting dental cleanings (I think getting under sedation is best, unless it will be a long time before your cat needs to be sedated for anything). Even though the cats are indoor-only, I wanted to be sure that they have a permanent method of ID in case the unthinkable happens and they get out. I've heard of people who've had cats let out by repair workers, burglars, or visiting friends, and cats who escaped from a house because of a fire, major storms that caused damage to the home, a tree falling on a house, etc., so you never know.
Fortunately, my cats have never gotten out, but I feel better knowing they can be identified if anything happens. If they get out and get picked up by animal control, having a microchip might save their life.
2007-03-27 08:35:30
answer #1
answered by Bess2002 5
Yes, I have inserted many myself in the 7 years I've been a vet tech. Not sure what you need to know, but here's the skinny:
They are effective for locating lost pets. IF the pet is scanned at the pound, shelter, or vet's office it ends up at.
If you have an indoor-only cat, save your money, unless he or she is an escape artist. If someone comes in and steals your cat, chances are he/she is not going to be scanned by the thief and returned to you. Some folks with purebreds like to do this for safety reasons (purebreds are most often stolen).
They do work. I have seen instances where someone brings in a stray cat they've found and we scan it just for S&Gs, and we get a reading, and find the original owner.
It's best to do while they are under anesthesia, like during a spay or neuter, or even a dental or mass removal. The needle is HUGE and it HURTS. Trust me!
If you have any other questions, contact your vet or the AVID company for answers.
2007-03-27 15:06:07
answer #2
answered by Zombiephile 2
I have two shelter cats that have them. One has had hers for 6 yrs now the other for 2. They are great. I have never lost my cats yet but the peace of mind is great. They have never had any side effects or anything from it.
2007-03-27 15:08:55
answer #3
answered by Cheyenne 4